9th Class Biology Notes Urdu Medium

  • Important Full Book 9th class biology notes urdu medium written by Honorable Sir Mr. Shazam Khanzada Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation for students of 9th class biology notes urdu medium and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.
Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Full book important Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), Short Questions with Answers of Biology in Urdu Medium.
  • Chapter No.1: Introduction To Biology  1. Arrange these structures in order of lower level of organization to upper level and write the level against each structure. Neuron, nervous system, electron, man, mass of neurons, carbon, mitochondria, brain, protein
  • 2. How would you define biology and relate it with its major divisions?
  • 3. Draw a table showing the branches of biology and the studies these deal with.
  • 4. Give points to advocate that Biology is linked with physics, chemistry, mathematics, geography and economics.
  • 5. Describe the levels of organization of life.
  • Chapter No.2: Solving A Biological Problem 1. Describe the steps involved in biological method taking malaria as an example.
  • 2. If a test shows that some people have Plasmodium in their blood but they do not show any symptoms of malaria, what hypothesis would you formulate to answer this problem?
  • 3. How the principles of ratio and proportion are used in biological method.
  • 4. Justify mathematics as an integral part of the scientific process.
  • Chapter No.3: Biodiversity 1. Relate the importance of biodiversity with natural ecosystem through examples.
  • 2. Explain the aims and principles of classification, keeping in view its historical background.
  • 3. Explain the base for establishing five kingdoms of living organisms.
  • 4. Justify why virus are excluded from the Five-Kingdom classification system.
  • 5. Describe the aims and principles of binomial nomenclature.
  • 6. Explain the impact of human beings on biodiversity. 
  • Chapter No.4: Cells And Tissues 1. Explain the functions of cell membrane.
  • 2. Describe the structure of cell wall.
  • 3. Discuss nucleus structure and function.
  • 4. Describe the structure and function of endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus.
  • 5. Describe the formation and function of lysosomes.
  • Chapter No.5: Cell Cycle 1. What is cell cycle and what are its main phases?
  • 2. The S-phase of interphase is important and a cell can never divide without it. Justify.
  • 3. How would you state the events of prophase of mitosis?
  • 4. Make a list of the events of mitosis.
  • 5. How is mitosis significant?
  • 6. Describe the events that occur during the phases of meiosis-I.
  • Chapter No.6: Enzymes 1. How would you define enzymes? Describe their characteristics.
  • 2. What do you mean by activation energy and why it is referred in the definition of enzymes?
  • 3. In a range of 0-35°C, the rate of reaction of an enzyme is proportional to temperature. Above 35°C and below 0°C, enzyme activity slows down and eventually stops. Explain why?
  • 4. How does pH affect enzyme activity?
  • Chapter No.7: Bioenergetics 1. How would you define bioenergetics while relating it to the oxidation reduction reactions in living systems?
  • 2. Interpret that ATP is the chief energy currency of all cells.
  • 3. What is the role of chlorophyll and light in photosynthesis?
  • 4. Outline the processes involved in photosynthesis?
  • Chapter No.8: Nutrition 1. What are the effects of the lack of nitrate and magnesium ions on plant growth?
  • 2. How are inorganic and organic fertilizers important in agriculture?
  • 3. Draw a table that can show sources, energy values and functions of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
  • 4. How are vitamins A, C and D important in our diets?
  • Chapter No.9: Transport 1. How would you relate the internal structure of root with the uptake of water and salts?
  • 2. Define transpiration and relate it with cell surface and with stomatal opening and closing.
  • 3. How do different factors affect the rate of transpiration?
  • 4. Transpiration is a necessary evil. Give comments.
  • 5. Explain the movement of water in terms of transpirational pull.
  • 6. Describe the theory of pressure flow mechanism to explain the translocation of food in plants.

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