2nd Year Civics Guess Paper
Very Important Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), Short Questions and Long Questions in the form of 2nd Year Civics Guess Paper written by Professor Mr. Adan Haider Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of Civics for the students of the intermediate and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.
Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
- Our comprehensive 2nd Year Civics Guess Paper will ensure you're fully prepared for your exams.
- Most Important multiple choice questions of Civics class 12th repeated from previous 20 past papers of all the Punjab Boards.
- Most Important Short and Long Questions of Civics class 12th repeated from previous 20 past papers of all the Punjab Boards.
- Discuss the political and educational services of Sirsyed Ahmed khan?
- Discuss in detail the causes of the formation of All India Muslim League?
- Discuss the salient features of Lakhnow pact?
- What are the important features of the Government of India Act 1935?
- Discuss in detail the Lahore resolution of 1940?
- Disscuss the important features of 3rd June 1947 plan?
- What are the salient features of Objective Resolution of 1949?
- Discuss the salient features of 1956 constituion of Pakistan?
- Don't miss out on these free and reliable civics 2nd year guess study materials for your exams.
- Write down the important features of 1962 constitution of Pakistan?
- What are the causes of the seperation of East Pakistan?
- Elaborate the salient features of 1973 constituion of Pakistan?
- What are the powers of the parliament according to 1973 constituion?
- Discuss the powers and functions of president of Pakistan?
- Discuss the powers and functions of the supreme court of Paksitan?
- Discuss the health problems in Pakistan?
- Ace your exams with these easy-to-follow guess paper 2nd year civics.
- Discuss the structure of education in Pakistan?
- What are the kinds of education in Pakistan?
- What are the educational problems of Pakistan?
- What is the significance of social order?
- Discuss the requisites of social order in Islamic perspective for fulfilling liberty, justice
equity and authority?
- Discuss the role of Islamic values in welfare state for maintaining justice?
- By Reading guess paper of 2nd year civics explore detailed explanations and examples to enhance your understanding.
- Discuss the role of police in Pakistan?
- What is the importance of National Integration?
- Discuss national integration and cohesion in an Islamic state?
- What are the problems of national integration and cohesion and their solution?
- Discuss in detail the determinants of Pakistan’s foreign policy?
- Discuss Pakistan’s relations with China, India, Iran and Afghanistan?
- These civics guess paper of 2nd year are perfect for quick revisions before your exams.
- Discuss the role of Paksitan in OIC?
- Discuss the role of Pakistan in ECO?
- Discuss in detail the organs of UNO?
- Discuss the role of UNO in solving international disputes?
- Q: Write the names of five books of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan?
- Ans: Asar ul Sanadeed 02) Ainay-akbari 03) Khutbat-e- Ahamdiyya 04) Rasala Asbaab-e-Baghawat-e- Hind 05) Tareekh –e- Sarkashi Bajnoor.
Q1: What is the role of Muslim news papers in Caliphate movement?
- Make your study time more effective with these well-organized 2nd year civics important guess paper.
Ans: Muslim newspapers played a vital role in caliphate movement. Zamindar, Al-hilal,
Comrade and Hamdard brought a revolution in the minds of Muslims.
- Q2: When Sir Syed Ahmed khan established a school in Muradabad?
Ans: In 1859 Sir Syed Ahmed Khan established a school in Muradabad
Q#04: When scientific society was establisehd?
Ans: scientific society was established in 1863.
- Q3: When Sir syed Ahmed Khan established M.A.O high school?
Ans: Sir Syed Ahmed Khan established M.A.O high school in 1875
- Q4: When M.A.O Aligarh college was established?
Ans: it was established in 1877.
- Q5: When Aligargh college became university?
Ans: Aligargh College became university in 1920
- Q6: When and where Urdu- Hindi controversy started?
Ans: Urdu Hindi Contrversy started in 1867 at Banaras.
Q7: Which society was established for the defence of Urdu?
Ans: Urdu defense society was established for the defense of Urdu.
Q8: Who was the first president of All India Muslim league?
Ans: Sir Agha Khan was the first president of All India Muslim League.
- Q9: When Indian National Congress was established?
Ans: A.O Hume established the Indian National Congress in 1885
Q10: When and where All India Mulism League was established?
Ans: All India Muslim League was established in Dahkha in 1906
Q11: When Shimla deputation met Viceroy?
Ans: Shimla deputation met Viceroy Lord Minto on 01st October 1906.
Q12: When Lakhnow Pact was signed between Muslim league and Indian National Congress?
Ans: Lakhnow pact was signed between Congress and All India Muslim League in 1916
- Q13: When Muhammad Ali Jinnah joined Muslim League?
Ans: Muhammad Ali Jinnah joined Mulism League in 1913.
- Q14: Who was the last Caliph of Turkey?
Ans: Caliph Abdul Majeed was the last Ottoman Caliph of Turkey
- Q15: When Nehru Report was presented.
Ans: Nehru Report was presented in 1928
- Q16: When Jinnah presented his famous fourteen points?
Ans: Jinnah presented his famous fourteen points in 1929.
Q17: Who Presented the Lahore Resolution?
Ans: The “Lion of Bengal” Maulvi fazal-e-Haq presented Lahore Resolution.
- Q18: Who was the last Viceroy of India?
Ans: Lord Mountbatten was the last viceroy of India.