Biology MCQs Class 12

Very Important full book Biology MCQs Class 12 written by Honorable Professor Mr. Adnan Haider Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of Biology MCQs Class 12 for the students of the intermediate and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Important Biology mcqs class 12 pdf for Intermediate part-II students.
  • Important Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) of every chapter of Biology Class 12.
  • You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C and D. The choice which you think is correct.
  • 1. This type of wood is most resistant to decay and insect attack:  (A) Heart wood  (B) Sapwood  (C) Cork  (D) Bark
  • Important class 12 biology mcqs for Intermediate part-II students.
  • 2. The sclerenchyma has thick secondary walls usually impregnated with:  (A) Chitin  (B) Pectin  (C) Silica  (D) Lignin
  • 3. The movement in response to stimulus of touch i.e. Climbing vines is called:  (A) Hydrotropism  (B) Thigmotropism  (C) Phototropism  (D) Geotropism
  • Important class 12 biology mcqs  pdf for Intermediate part-II students.
  • 4. Haptonastic movements occur in response to:  (A) Contact  (B) Chemical  (C) Temperature  (D) Water
  • 5. Action of the Venus fly trap is:  (A) Nyctinasty  (B) Photonasty  (C) Haptonasty  (D) Thermonasty
  • Important 12 class biology mcqs for Intermediate part-II students.
  • 6. Movement shown by sperms of liver worts, mosses and forns towards archegonia is a:  (A) Chemotactic movement  (B) Photoactic movement  (C) Chemotropic movement  (D) Phototropic movement
  • 7. Which bone provide attachment site for muscle:  (A) Compact bone  (B) Spongy bone  (C) Soft bone  (D) Cartilage
  • Important 12 class biology mcqs pdf for Intermediate part-II students.
  • 8. The process of moulting is controlled by the nervous system and a hormone called:  (A) Aldosteron  (B) Androgen  (C) Ecdysone  (D) Oxytocin
  • 9. Mature bone cells are called as:  (A) Osteocytes  (B) Osteoblasts  (C) Chondrocytes  (D) Blastocytes
  • Important 12th biology mcqs for Intermediate part-II students.
  • 10. Define Cartilage. What are two types of cartilage?  (A) Humerus  (B) Femus  (C) Tibia (D) Rib
  • 11. The number of cervical vertebrae is:  (A) 07  (B) 12  (C) 33  (D) 22
  • 12. The fusion of four posterior vertebrae presents in the pelvic region form:  (A) Sacrum  (B) Lumbar  (C) Coccyx  (D) Chest cage
  • Important 12th ncert biology mcqs for Intermediate part-II students.
  • 13. All of the following bones are associated with coxal bones, except:  (A) Ilium  (B) Ischium  (C) Pubis  (D) Clavicle
  • 14. The joints that allow movement in several directions is called:  (A) Fibrous Joint  (B) Synovial Joint  (C) Hinge Joint  (D) Ball and Socket Joint
  • Important biology 12 class mcqs for Intermediate part-II students.
  • 15. Sciatica is characterized by stabbing pain radiating over the course of:  (A) Sciatic artery  (B) Sciatic nerve  (C) Sciatic vein  (D) Sciatic capillary
  • 16. Which one of the following is not a joint disease:  (A) Arthritis  (B) Sciatica  (C) Disc Slip  (D)Spondylosis
  • Important biology mcqs for class 11 and 12 with answers for Intermediate part-II students.
  • 17. A disease which causes immobility and fusion of vertebral joint is called:  (A) Disc Slip  (B) Sciatica  (C) Arthritis  (D) Spondylosis
  • 18. The inflammatory degenerative disease of joint is:  (A) Arthritis  (B) Sciatica  (C) Herniation  (D) Spondylosis
  • Important biology mcqs for class 12 chapter wise pdf download for Intermediate part-II students.
  • 19. The beginning of bone formation, starts after injury:  (A) 3 - 4 months  (B) 2 - 3 months  (C) 8 weeks  (D) 8 - 12 weeks
  • 20. Trpomyosin is a complex of how many polypeptide chains?  (A) Single  (B) Double  (C) Triple  (D) None
  • Important important mcqs of biology class 12 for Intermediate part-II students.
  • 21. The disease caused by low calcium in blood is called:  (A) Tetanus  (B) Cramp  (C) Sciatica  (D) Tetany
  • 22. Which is the end of muscle which remains fixed when the muscle contracts?  (A) Insertion  (B) Origin  (C) Tendon  (D) Belly
  • Important important mcqs of biology class 12  pdf for Intermediate part-II students.
  • 23. There are ...... muscles in the human body most of which occur in pairs:  (A) 650  (B) 630  (C) 660  (D) 645 
  • 24. What is mortality rate in developing countries due to Tetanus?  (A) 35%  (B) 40%  (C) 45%   (D) 50%
  • Important solved mcqs of biology class 12 for Intermediate part-II students.
  • 25. Which animal shows digitigrade mode of locomotion?  (A) Bear  (B) Dear  (C) Rabbit  (D) Horse 
  • 26. A respiratory protein found in all aerobic species is:  (A) Cytochrome 'a'   (B) Cytochrome 'b'  (C) Cytochrome 'c'  (D) Cytochrome 'd'
  • Important most important mcqs of biology class 12 for Intermediate part-II students.
  • 27. Which animal moves by jet-propulsion:  (A) Earth worm  (B) Star Fish  (C) Snail  (D) Jelly Fish
  • 28. Euglena moves with the help of:  (A) Cilium  (B) Pseudopodium  (C) Myonemes  (D) Flagellum
  • Important class 12 biology solved mcqs for Intermediate part-II students.
  • 29. The diameter of cilia ranges from:  (A) 0.1 to 0.5 μm  (B) 0.1 to 0.5 mm  (C) 0.36 to 0.8 μm  (D) 0.3 to 0.8 mm