2nd Year Statistics MCQs

Full book important Multiple Choice Questions as a form of 2nd Year Statistics MCQs written by Honorable Professor Mr. Tayyab Shahzad Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of the 2nd year statistics mcqs with answers of Statistics for the students of the intermediate and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:     
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Our comprehensive 2nd year statistics mcqs will ensure you're fully prepared for your exams.
  • 1. In simple linear regression the number of unknowns are: (A) One (B) Two  (C) Three (D) Four
  • 2. The standard deviation of sampling distribution is: (A) Dispersion (B) Difference (C) Average (D) Standard error
  • 3. A qualitative characteristic is: (A) Constant (B) Quantitative variable (C) Attribute (D) None
  • 4. In normal distribution the value of constant is:  (A) 23/6  (B) 22/7  (C) 30/9  (D) 42/8
  • Don't miss out on these free and reliable 2nd year statistics mcqs pdf study materials for your exams.
  • 5. One byte equals to:  (A) 8 bits  (B) 4 bits  (C) 7 bits  (D) 13 bits
  • 6. P (type I error) is equal to:  (Α) α   (Β) β   (C) 0   (D) 1-β
  • 7. The probability distribution of a statistic is: (A) Sampling (B) Parameter (C) Data (D) Sampling distribution
  • 8. In normal distribution the value of constant e is: (A) 2.7183 (B) 2.8173 (C) 2.1792 (D) 1.2345
  • Ace your exams with these easy-to-follow 2nd year statistics important mcqs.
  • 9. The value of correlation co-efficient lies between: (A) 0 and 1  (B) -1 and 0  (C) -1 and + 1  (D) 0 and 2
  • 10. The additive model of time series is: (A) YT+C+S+I  (B) Y=TCSI  (C) T-C-S-I  (D) T+C-S-I
  • 11. The number of degrees of freedom for paired t-test based on n pairs of observation is:
  • (A) 2n-1            (B) n-2            (C) 2 (n-1)            (D) n-1
  • 12. The sample is subset of: (A) Data (B) Population (C) Parameter (D) Distribution
  • 13. In semi average method if number of values is odd then we drop from initial two halves:
  • (A) First value           (B) Last value            (C) Middle value          (D) 2nd value
  • By Reading 2nd year statistics mcqs with answers explore detailed explanations and examples to enhance your understanding.
  • 14. Estimate and estimator are: (A) Same (B) Different (C) Both A and B (D) Neither A nor B
  • 15. If X is N (100, 64) then S.D is: (A) 18 (B) 100 (C) 8 (D) 91
  • 16. The signs of regression co-efficients and correlation co-efficient are always:
  • (A) Different  (B) Same  (C) Zero (D) One
  • 17. In converting the score 18, 24, 12, 22, 33 to ranks (assigning rank 1 to highest score) the rank of score 12 is:
  • (A) 4       (B) 5         (C) 1          (D) 3
  • These 2nd year statistics important mcqs with answers are perfect for quick revisions before your exams.
  • 1. The parameters of normal distribution are: (a) π and σ (b) π and p  (c) μ and σ² (d) π and μ
  • 2. In a normal distribution B₂=:  (a) 0  (b) 3  (c) 1  (d) 0.6745
  • 3. In a normal distribution μ ± 26 has area: (a) 0.6827  (b) 0.9545  (c) 0.9973  (d) 0.6745
  • 4. Numerical value calculated from population is called:
  • (a) Parameter       (c) Statistic       (c) Sampling unit       (d) Sampling design
  • 5. The complete list of all the sampling units is called:
  • (a) Sampling frame    (b) Sample design   (c) Target population   (d) Sampled population
  • Make your study time more effective with these well-organized 2nd year statistics mcqs with answers pdf download.
  • 6. Another name of probability sampling is:
  • (a) Non-random sampling   (b) Judgement sampling  (c) Purposive sampling  (d) Random sampling
  • 7. By decreasing the level of confidence, the precision of confidence interval is:
  • (a) Decreased       (b) Increased         (c) Equal        (d) Unchanged
  • 8. Which is a simple hypothesis? (a) μ < 15  (b) μ > 15  (c) μ = 15  (d) με 15
  • 9. Accepting Ho if Ho is false is: (a) No error  (b) Type-1 error  (c) Type-II error  (d) α
  • 10. In regression dependent variable is assumed to be: (a) Fixed  (b) Random  (c) Constant  (d) Zero
  • 11. If r > 0 and bux > 0 then bxy is:  (a) <0  (b) >0  (c) 0  (d) ≤0 
  • 12. In correlation both variables are: (a) Random  (b) Non-random  (c) Constant  (d) Fixed
  • Stay ahead of your peers by using these thorough and well-structured mcqs of 2nd year statistics.
  • 13. If AB< (A)(B)/n the association between A and B is: (a) Negative  (b) Positive  (c) Zero  (d) Symmetrical
  • 14. The coefficient of association lies between: (a) -1 and +1  (b) 0 and 1 (c) -1 and 0 (d) - a and + a
  • 15. Depression in business is: (a) Secular trend (b) Cyclical (c) Seasonal (d) Random
  • 16. The graph of time series is called: (a) Histogram (b) Ogive (c) Historigram (d) Scatter diagram
  • 17. Compact disk is an example of: (a) Primary storage  (b) Secondary storage  (c) Main storage  (d) All of these

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