Biology Guess Paper Class 12

Very Important Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), Short Questions and Long Questions in the form of Biology Guess Paper Class 12 written by Professor Mr. Adan Haider Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of Biology Guess Paper Class 12 for the students of the intermediate and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Important class 12 biology guess paper for Intermediate part-II students.
  • You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C and D. The choice which you think is correct.
  • 1. A plant is adapted to remove the flooding of its cells in fresh water:  (A) Mesophyte  (B) Cactus  (C) Hydrophyte  (D) Xerophyte
  • 2. They have adaptations for reduced rate of transpiration:  (A) Hydrophytes  (B) Xerophytes  (C) Mesophytes  (D) Bryophytes
  • 3. The category of plants that has adaptation of small and thick leaves to limit water loss is called:  (A) Hydrophytes  (B) Xerophytes  (C) Mesophytes  (D) Aygrophytes
  • Important Biology Guess Class 12 for Intermediate part-II students.
  • 4. The more concentrated external environment is termed as:  (A) Hypertonic  (B) Hypotonic  (C) Isotonic  (D) Paratonic
  • 5. A diluted solution compared to the cell concentration is termed as:  (A) Hypertonic  (B) Hypotonic  (C) Isotonic  (D) Paratonic
  • 6. Among the vertebrates, hag fishes are isotonic with the surrounding:  (A) Fresh water  (B) Sea water  (C) Pond water  (D)River water
  • 7. Hag fishes are:  (A) Osmoregulators  (B) Isotonic  (C) Hypertonic  (D)Hypotonic
  • 8. Which part of the plant body serves excretophores?  (A) Stem  (B) Leaves  (C) Roots  (D) Bark
  • 9. 1 g of ammonia nitrogen requires how much water for excretion:  (A) 50 ml (B) 100 ml  (C) 250 ml  (D) 500 ml
  • 10. Animals excreting urea are called:  (A) Ammonotelic  (B) Aminotelic  (C) Ureotelic  (D) Uricotelic
  • Important biology class 12 guess paper 2025 for Intermediate part-II students.
  • 11. The excretory product that requires maximum water for its removal is:  (A) Ammonia  (B) Creatinine  (C) Urea (D) Uric Acid
  • 12. Nitrogenous waste is very toxic and dissolves quickly in body fluid is:  (A) CO2  (B) Urea  (C) Ammonia  (D) Uric
  • 13. The excretory product which requires minimum water for its removal:  (A) Urea  (B) Uric acid  (C) Creatinine  (D) Ammonia
  • 14. Flame cells are part of excretory system of:  (A) Hydra  (B) Cockroach  (C) Planaria  (D) Earthworm
  • 15. Animals of the group of flatworms have simple tubular excretory system called as:  (A) Kidney  (B) Nephron  (C) Nephridia  (D) Protonephridium
  • Important guess paper of biology class 12 2025 for Intermediate part-II students.
  • Differentiate between hypotonic and hypertonic environment.
  • What are osmoconformers and osmoregulators?
  • What is the difference between tetanus and muscle tetany?
  • What is the difference between exoskeleton and endoskeleton? 
  • Differentiate between compact bone and spongy bone. Give only two differences.
  • Distinguish between axial skeleton and appendicular skeleton.
  • Important biology guess paper 2025 class 12 for Intermediate part-II students.
  • Give effects of nicotine on blood vascular system and digestive system in man.
  • Explain the functions of two hormones secreted by Islets of Langerhans.
  • Briefly describe the external and internal factors that affect growth in plants.
  • What are the causes of aging and how aging can be slowed down?
  • How do final size of cells of cortex and tracheids is attained in zone of maturation?
  • Write down the structure of a nephron. Discuss excretion in Cockroach.
  • Describe various kidney problems and their cure in human. 
  • Describe comparative embryology and molecular biology as evidence of evolution.
  • Describe evidence of evolution by comparative anatomy.
  • Describe the evidences of evolution from Biogeography and fossil record.
  • Discuss evolution from prokaryotes to eukaryotes.
  • Explain the Theory of Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics.
  • State different factors affecting the gene frequency. 
  • Define abnormal development. Explain different factors causing abnormalities.
  • Differentiate between phenotype and genotype.
  • Differentiate between incomplete dominance and co-dominance.
  • Differentiate between gene and genome.
  • Differentiate between homozygous and hemizygous.
  • Differentiate between homozygous and heterozygous.

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