Biology 10 Class Notes Urdu Medium
Important Full Notes on Biology 10 Class Notes Urdu Medium written by Honorable Mr. Zahid Khan Suib. These computerized notes are very helpful in the preparation form of Biology 10 Class Notes Urdu Medium for students of the 10th class Biology and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.
Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
- Here are the detailed 10th class biology notes in urdu pdf download to help you prepare for your exams.
- Important Multiple Choice Questions ( MCQs ) with correct Answers of All Chapters in Biology class 10th Urdu Medium.
- Important Short Questions with Correct Answers of All Chapters in Biology class 10th Urdu Medium.
- Chapter No # 10, Gaseous Exchange
- How do the different parts of the plant body exchange gases with the environment?
- Write down the steps of inhalation and exhalation.
- You can also download the 10th class biology notes urdu medium pdf for free.
- State the signs and symptoms, causes and treatments of bronchitis, emphysema and
pneumonia. How does the tobacco smoke damage the respiratory system?
- Differentiate between breathing and cellular respiration.
- Trace the path of air from the nasal cavity to the alveoli.
- How will you differentiate between a stoma and a lenticel?
- Evaluate the effects of tilling on roots for better exchange of gases with the soil air.
- If you're looking for comprehensive 10th class biology chapter 12 in Urdu, you've come to the right place.
- Chapter No # 11, Homeostasis
- Describe the process of selective re-absorption in the kidneys.
- How do the plants excrete extra water and salts from their bodies?
- What is the functional unit of the kidney? Describe its structure and draw labelled diagram.
- What steps are involved in the formation of urine in the kidneys?
- If you're looking for comprehensive 10th class biology notes urdu Medium, you've come to the right place.
- “Along with excretion, kidneys also play role in Osmoregulation.” Comment on this statement.
- What are the major organs involved in homeostasis in human body? State the roles of each of
these organs.
- Identify and label the following: diagram.
- Chapter No # 12, Coordination and
- Define neuron and describe the structure of a general neuron.
- If you're looking for comprehensive Unique notes for 10th class biology pdf urdu medium, you've come to the right place.
- Describe the structure of human eye.
- How would you describe the structure of the external, middle and inner ear of man?
- Identify the two types of coordination in living organisms.
- Differentiate between the modes of nervous and chemical coordinations.
- What are the main components of coordination?
- Define reflex action and reflex arc.
- Chapter No # 13, Support and Movement
- Explain antagonism in muscle action selecting biceps and triceps as example
- Differentiate between cartilage and bone.
- What is the role of skeleton in support and movement?
- How would you differentiate between osteoporosis and arthritis?
- Label the biceps and triceps in the following diagrams and also mention their contracted or
relaxed states.
- Chapter No # 14, Reproduction
- How are the natural and artificial vegetative propagations the methods of asexual reproduction
in plants?
- Why do gardeners use the methods of cutting and grafting?
- “Parthenogenesis is a type of asexual reproduction”. Give comments on this statement.
- Outline the life cycle of a flowering plant.
- What structural adaptations will you find in a wind-pollinated flower?
- Chapter No # 15, Inheritance
- Explain the phenomenon of incomplete dominance with the help of example.
- What do you mean by co-dominance. Give an example.
- Define genotype and phenotype.
- What do you mean by dominant and recessive alleles?
- What are the homozygous and heterozygous genotypes?
- Differentiate between natural and artificial selection.
- Chapter No # 16, Man and His
- Write note on the causes and effects of the air and water pollutions.
- If you're looking for comprehensive 10th class biology notes urdu medium pdf free download, you've come to the right place.
- What are the different levels of ecological organization?
- Define ecosystem and its components.
- How the flow of energy is different from that of materials?
- Define food chain and food web.
- What do you mean by the concept of 3Rs with reference to the conservation of natural
- Chapter No # 17, Biotchnology
- How would you define fermentation with reference to biotechnology?
- Name any two industrial products made by fermentation. Also describe their uses in the industry.
- What are the products of the two types of carbohydrate fermentation?
- Give an example how biotechnology is helping for better environment.
- In biotechnology, what is meant by Genetically Modified Organism (GMO)? How is it made?
- Chapter No # 18, Pharmacology
- Define pharmacology and distinguish it from pharmacy.
- Differentiate between medicinal drug and addictive drug.
- Differentiate between analgesic and antibiotic.
- What is marijuana? To which category of addictive drugs, it belongs?
- Differentiate between narcotics and hallucinogens.