2nd Year Computer Notes

Very Important Notes of 2nd Year Computer Notes written by Professor Mr. Faraz Qasir Suib. These computerized Notes are very helpful in the preparation of the lesson 2nd year computer short questions notes for the students of Computer Science of 2nd year and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Important 2nd year computer important short questions and answers for Intermediate part-II students.
  • Define Data, Information and Explain Operations on Data.
  • Define and Explain Record and File.
  • Important 2nd year computer important short questions pdf download for Intermediate part-II students.
  • Explain Types of File from Usage Point of View: Answer : Master File : These are the latest updated files which never become empty, ever since they are created. They maintain information that remains constant over a long period of time.
  • Important 2nd year computer important programs for Intermediate part-II students.
  • Transaction File : Files in which data prior to the stage of processing is recorded. It may be temporary file, retained till the master file is updated. Backup File : Permanent files, for the purpose of protection of vital data.
  • Important computer 2nd year notes for Intermediate part-II students.
  • Explain Types of File from Functional Point of View: Answer : Program Files : These files contain the software instructions i.e. source program files and executable files. The source program files may have the extension as .cpp and the executable files as .exe. Data Files : These files contain data and are created by the software being used. A few of these are : Word Processor .doc, .rtf (document), Spread Sheet .xls and .wks (worksheet), Video files .avi, .mpg etc.
  • Define Field, Record and File.
  • Important computer notes 2nd year for Intermediate part-II students.
  • Define Data Elements, Records, Files or Datasets and Databases.
  • Define Relation or Table and describe Entity.
  • Describe Properties of Relation.
  • Describe Views.
  • Important second year computer notes for Intermediate part-II students.
  • Define Feasibility Study, Requirements Analysis, Project Planning and Data Analysis.
  • Describe Ingredients of Data Modeling.
  • Describe Entities / Objects, Attributes , Relationships, Cardinality, Modality and ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram).
  • Describe major objective of Database Design.
  • Describe MS Access? Describe Benefits of MS Access.
  • Describe Characteristics of Database Tables.
  • Important 2nd year computer important short questions for Intermediate part-II students.
  • Describe Degree and Cardinality of Relation or Table.
  • Define Basic Term used in Database.
  • Describe Form in MS Access.
  • Describe Types of Form in MS Access.
  • Describe Sub Form in MS Access.
  • Describe Reports in MS Access.
  • Describe The Basic Elements (Building Blocks) of C Language.
  • Describe Keywords.
  • Describe Variables.
  • How do you declare Variables in C.
  • Important 2nd year computer important long questions for Intermediate part-II students.
  • Describe Standard Input / Output Library (stdio.h) in C Language
  • Describe Standard Input / Output Library (stdio.h) Function printf.
  • Describe Format Specifiers in Standard Input / Output Library (stdio.h) Function printf
  • Describe Field-Width Specifiers in Standard Input / Output Library (stdio.h) Function printf.
  • Describe Iteration and Loop.
  • Describe While Statement with Flowchart and example.
  • Describe Do-While Statement with Flowchart and example.
  • Important 2nd year computer solved exercise for Intermediate part-II students.
  • Describe Importance / Benefits of Use of Functions.
  • Explain the TWO Types of Functions.
  • Explain the procedure of writing a Function in C.
  • Explain the Function Prototype in C.
  • Define permanent storage / file.
  • Explain The Concept of Streams in C.
  • Explain New Line and EOF Marker in C.
  • Define permanent storage / file.
  • Important 2nd year computer important long questions 2025 for Intermediate part-II students.
  • Explain The Concept of Streams in CAnswer : The Stream : C does not have any built-in method of performing file I/O, however the C standard library (stdio.h) contains a very rich set of I/O functions providing an efficient, powerful and flexible approach for file handling. A very important concept in C is the stream. [A stream is a logical interface to a file. A stream is associated to a file using an open operation. A stream is disassociated from a fife using a close operation]. There are two types of streams : Text Stream : A text stream is a sequence of characters. In a text stream, certain character translations may occur (e.g., a new line may be converted to a carriage return/line-feed pair). This means that there may not be a one-to-one relationship between the characters written and those in the external device. Binary Stream : A binary stream is a sequence of bytes with a one-to-one correspondence to those on the external device (i.e., no translations occur).
  • Explain File Opening in C, its Modes, and File Pointer with an example program.
  • Explain File Closing in C.

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