Biology 10th Class Guess Paper

Important Biology 10th Class Guess Paper by Mr. Adnan Haider Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of the Biology Guess Paper Class 10 PDF Download of Biology English Medium for the Biology 10th Class Guess Paper of the Matriculation and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Important 10th class biology guess paper pdf for all students of Punjab  Textbook Board.
  • Important Short and Long questions of each Chapter of Biology English Medium Class 10th for all Punjab Textbook Boards.
  • Which disease is caused by streptococcus pneumonia? (A) Emphysema  (B) Pneumonia  (C) Asthma  (D) Bronchitis
  • U Shape Renal Tubules is called: (A) Cortex  (B) Neuron  (C) Loop of Henle  (D) Pyramids
  • The weight of human kidney is approximately: (A) 28 gm.  (B) 25gm.  (C) 26 gm.  (D) 120gm.
  • In an adult man the average urine formation in a day is: (A) 1.3 liter  (B) 3 liter  (C) 1.4 liter  (D) 4 liter
  • Plays role in maintaining body temperature: (A) Kidneys  (B) Skin  (C) Ear  (D) Lungs
  • The concave part of the kidney is towards: (A) toward vertebral column  (B) away from vertebral column  (C) upper  (D) lower
  • Important 10th class biology guess paper 2025 for all students of Punjab  Textbook Board.
  • The urine is carried out from Urinary Bladder to outside of body in human by: (A) Nephron  (B) Urethra  (C) Ureter  (D) kidney
  • The plants which live completely or partially submerged in fresh water are called: (A) bryophytes  (B) xerophytes  (C) hydrophytes  (D) halophytes
  • ….. is the name of outer region of longitudinal section of human kidney. (A) renal pelvis  (B) renal pyramids  (C) renal medulla  (D) renal cortex
  • The appearance of drops of water on tips of leaves is called: (A) Osmoregulation  (B) Osmosis  (C) Guttation  (D) Diffusion
  • What is the function of the ureter? (A) To remove waste from the blood  (B) To store urine  (C) To carry urine from the kidney to the bladder  (D) To carry urine out of the body
  • Important 10th Class Biology Guess Paper for all students of Punjab  Textbook Board.
  • Differentiate between negative feedback and positive feedback.
  • Write the causes and symptoms of paralysis.
  • What is meant by goiter?
  • Differentiate between cartilage and bones.
  • What is meant by movement? Describe its types.
  • What are the types of a cartilage? In which organs they are found?
  • What is an elastic cartilage and where is it located? Give two examples.
  • State elastic and fibrous cartilage.
  • Write down the interrelation ship between estrogen and bones.
  • Differentiate between chondrocytes and osteocytes.
  • Define joints. Write the types of joints. Write their names and give examples.
  • Differentiate between hinge and ball and socket joints.
  • Differentiate between tendons and ligaments.
  • Where fixed joints are located?
  • What is meant by a flexor muscle and flexion?
  • What is meant by an extensor muscle and extension?
  • Define flexor and extensor.
  • Differentiate between biceps and triceps.
  • Differentiate between antagonists and antagonism.
  • Differentiate between flexion and extension.
  • What is the difference between origin and insertion?
  • What is osteoporosis? Give its symptoms and causes.
  • What is arthritis? Give its symptoms and treatment.
  • What is gout? Write its symptoms and causes.
  • Define reproduction. Give its importance.
  • Differentiate between sexual and asexual reproduction.
  • How does binary fission take place in unicellular eukaryotes?
  • What is budding? Give examples of organisms which reproduce asexually by budding?
  • What is the difference between spores and sporangia?
  • What are homozygous and heterozygous genotypes?
  • Differentiate between transcription and translation.
  • Define genotype and phenotype.
  • Define genes and alleles.
  • Write any two main points of Watson Crick model of DNA.
  • Differentiate between Artificially and naturally selection.
  • What is the difference between dominant and recessive alleles?
  • What do you know about Gregor Mendel?
  • What is a monohybrid cross?
  • What is Mendel’s law of segregation?
  • What is a dihybrid cross?
  • What is Mendel’s law of independent assortment?
  • What is meant by true breeding?
  • What are dominance and ressalas?
  • What is co dominance? Give examples.
  • What is incomplete dominance? Explain with examples.
  • Differentiate between co dominance and incomplete dominance.
  • Write two characteristics of discontinuous variations.
  • Define continuous variations with examples.
  • What is theory of special creations?
  • Differentiate between natural selection and artificial selection.
  • What is the difference between breeds and cultivars?
  • Differentiate between carnivores and herbivores.

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