2nd Year English Mr Chips
Very Important Notes on questions with their answers of 2nd Year English Mr Chips written by Honorable Professor Mr. M. Bilal Ghumman Suib. These computerized questions with their answers are very helpful in the preparation of 2nd Year English Mr Chips for the students of 2nd year and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.
Summary and Contents:
Questions which are discussed in the notes are given below:
- Important 2nd year english mr chips notes for intermediate students.
- How did Chips measure his time when he lived at Mrs. Wickett's house?
- How did Chips measure his time? OR
Where did Mr. Chips live after his retirement from Brookfield and how did he
keep his time?
- Which school did Chips join first and how long did he serve there?
- How did Mr. Wetherby advise Chips on the day of his interview at Brookfield?
- How did Mr. Wetherby advise Chips on the day of his interview at Brookfield?
- Who was the headmaster of the school when Mr. Chips joined Brookfield?
- When was the structure of the building of Brookfield rebuilt and extended?
- Important 2nd year english mr chips important question for intermediate students.
- What kind of people did Brookfield produce and what contribution did they
make to England?
- When did Chips retire and what was presented to him on the day of his
- With what did Chips serve the boys? How did Chips entertain / serve his
- How did Mr. Chips talk with the boys and entertain the guests at Mrs.
Wickett's house?
- How was Mr. Chips' room decorated at Mrs. Wickett's house?
- What was the condition and importance of Mrs. Wickett's house?
- What were the quiet enjoyments of Chips at Mrs. Wickett 's house?
- What was the general appearance and personality of Katherine?
- Write a note on the political views of Katherine Bridges.
- Important 2nd year english mr chips question answer for intermediate students.
- Why did Chips hasten / rush to the girl waving from a dangerous
Rock and what did he do?
- Where, why and with whom did Mr. Chips go during the summer vacation of
- What happened to Mr. Chips when he hastened to the girl?
- Who were Katherine's favourite literary personalities?
- What did Katherine say to Mr. Chips on the night before her wedding?
- How did Katherine feel and address Chips on the night before wedding?
- How did Katherine conquer Brookfield as she had conquered Chips?
- What were the difficulties Mr. Chips faced when he tried to write a book on
his autobiography?
- When and how did Katherine and her newly born baby die?
- Important 2nd year english mr chips chapter 1 for intermediate students.
- What was Chips' mental condition after the death of Katherine and baby?
- What were the views / ideas of Mr. Chips about the Boors?
- What difference did his students and colleagues notice in Chips after
Katherine's death?
- When did Meldrum die? Who succeeded Meldrum as Headmaster?
- Where did Chips and Katherine celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of Queen
- What did Chips remember about the Diamond Jubilee celebration? OR
When did Chips take Katherine to London?
- Important 2nd year english mr chips chapter 2 question answer for intermediate students.
- What were the charges that Ralston leveled (directed) against Chips?
- What was the reaction of the students, teachers and parents to the quarrel /
row between Chips and Ralston?
- Who was the chairman of the Governors and how did he settle the dispute
between Chips and Ralston?
- Who was the chairman of the Governors and how did he treat Chips and
- What did the chairman of the Governors tell Chips about his retirement? OR
What did Chips tell Mrs. Wickett about John Rivers?
- When and why was Chips retired? What was presented to him on this
- Important 2nd year english book mr chips pdf for intermediate students.
- What were Chips' activities or enjoyments after retirement at Mrs. Wickett 's
- What was rissole? / What joke did Chips make about rissole?
- When did Chips become Acting Head of Brookfield for the second time?
- How did Mr. Chips behave and joke with the students during the air raid
- Why and how did Chips earn the reputation of being a great jester?
- What was the talk / discussion / conversation between Chips and Linford
- What did Cartwright say beside Chips' bed and what was Chips' response?