Biology Class 11 Chapter 2 Notes

Very important complete computerized notes for Biology Class 11 Chapter 2 Notes written by Prof. Ijaz Ahmed Khan Abbasi Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of Biological Molecules for Biology Class 11 for the students of the intermediate and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Important Multiple Choice Questions of Chapter Number 2: Biological Molecules of Biology class 11.
  • Important Multiple Choice Questions for MDCAT Preparation from Biology Class 11 Chapter 2 Notes.
  • Name the carbohydrates suitable as food for man.
  • Why are fats are considered as high energy compounds?
  • What is the function of mRNA?
  • What is the general formula of Amino acids?
  • What is the percentage of water in brain cells of men?
  • What are the symptoms of Turner’s syndromes?
  • Why carbon is considered as the basic element of organic compounds?
  • Define Biochemistry? Why study of biochemistry is essential in the field of biology or in the study of living organisms?
  • Define Metabolism. Differentiate between Catabolism and Anabolism.
  • Water is excellent solvent for polar substances. Justify this statement.
  • How water works as a temperature stabilizer for living organisms?
  • How heat of vaporization of water is beneficial in daily life?
  • How water act as an effective lubricant?
  • Compare the chemical composition of Bacterial and Mammalian cell.
  • Name the most important organic and inorganic compounds in living organisms.
  • What are carbohydrates? Carbohydrates are classified into how many groups?
  • List some important functions of carbohydrates.
  • How glucose is prepared / produced naturally?
  • Differentiate between Monosaccharides and Disaccharides.
  • What are polysaccharides? Name some biologically important polysaccharides.
  • Differentiate between Amylase and Amylopectin.
  • Differentiate between Reducing and Non-reducing sugars.
  • Differentiate between Glycosidic and Peptide bond.
  • Differentiate between Starch and Glycogen.
  • What is cellulose?
  • What are lipids? What is the use of lipids in daily life?
  • Give the classification of lipids.
  • What are acylglycerols?
  • What are waxes? What is the importance of waxes?
  • What are phospholipids?
  • What are terpenoids?
  • Differentiate between saturated & unsaturated fatty acids OR How fats differ from oil?
  • What are proteins? Illustrate the important functions performed by proteins.
  • How peptide bond is formed between two amino acids?
  • Who was the first scientist who determined the sequence of amino acids in a protein molecule?
  • How fibrous proteins differed from globular proteins?
  • How many type of cell walls are present in different organisms?
  • Draw structure of ATP.
  • Describe and draw primary structure of proteins.
  • Describe and draw secondary structure of protein.
  • Differentiate between α helix and β sheets.
  • Differentiate between DNA and RNA.
  • How were nucleic acids isolated? Differentiate between nucleotide and nucleoside.
  • Differentiate between mRNA and rRNA.
  • What are conjugated molecules? Give some examples of it.
  • What is the function of mRNA? Ans: Function of mRNA: • mRNA takes the genetic message from the nucleus to the ribosomes in the cytoplasm to form particular proteins. • mRNA carries the genetic information from DNA to ribosomes, where amino acids are arranged according to the information in mRNA to form specific protein molecule. This is a type of a single strand of variable length. Its length depends upon the size of the gene as well as the protein form which it is taking the message.
  • what are lipids? What is the use of lipids in daily life? Ans: Lipids: The lipids are heterogeneous group of compounds related to fatty acids. • They are insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents such as ether, alcohol, chloroform and benzene. • Lipids include fats, oils, waxes, cholesterol and related compounds.
  • Uses of lipids in daily life: • Lipids as hydrophobic compounds are components of cellular membranes. • They are used to store energy. • Some lipids provide insulation against atmospheric heat and cold and also act as water proof material waxes, in the exoskeleton of insects and cutin, an additional protective layer on the cuticle of epidermis of some plants organs. e.g., leaves fruits, seeds etc., protect them.

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