Ch 6 Chemistry Class 11 Notes
Important Complete Computerized Ch 6 Chemistry Class 11 Notes written by Honorable Professor Mr. Faraz Qadir Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of Chemical Bonding of Ch 6 Chemistry Class 11 Notes for the students of the intermediate and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.
Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
- What is octet rule? Give two examples of compounds which deviate from it.
- Define chemical bond. Give examples.
- Bond distance is the compromise distance. Justify.
- The compromise distance between the two bonded hydrogen atoms is 75.4 pm.
- Define Atomic Radius: The atomic radius means the average distance between the nucleus of the atom and its
outermost electronic shell.
- Why atomic radii cannot be determined accurately?
- Give trend of atomic radii in the periodic table.
- Define ionic radius.
- Why the radius of Cl ion increases from 99 pm to 181 pm OR Why the ionic radius is
greater than atomic radius?
- No Bond in Chemistry is 100 Ionic. Justify. For a compound to be 100% ionic the electronegativity difference between the
elements must be 4.0. So, no bond in chemistry is 100% ionic in nature. Highest ionic
characters are present in CsF because Cesium is least electronegative and fluorine is most
electronegative element. Difference of electronegativity is 4 – 0.7 = 3.3. Cesium fluoride is
92% ionic and has 8% covalent character in it. NaCl is 72% ionic and 28% covalent.
- Define ionization energy. Give an example.
- Give the trend of ionization energy in the periodic table.
- Mention the factors affecting ionization energy.
- Ionization energy is an index to the metallic character. Justify.
- Define electron affinity. Give an example.
- Give the trend of electron affinity in the periodic table.
- Define electronegativity. Give an example.
- Give the trend of electronegativity in the periodic table.
- Define ionic bond. Give an example.
- Why is the radius of cation smaller than its parent atom?
- How electronegativity helps us to understand nature of bonds?
- Define non-polar covalent bond. Give an example.
- Define polar covalent bond. Give an example.
- Define coordinate covalent bond. Give an example.
- Distinction between covalent and coordinate covalent bond vanishes after bond
formation. Justify.
- Differentiate between covalent bond and coordinate covalent bond.
- What are oxonium ions? Give an example.
- How NH4
ion is formed?
- What is the basic assumption of VSEPR theory?
- Why the non-bonding electron pairs occupy more space than the bonding
- Mention the magnitude of repulsions between the electron pairs in a given
- Why multiple bonds are considered as single bond in VSEPR theory?
- Explain AB2 type molecules according to VSEPR theory.
- Explain AB4 type molecules with no lone pairs.
- Explain AB4 type molecules with two lone pairs and two bond pairs.
- Write two points of Valence bond theory.
- How hydrogen molecule is formed according to VBT?
- How hydrogen fluoride molecule is formed according to VBT?
- How fluorine molecule is formed according to VBT?
- Discuss structure of methane according to sp3
(Similar question may be asked for
ammonia and water)
- Explain structure of ethene (ethylene) according to hybridization.
- What is the difference between VBT and MOT?
- Define bond order. Give an example.
- Differentiate between hybrid orbital and molecular orbital?
- Why the abnormality of bond length and bond strength in HI is less prominent than
that of HCl.
- How the percentage of ionic character of covalent bond is determined by Dipole
- Why the lone pairs of electrons occupy more space than bond pairs?
- Why ionic compounds do not show the phenomenon of isomerism, but covalent
compounds do?
- How the type of bonding affects the solubility of compounds.
- How Pauling calculated inter-ionic radii?
- How the covalent radius of bonded atoms can be calculated?