2nd Year English Notes
Important Notes on 2nd Year English Notes written by Professor Feroz Khan Suib. These computerized questions with their answers are very helpful in the preparation of 2nd Year English Notes for the students in 2nd year and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.
Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
- Important 2nd year english notes pdf for intermediate students.
- How is it that a star seldom finds another star near it?
- Why is there no life on the stars?
- Write a note on the beginning of life on earth?
- Why is the universe so frightening?
- How do the stars travel in the universe?
- What are the temperature belts?
- What is absolute zero?
- How has the scientific method helped us in our fight against disease?
- Important 2nd year english notes pdf download for intermediate students.
- Write a note on the better sanitary conditions available in our cities today and
compare them with what they were like a hundred years ago?
- What are sanitary conditions like our villages today and how would you improve
- How has scientific method helped us in the production and preservation of foods?
- We are less fearful than our ancestors. What were our ancestors afraid of?
- How has the scientific method enabled us to get over the old fears?
- What part did astrology play in the lives of men and women in the past? Give
- Important 2nd year english notes punjab board for intermediate students.
- What were the survival chances two hundred years ago?
- How did thrifty housewives preserve food in the past?
- How do mistaken ambitions on the part of boys and their parents lead to the failure
of the boys?
- What place would you accord to sportsmen in college?
- What should be the role of college dean?
- Can we help the student suffering from nervous habits?
- What was Daiches’s attitude towards the weekend as a school boy? Why did he long
for it?
- Important 2nd year english notes lahore board for intermediate students.
- What was his general view of school life?
- He liked holidays for their freedom-freedom from what?
- What were David Daiches’s feelings on a Friday morning, afternoon and at Night?
- How did he spend his summer holidays?
- What sorts of books were presented by the British public to soldiers?
- What sort of the books did the author accumulate in his flat?
- How did the writer bring his books down and what was the weather like?
- Important 2nd year english notes book 2 for intermediate students.
- Why did the writer feel afraid of the policeman and how did his fear get reduced?
- How did Jerome K. Jerome come to suspect that his liver was out of order?
- What did Jerome discover about typhoid?
- Why should he be an acquisition to the medical class?
- Why did the writer examine (or feel) his pulse, heartbeat and tongue after reading the
- Describe his visit to the medical man.
- Why did Leacock go to the bank?
- Describe Stephen Leacock’s meeting with the bank manager.
- What did the writer do when he realized his blunder of writing the wrong amount on
the cheque?
- Why has the world changes its attitude towards China?
- Discuss Chinese agricultural system.
- How does China rely on its own resources?
- What are the three fevers that are not found in Chinese people?
- What does hunger mean on a large scale as viewed by the author?
- What is the main reason for population increase today?
- What is meant by birth rate and death rate, and how do they affect the population of a
- What have public health measures to do with increase in population?
- What happens if the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer?
- Give an account of the early career of Abd-al-Rahman I, his dramatic escape and his
adventures in Africa.
- Give an account of the all-round progress made by the Arabs under Abd-al-Rahman
- How did Abd-al-Rahman keep treason and brigandage in check?
- The writer says that the examiners ask the questions which students cannot answer
and not those which they can answer. Is the complaint just?
- Churchill was taught English at Harrow and not Latin and Greek. Was it a gain or a
- Who was Mr. Somervell and how did he teach English?
- Why is Churchill biased in favor of boys learning English?
- How did he manage to get a seat in the weapon carrier?
- What was the most noticeable feature of the desert city named Ghardaia?
- How much distance did Christopher cover to reach his destination?
- Describe the events leading to the killing of a camel. What sort of water did they get
from its stomach?
- Describe the stay at In Abbangarit. How did Christopher manage to get water there?
- What are antiseptics and antiseptics method?
- What was the chief defect of the antiseptic method?
- What part is played by the white cells in the blood of a human body?
- What do you know of the Oxford team? Or how did they make penicillin more
- Fleming’s achievement paved the way for other discoveries in the medical field. What
were they?
- Describe how Fleming discovered penicillin
- What do you mean by ‘spontaneous generation’?
- How did Pasteur prove that spontaneous generation was not a fact?
- How did Pasteur discover the treatment for the cattle disease, Anthrax?
- How did Pasteur discover the method of making vaccines?
- What happened on the 23rd of April, 1920?
- What was the attitude of the Turkish government towards the Allies after World
War I?
- Why was Mustafa Kamal sent to Anatolia?
- Write a note on Mustafa Kamal's activities in Anatolia.
- Why did Mehmet order Mustafa Kamal to return to Istanbul?
- What was Mustafa Kamal's reply to Mehmet (when he was ordered to return to
- Give an account of the departure of Mehmet from Istanbul.