Chapter 10 Physics Class 11 Notes

Important Easy to understand Chapter 10 Physics Class 11 Notes Optical Instruments written by Professor Mr. Asad Abbas Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of chapter 10 physics class 11 short questions for students of the 11th class and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab Book Boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Very Important Multiple Choice Questions chapter 10 physics class 11 mcqs with Answers of the Chapter No. 10: Optical Instruments in 1st Year Physics Punjab Book Boards.
  • Important chapter 10 physics class 11 important questions from Punjab Textbook.
  • Definition of Optical instruments with examples.
  • Definition of Visual angle.
  • Definition of Least distance of distinct vision/ near point.
  • Important chapter 10 physics class 11 numericals from Punjab Textbook.
  • Definition of Linear magnification with formula.
  • Definition of Angular magnification with formula.
  • Definition of Resolving power of an instrument.
  • Definition of Formulas of resolving power with formulas.
  • What is Simple microscope? Give Working principle and magnification?
  • Important chapter 10 physics class 11 exercise solutions from Punjab Textbook.
  • Definition of Simple microscope and Working principle of simple microscope and Magnification of simple microscope.
  • What is Compound microscope? Give Working principle and magnification?
  • Definition of Compound microscope and Principle of compound microscope and Magnification of compound microscope.
  • Astronomical telescope? Give Working principle and magnification?
  • Definition of astronomical telescope and Principle of astronomical telescope and Magnification of astronomical telescope
  • Important chapter 10 physics class 11 exercise from Punjab Textbook.
  • What is Spectrometer? Give its three parts.
  • Definition of  Spectrometer and Name of its parts and Function of collimator and Uses of spectrometer.
  • Give Michelson formula for Speed of light.
  • What is Optical fiber? Give advantages and principle.
  • What is Principle of propagation through fiber optics?
  • Important from chapter 10 physics class 11 conceptual questions Punjab Textbook.
  • Total internal reflection
  • What is Critical angle?
  • What is Refractive index?
  • State Snell’s law?
  • Calculate the value of critical angle for glass air boundary
  • State Conditions for total internal reflection?
  • What is Continuous refraction?
  • Give the Name of types of optical fiber?
  • What is Single mode step index fiber?
  • What is Multimode step index fiber?
  • What is Multimode graded index fiber? 
  • Explain Components of fiber optic communication system.
  • What are the power losses in fiber optics?
  • How Power lost by scattering and absorption in fiber optics?
  • Give Time difference in step index fiber.
  • What do you understand by linear magnification and angular magnification? Explain how a convex lens is used as a magnifier?
  • Explain the difference between angular magnification and resolving power of an optical instrument. What limits the magnification of an optical instrument?
  • Why would it be advantageous to use blue light with a compound microscope?
  • One can buy a cheap microscope for use by the children. The image seen in such a microscope have colored edges. Why is this so?
  • Describe with the help of diagrams, how (a) a single biconvex lens can be used as a magnifying glass. (b) Biconvex lenses can be arranged to form a microscope
  • If a person were looking through a telescope at the full moon, how would the appearance of the moon be changed by covering half of the objective lens?
  • A magnifying glass gives a five times enlarged image at a distance of 25 cm from the lens. Find, by ray diagram, the focal length of the lens.
  • Draw sketches showing the different light paths through a single-mode and multimode fiber. Why is the single-mode fiber preferred in telecommunications?  
  • How the light signal is transmitted through the optical fiber?
  • How the power is lost in optical fiber through dispersion? Explain. 

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