Ch 2 English Class 11

Important Questions with their answers to Ch 2 English Class 11 written by Professor Mr. Feroz Khan Suib. These computerized questions with their answers are very helpful in the preparation of the lesson class 11 english ch 2 short question answer and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Important ch 2 english class 11 notes from Punjab Textbook. "Oh, no, no," he said as he began to climb the second bluff that lifted abruptly from the flat toward the sky. The pines on top of the mountain above us looked as if the fingers of their long boughs were fondling the substance of a white cloud. Whatever my father wanted me to see was on top of the highest point of my farm. And with the exception of the last three years, I had been over this point many times. I had never seen anything extraordinary upon this high point of rugged land. I had seen the beauty of many wild flowers, a few rock cliffs, and many species of hard and soft-wood trees.
"Why do you take the path straight up the point?" I asked. "Look at these other paths! What are they doing here?"
Within the distance of a few yards, several paths left the main path and circled around the slope, gradually climbing the mountain.
"All paths go to the same place," he answered.
"Then why do you take the steep one?" I asked.
"I'll explain later," he spoke with half-breaths.
Important ch 2 english class 11 summary from Punjab Textbook.
He rested a minute to catch his second wind while I managed to stand on the path by holding to a little sapling, because it was too steep for my feet to hold unless I braced myself.
Then my father started to move slowly up the path again, supporting himself with his cane. I followed at his heels. Just a few steps in front of him a fox squirrel crossed the path and ran up a hickory tree.
Important ch 2 english class 11 important questions from Punjab Textbook.
"See that, Jess!" he shouted.
"Yes, I did," I answered.
"That brings back something to me," he said, "brings back the old days to see a fox squirrel but this won't bring back as much as something I'm goin' to show you."
My curiosity was aroused. I thought he had found a new kind of wild grass, or an unfamiliar herb, or a new kind of tree. For I remembered the time he had found a coffee tree in our woods. It is, as far as I know, the only one of its kind growing in our country.
Only twice did my father stop to wipe the sweat from his eyes as he climbed the second steep bluff toward the fingers of the pines. We reached the limbless trunks of these tall straight pines whose branches reached toward the blue depth of the sky, or the white cloud was now gone. I saw a clearing, a small clearing of not more than three-fourths of an acre in the heart of this wilderness right on the mountain top. Important ch 2 english class 11 extra questions from Punjab Textbook.
"Now, you're comin' to something, son," he said as he pushed down the top wire so he could cross the fence. "This is something I want you to see!"
"Who did this?" I asked. "Who cleared this land and fenced it? Fenced it against what?"
"Stray cattle if they ever get out of the pasture," he answered me curtly. "I cleared this land. And I fenced it!"
"But why did you ever climb to this mountain top and do this?" I asked him. "Look at the fertile land we have in the valley!"

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Important ch 2 english class 11 question answer from Punjab Textbook.
  • Why didn’t the old man follow the advice of the doctors?
  • What had the doctors told the old man?
  • Where did the old man take his son?
  • Had the son ever been there before?  
  • What were the names of vegetables the old man grew on his farm?
  • Why did the old man take the steep path?
  • Why did the son at the age of six cry?
  • What were the feelings of the old man at the age of seventy?
  • Why had the old man planted his secret garden?
  • Why did the writer's father want him to visit the fertile clearing? 
  • How did the old man prove his doctors wrong in 'Clearing in the Sky'? 

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