Biology Class 11 Chapter 5 Notes
Very important complete computerized notes for Biology Class 11 Chapter 5 Notes written by Prof. Ijaz Ahmed Khan Abbasi Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of Variety of Life of Biology Class 11 for the students of the intermediate and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.
Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
- Our comprehensive Biology Class 11 Chapter 5 Notes will ensure you're fully prepared for your exams.
- Important Multiple Choice Questions for MDCAT Preparation from the chapter no 5 Variety of Life class 11.
- Differentiate between Procariotique and Eucariotique.
- Differentiate between Capsid and Capsomeres.
- Define Species.
- Differentiate between Virion and Prion.
- What is binomial nomenclature; who introduced it?
- What are symptoms of small pox?
- Give biological classification of corn.
- What are capsids made up of; write number of capsomeres of herpes virus.
- Define obligate parasite.
- Write names of four common human viral disease.
- Differentiate between Provirus and Prophage.
- Write four characteristics of viruses?
- What are pocks?
- Write four symptoms of AIDS.
- Differentiate between Lytic cycle and Lysogenic cycle.
- Draw lytic cycle.
- Draw lysogenic cycle.
- Write a short notes on AIDS.
- Differentiate between Bacteriophage and Retrovirus.
- Define Hepatitis. What are its types?
- How are viruses classified?
- Differentiate between Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C.
- How hepatitis A is transmitted?
- What are reverse transcription and reverse transcriptase.
- Define the term Adsorption and Induction.
- Differentiate between Prophage and Induction.
- Write down symptoms and prevention of hepatitis.
- Draw HIV diagram.
- Explain briefly Pox viruses.
- Explain briefly Herpes simplex.
- Draw bacteriophage.
- What is Poliomyelitis?
- Why some biologists found two kingdom classification unworkable?
- Enlist the Modified Five Kingdom Classification of Margulis and Schwartz.
- What are Oncoviruses?
- define species.
Ans: Species: Specie is a group of natural population which can interbreed freely among themselves; produce fertile offsprings but are reproductively isolate
from all other such groups in nature.
• Species are independent evolutionary units in which each unit has its own, distinct structural ecological and behavioral characteristics.
- difference between virion and prion.
Virion Prion
• A complete mature and infectious virus is known as virion.
• Viruses are fully understood.
• The virions are composed of three parts: central core, capsid and
• Their DNA and RNA contain information for their replication.
• RNA and DNA are present in viruses.
• They causes diseases like measles mumps etc.
• These are infectious proteins.
• They have not been fully understood. Their nature is very
• They are composed of only proteins.
• This protein contains information for its own replication.
• Prions do not contain DNA and RNA.
• They cause disease like mad cow disease and certain nervous
mysterious diseases.
- write symptoms of aids.
Ans: Four symptoms of AIDS: The patient has complex symptoms such as:
1) Severe Pneumonia
2) Rare vascular cancer
3) Sudden weight loss
4) General loss of immune system.
- define hepatitis. What are its types?
Ans: Hepatitis:
Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver.
• It is usually caused by viral infection, toxic agents or drugs.
• It is characterized by jaundice, abdominal pain, liver enlargement, fatigue, and some times fever.
• It may be mild or can be acute or chronic and can lead to liver cancer. types of hepatitis:
• Hepatitis A (Infectious hepatitis)
• Hepatitis B (Srum hepatitis)
• Hepatitis C (Infusion hepatitis)
• Hepatitis D
• Hepatitis E
• Hepatitis G &F.
- how hepatitis a is transmitted?
Ans: Transmission of Hepatitis A:
• Hepatitis A is most commonly transmitted by the fecal-oral through contamination of food or water by the feces of an infected individual.
• An infected food handler is often involved in outbreaks have also been traced to day-care centers where contact may take place with feces.
• Saliva contact, sexual contact and arthropods have also been implicated in transmission.