Chapter 4 Statistics Class 11 Notes

Important Notes of complete Chapter 4 Statistics Class 11 Notes written by Professor Mr. Faraz Qasir Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of Chapter 4 Statistics Class 11 Notes for the students of the intermediate and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Our comprehensive class 11 statistics chapter 4 solutions will ensure you're fully prepared for your exams.
  • Write any two advantages of the range
  • What are the demerits of range?
  • Define relative dispersion.
  • Don't miss out on these free and reliable class 11 economics statistics chapter 4 notes study materials for your exams.
  • What is quartile deviation?
  • Write down the merits of quartile deviation. 
  • Write down the demerits of quartile deviation.
  • Ace your exams with these easy-to-follow class 11 statistics chapter 4 notes.
  • Define mean deviation 
  • Properties of mean deviation.
  • Write down the merits of mean deviation.
  • Write down the demerits of mean deviation. 
  • By Reading class 11 statistics chapter 4 notes pdf explore detailed explanations and examples to enhance your understanding.
  • Write any two properties of standard deviation.
  • Give two properties of variance.
  • Given that mean = 156.17, median = 153.50 and standard deviation = 19.03. Calculate coefficient of skewness. 
  • What is the use of coefficient of variation?
  • These class 11 chapter 4 statistics notes are perfect for quick revisions before your exams.
  • What do you say about the relative dispersion of 5, 5, 5 and 5?
  • If S 2 = 36 and X = 18, what is coefficient of variation?
  • If variance of the value of โ€˜Xโ€™ is 25, what is the standard deviation of X?
  • Make your study time more effective with these well-organized class 11 statistics chapter 4 important questions with answers.
  • If S.D(X) = 10, then find the standard deviation of 5X?
  • What is meant by symmetry? 
  • What are the types of measures of dispersion?
  • These class 11 statistics chapter 4 questions and answers are perfect for quick revisions before your exams.
  • Define the term variance. 
  • For a symmetrical distribution S.D. = 2. What is value of 4th moment about mean for mesokurtic data?
  • What do you know about kurtosis?
  • Make your study time more effective with these well-organized statistics chapter 4 class 11 notes.
  • If b2 = 3 and m4 = 1875, then what will be the standard deviation?
  • What is meant by absolute dispersion?
  • Write four measures of relative dispersion. 
  • Stay ahead of your peers by using these thorough and well-structured statistics for economics class 11 chapter 4 notes.
  • Write down the Bowleyโ€™s and Karl Pearsonโ€™s formula of coefficient of skewness. 
  • Calculate lower quartile from the given data: 13, 3, 7, 15, 17, 5, 23
  • Compute coefficient of quartile deviation if ๐‘ธ๐Ÿ = ๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ. ๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ and ๐‘ธ๐Ÿ‘ = ๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ–. ๐Ÿ
  • Get access to high-quality statistics for economics class 11 chapter 4 notes pdf download that cover all the important topics.
  • Define standard deviation.
  • What is meant by dispersion?
  • Define measure of dispersion. 
  • What is the range of Bowleyโ€™s coefficient of skewness?
  • Download the statistics class 11 chapter 4 exercise today and start your exam preparation without any hassle.
  • What are the measures of absolute dispersion? 
  • S.D. of a distribution is 4. Find second moment about mean. 
  • These class 11 statistics chapter 4 exercise solutions are designed to simplify your study sessions.
  • Introduction to Measure of Dispersion: The measure of central tendency does not tell us any thing about the spread of the values in a set, because any two sets with vast difference in magnitude of their variability may have the same central tendency. Look at the following two data sets:
  • Data set a: 8,7,5,8,6 Data set b: 1, 4, 7, 10, 12
  • These two data sets have same mean 6.8 but differ in their variations from the central value. There is more variation in the date set b as compared to the data set a. This illustrates the fact that measure of central tendency is not sufficient.
  • To give a sensible description of data, a numerical quantity called measure of dispersion or variability that describes the spread of the values in a set of data is required.
  • You can also download the class 11 statistics chapter 4 important questions for free.
  • Two types of measures of dispersion or variability are defined:
  • i) Absolute measures         ii) Relative measures
  • The absolute measures are defined in such a way that they have units (meters, grams etc) same as those of the original measurements, whereas the relative measures have no units as these are ratios.
  • Here are the detailed class 11th statistics chapter 4 important questions to help you prepare for your exams.
  • The most common measures of absolute variability are:
  • a) Range                b) Quartile Deviation               c) Mean Deviation             d) Variance          e) Standard Deviation
  • These are also called measures of dispersion or measures of spread.
  • The relative measures are discussed in article 4.2

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