2nd Year Chemistry Chapter 3 Notes
Important Complete Computerized Notes 2nd Year Chemistry Chapter 3 Notes written by Honorable Professor Mr. Faraz Qadir Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of 2nd year chemistry chapter 3 short questions of Chemistry Class 12 for the students of the intermediate and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.
Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
- Important 2nd year chemistry chapter 3 mcqs for Intermediate part-II students.
- Name the ores of boron. (Formulae of individual ores can be asked)
- Name the ores of aluminium. (Formulae of individual ores can be asked)
- Why boron shows different behaviour as compared to rest of the group members?
- Important 2nd year chemistry chapter 3 short questions for Intermediate part-II students.
- Write any four points mentioning peculiar behaviour of boron.
- Mention the methods of preparation of borax.
- Why is the aqueous solution of borax alkaline in nature?
- What is the effect of heat on borax?
- Important 2nd year chemistry chapter 3 important questions for Intermediate part-II students.
- How borax reacts with HCl and H2SO4?
- How borax reacts with ammonium chloride?
- How borax is ionized?
- Give chemistry of borax bead test.
- Important 2nd year chemistry chapter 3 solved exercise for Intermediate part-II students.
- Give uses of borax OR Give any two uses of borax OR Give any four uses of borax.
- Name the important boric acids.
- What are the products of hydrolysis of different boric acids?
- How is boric acid prepared on commercial level?
- Important 2nd year chemistry chapter 3 exercise short questions for Intermediate part-II students.
- How boric acid reacts with ethanol?
- What is the effect of heat on boric acid?
- How is the boric acid ionized? OR Show that H3BO3 is a monobasic acid.
- How boric acid reacts with sodium hydroxide? OR How will you convert boric acid into
borax and vice versa?
- Important 2nd year chemistry chapter 3 solved exercise short questions for Intermediate part-II students.
- How does borax serve as a water softening agent?
- What are the uses of boric acid?
- Give reaction of aluminium with air.
- Why is aluminium not found as a free element?
- Important 2nd year chemistry chapter 3 important long questions for Intermediate part-II students.
- How aluminium reacts with non-metals?
- Give reactions of aluminium with acids and alkalies.
- Give uses of aluminium OR Give any four uses of aluminium.
- How Al finds its uses in metallurgy and photoflash bulbs?
- Important 2nd year chemistry chapter 3 long questions for Intermediate part-II students.
- How are carbon and silicon different from rest of the group members? OR Mention
points of similarity between carbon and silicon.
- Mention the common properties of group IVA elements.
- Name the ores of silicon. (Formulae of individual ores can be asked)
- Tell about the structure of carbon monoxide.
- Important 2nd year chemistry chapter 3 exercise for Intermediate part-II students.
- Tell about the structure of carbon dioxide OR How CO2 is non-polar?
- How CO2 is acidic in nature?
- Mention the properties of vitreous silica.
- Important 2nd year chemistry chapter 3 solved exercise pdf for Intermediate part-II students.
- Both carbon and silicon have four electrons in their valence shells and both also form four
Forman Christian College (A Chartered University), Lahore Pakistan covalent bonds. So, why should there be a big difference between CO2 and SiO2? OR Why CO2 is
a gas while SiO2 is a solid?
- Tell about the structure of silicon dioxide.
- What is silica glass?
- How sodium silicate is prepared?
- Mention the uses of sodium silicate.
- How is aluminium silicate obtained? OR How weathering phenomenon converts
potassium feldspar into clay?
- Borate glazes are better than silicate glazes. Explain.
- Why silicone oil is preferred over ordinary lubricant?
- Mention any four uses of silicones OR Mention any two uses of silicones.
- What are semiconductors? Give examples.
- What is the effect of increase of temperature on semiconductors?
- Tell about triplumbic tetraoxide. Give uses.
- Tell about lead monoxide. Give uses.
- Tell about lead suboxide. Give uses.
- Peculiar Behaviour of Boron: Boron is the first member of the Group IIIA, it shows many
dissimilarities with the members of its own group. The difference in the
properties of boron and those of the other members of the series is
mainly due to the large difference in their sizes and ionization energies.
- 1. Boron is the only elementinGroupIIIAwhichisnon-metallic in behaviour. 2. It is the only element with less than four electrons in the outermost shell
which is not a metal. 3. Boron always uses all the three of its valence electrons for bonding purposes
and its common oxidation states are + 3 and -3. 4. One of the outstanding features of the chemistry of boron is its ability to form
molecular addition compounds.