Biology Class 11 Chapter 1 Notes

Very important complete computerized notes for Biology Class 11 Chapter 1 Notes written by Prof. Ijaz Ahmed Khan Abbasi Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of Introduction to Biology of Biology Class 11 for the students of the intermediate and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Our comprehensive Biology Class 11 Chapter 1 Notes will ensure you're fully prepared for your exams.
  • Important Multiple Choice Questions for MDCAT Preparation.
  • What do you mean by Hypothesis?
  • How does Law differ from theory.
  • What is deduction/deductive reason?
  • Define Vaccination.
  • Write a short note on cloning.
  • Differentiate between Organ and Organelles.
  • Differentiate between Organ formation in plants and animals.
  • Differentiate between Population and Community.
  • Define theory. Give important features of a good theory.
  • Differentiate between Deductive and Inductive reasoning.
  • How and when a Hypothesis becomes a theory?
  • Name of the four Eras of Geological Time Chart.
  • What is integrated disease management?
  • Differentiate between Biome and Biosphere.
  • Give four characteristics of living organism?
  • What is pasteurization. Give its application.
  • What is meant by phyletic lineage? How new species arise?
  • What is hydroponic culture technique. What are its advantages and applications?
  • Differentiate between Biological control and Bioremediation.
  • Differentiate between Hybridization and Cloning.
  • Differentiate between Hypothesis and Theory.
  • Define fossil. Also give significance of study of fossil.
  • Differentiate between Anatomy and Morphology.
  • Differentiate between Marine water biology and Fresh water biology.
  • Differentiate between Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy.
  • What is gene therapy.
  • Differentiate between Biotechnology and Molecular Biology.
  • What are Bio-elements and give their propotion in human body.
  • What is molecular level in organization level of organism. Differentiate between Micro molecules and Macro molecules.
  • Define population with examples and also give its attributes.
  • How science of biology helping mankind?
  • Which one of the following is a correct sequence in biological methods?
  • Which one of the following is employed in treatment of cancer?
  • Which one of the following is not a viral disease?
  • what do you mean by hypothesis? Ans: Hypothesis: A statement made on the basis of observation, data, experience and background knowledge of event is called hypothesis. OR An observer organizes observations into data form and gives a statement as per experience and background knowledge of the event. This statement is the hypothesis. • Or hypothesis is the statement made by a scientist on the basis of observation or available information. • It is tentative explanation of observations. • It is a statement which is to be tested.
  • define vaccination. Ans: Vaccination: In vaccination, vaccines (inactive or weakened bacteria or viruses or their toxins) are inoculated to as to stimulate the production of antibodies or lymphocytes. OR • It is an artificially induced passive immunity. • Edward Jenner first developed the technique of vaccination in 1796. 
  • Write a short note on cloning. Ans: Cloning: Cloning is the production of genetically identical copies of organisms/cells by asexual reproduction. • Cloning is a technology for achieving eugenic aims. • A clone is defined as a cell or individual and all its asexually produced offspring. • All members of a clone are genetically identical except when a mutation occurs. • Generally no normal animal reproduced naturally by cloning. Several insects and many plants do, in some circumstance whereas few do so regularly. • In 1997 scientists in Scotland succeeded in cloning a sheep. In this procedure the nucleus from a fertilize egg is removed and a nucleus from a cell of a fully developed individual is inserted in its place. The altered Zygotes is then implemented in a suitable womb where it completes its development. The new individual formed in this way is a genetically identical clone of the individual whose nucleus was used. Thus cloning could make multiple copies of a desired genotype.

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