Biology Guess Paper Class 11

Full book important short and long questions as a form of Biology Guess Paper Class 11  written by Professor Feroz Qadir Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of Biology Guess Paper Class 11 for the students of the intermediate and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Our comprehensive biology class 11 guess paper will ensure you're fully prepared for your exams.
  • Important Short and Long Questions from Biology.
  • What is hydroponic culture technique?
  • Differentiate between deductive and inductive reasoning.
  • Differentiate between micro and macromolecules.
  • Discuss service of Biology in field of disease control.
  • Don't miss out on these free and reliable biology guess paper class 11 study materials for your exams.
  • How biology has helped mankind in conservation and protection of environment?
  • Write a note on population and community level of biological organization.
  • Sketch the structure of ribofuranose and glucopyranose.
  • Give difference between saturated and un saturated fatty acids.
  • Show peptide bond between two amino acids.
  • Ace your exams with these easy-to-follow guess paper 2025 class 11 biology.
  • What are polysaccharides? Describe different types and give examples. Give the classification of proteins.
  • Define prosthatic group and apoenzyme.
  • Differentiate between competitive and non-competitive inhibitors.
  • Differentiate between prosthetic group and co-enzyme.
  • Diiferentiate between substate and active site of an enzyme.
  • Give the name of Robert Hook publication on cell discovery.
  • What is endocytosis? Differentiate betwenn phagocytosis and pinocytosis.
  • Define differentially permeable membrane.
  • By Reading guess paper class 11 biology 2025 explore detailed explanations and examples to enhance your understanding.
  • What are plastids? Explain the structure and function of chloroplast. Draw figure.
  • What are lysosomes? Explain their phagocytic role with the help of diagram.
  • Define cell membrane. Explain its functions.
  • Differentiate between procariotique and eucariotique.
  • Write down five postulates of germ theory of disease by Robert Koch.
  • Write down biological classification of corn.
  • These guess paper class 11 biology are perfect for quick revisions before your exams.
  • Describe Linnean’s system of binomial nomenclature in detail. Give its rules.
  • What is AIDS? How's it transmitted? Describe some viral diseases, which are common in Pakistan.
  • What is hepatitis? Give its symptoms and discuss its three common types.
  • Describe lytic cycle of bacteriophage (with diagram). Write a note on small-pox and polio. 
  • Differentiate between streptococcus and staphylococcus bacteria.
  • What is periplasmic space? In which bacteria is it present?
  • Name three general shapes of bacteria and explain only one.
  • Write down functions and micro and macro nuceli in ciliates.
  • Write down four characteristics and green algae similar to plans.
  • Write down two diffenreces between fungi and oomycotes.
  • What are choanoflagellates?
  • What are protists? How are they different from animals and plants?
  • What are trichonymphas?
  • Why phytophthora infestance is infamous in human history? 
  • Enlist four plant diseases caused by fugi.
  • Differentiate between obligate and facultative parasite.
  • Name the type and hyphae and sexual spores in sac fungi.
  • Write down two similarities between plans and fungi.
  • Discuss economic importance of family poaceae
  • What is alternation of generation? Give its significance.
  • Describe the different adaptive characters for terrestrial environment in bryophyte.
  • Give detailed life cycle of adiantum and sketch it.
  • Write a note on Lycopsida. Discuss evolution of megaphyll leaf. Describe prothallus of adiantum.
  • Write two adaptation in organism that live in aquatic environment.
  • What is hermaphrodite organism?
  • Write the two differences between protostomes and deuterostomes.
  • What is meristematic segmentation?In which phylum is it present?
  • Differentiate between oligochaeta and poly chaeta.
  • What is meant by arachnida, give its two features?
  • Differentiate between gastropods and cephalopods.
  • What is regeneration, give its importance.
  • Differentiate between coelomates and acoelomates.
  • Differentiate between diploblastic and triploblastic organism.
  • Write down affinities of echinoderm with hemichordates.
  • Describe in detail cyclic phosphorylation with the help of a diagram.
  • What is photophosphotylation? Explain non-cyclic photophosphorylation. 
  • Give various components and functions of Lymphatic System.
  • Describe the blood plasma in detail
  • Soil water moves and reaches xylem tissues by various pathways, explain. 
  • Why oxygen can be easily obtained from air as compared to water? 
  • How does respiration take place in earthworm? 
  • What are alveoli? Give their dunctions. 
  • Give the composition of breath air in humans. 
  • Give two properties of respiratory surfaces in animals. 
  • What is photorespiration? 
  • Differentiate between pulmonary and cutaneous respiration.

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