2nd Year Translation Paragraph Urdu to English

Important Paragraph as a form of 2nd Year Translation Paragraph Urdu to English written by Honorable Professor Mr. Adnan Haider Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of the 2nd Year Translation Paragraph Urdu to English of English Compulsory for the students of the intermediate and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Important 2nd year solved translation paragraph urdu to english for Intermediate part-II students.
  • Man is the architect of his fate. He should work with dedication so that he could succeed in life. Hard work is the world's biggest reality that cannot be denied. All the great people of the past worked hard courageously and improved their lot.
  • Important 2nd year solved translation paragraph urdu to english pdf for Intermediate part-II students.
  • Presently, Pakistan is surrounded by many local and international problems. Our enemies are bent upon harming us and we are well aware of their intentions. The enemy of the Muslim Ummah is very clever, cunning and shrewd. In order to get out of the turmoil, we need an honest, sincere and nationalist leader who may lead us out of this whirl of catastrophe and misery. We are miles away from our destination even after the lapse of sixty six years. The Muslims need to look for their lost glorious past.
  • Important 2nd year translation paragraph urdu to english for Intermediate part-II students.
  • Life is uncertain and ephemeral in its nature. Man adopts suitable measures for his protection but he cannot defeat fate. Various incidents take place around us daily. These events are an evidence that the Divine Hand decides everything. As Muslims, we believe in good or bad fate.
  • Important paragraph translation urdu to english 2nd year for Intermediate part-II students.
  • People called upon Hazrat Umar (May Allah be pleased with him) to greet him on the Eid day. They saw that Hazrat Umar (May Allah be pleased with him) was weeping bitterly. The People were greatly surprised and asked why he was in tears on the day of Eid. He (May Allah be pleased with him) replied "It is the day of happiness as well as the day of warning. It is the day of warning for those whose worship has been rejected. I am weeping for who knows whether it is a day of Eid or warning for me."
  • Important solved translation paragraph urdu to english 2nd year for Intermediate part-II students.
  • The Arabs were the nation that rose to prominence after the Romans. The Arabs used to be a semi-savage nation in the beginning. They were fond of warfare and bloodshed. A prophet (Peace be upon him) was born among them some fourteen hundred years ago. He taught them how to live in peace, and established a bond of brotherbood among them. He transformed the Arabs into a civilized nation.
  • Important urdu to english paragraph translation for 2nd year for Intermediate part-II students.
  • In the present situation, the most important is the need to increase the production and decrease the prices. A common man is disturbed economically. His income is less than his daily expenses. Because of low income, the prices of the items of daily use like flour, sugar, vegetables, clothes and shoes should be less. It is only possible when there is a great increase in agricultural and industrial production and people work hard.
  • Important 2nd year translation into english paragraph for Intermediate part-II students.
  • The elderly people are looked upon with respect and reverence in the East. The relatives feel it their duty to serve them and take care of their comfort more than their own. An old man does not complain of his loneliness in the Asian countries. Their children give them love and company. If there is a quarrel in the house or in the family, it is they who decide the matter and their decision is acceptable to every one.
  • Important 2nd year urdu to english paragraph notes for Intermediate part-II students.
  • Pakistan was established in the name of Islam. Only Islam can guarantee its survival. There are many things common among the people of Pakistan. It is true that many languages are spoken in Pakistan but a large part of their vocabulary is common. Some people say that the people of Pakistan come of many races. It is not true. The people of Pakistan have been living together for centureis. They do not believe in caste system. Islam has made them one race. Islam is above race and colour.
  • Important 2nd year solved translation paragraph urdu to english pdf free for Intermediate part-II students.

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