2nd Year Chemistry Chapter 2 Notes
Important Complete 2nd Year Chemistry Chapter 2 Notes written by Honorable Professor Mr. Faraz Qadir Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of 2nd Year Chemistry Chapter 2 Notes for the students of the intermediate and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.
Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
- Important 2nd year chemistry chapter 2 mcqs for Intermediate part-II students.
- What are alkali metals? Why are they called so?
- What are s-block elements?
- What are alkaline earth metals?
- Mention the names and formulae of important minerals of alkali metals.
- Important 2nd year chemistry chapter 2 short questions for Intermediate part-II students.
- Give formulae of halite and natron.
- Write any four points mentioning peculiar behaviour of lithium.
- Write any four points mentioning peculiar behaviour of beryllium.
- Important 2nd year chemistry chapter 2 important questions for Intermediate part-II students.
- Give the reaction of Be with NaOH.
- Why alkali metals are good reducing agents?
- How alkali metals react with oxygen?
- How alkali metals react with water?
- How alkali metals react with hydrogen?
- Important 2nd year chemistry chapter 2 solved exercise for Intermediate part-II students.
- How alkali metal hydrides react with water?
- How lithium reacts with nitrogen and carbon?
- How alkali metals react with halogens?
- How alkali metals react with sulphur?
- How alkaline-earth metals react with oxygen?
- What are alkali metals? Why are they called so?
- Important 2nd year chemistry chapter 2 important long questions for Intermediate part-II students.
- What are alkaline earth metals? Why are they called so?
- Why alkali and alkaline earth metals are the most reactive elements of the periodic table?
- How alkaline earth metals react with nitrogen? What are the products of hydrolysis of
their nitrides?
- How alkaline earth metals react with sulphur?
- Important 2nd year chemistry chapter 2 long questions for Intermediate part-II students.
- How alkaline earth metals react with water?
- What is the trend of solubility of alkaline earth metal oxides in water?
- What is the trend of basic character of oxides of alkaline earth metals?
- The reaction of an alkali metal oxide with water is an acid-base reaction and not an
oxidation reduction reaction. Justify.
- Important 2nd year chemistry chapter 2 exercise short questions for Intermediate part-II students.
- What is the effect of heat on alkali and alkaline earth metal hydroxides?
- Why lime water turns milky by passing CO2 gas but becomes clear with excess of CO2?
- What is the trend of solubility of alkaline earth metal hydroxides?
- Tell about stability of alkali metal carbonates and their solubility in water.
- Important 2nd year chemistry chapter 2 exercise for Intermediate part-II students.
- Why is it difficult to decompose potassium carbonate?
- Why the solution of sodium carbonate in water is basic in nature?
- Mention the trend of solubility of alkaline earth metal carbonates.
- What is the relation between ease of decomposition and size of ion?
- Important 2nd year chemistry chapter 2 solved exercise pdf for Intermediate part-II students.
- Tell about the solubility of nitrates of both alkali and alkaline earth metals.
- What is the effect of heat on nitrates of alkali and alkaline earth metals?
- Prove that decomposition of lithium nitrate gives different products than nitrates of other
alkali metals?
- How Plaster of Paris is prepared? OR How gypsum is converted into Plaster of Paris?
- Tell about solubility of alkali and alkaline earth metal sulphates.
- What is the role of sulphur in plant growth?
- What are the uses of Plaster of Paris?
- Mention the varieties of Plaster of Paris.
- How lime and sand are used to make glass?
- INTRODUCTION: The s-block elements are the metals in Group IA and Group IIA of the periodic table. They are called the s-block elements because s-orbitals are being
filled, in their outer most shells. The elements of group IA except hydrogen are
called “Alkali metals” while those of IIA are named “Alkaline-earth metals”. The name alkali came from Arabic, which means ‘The Ashes’. The Arabs used this
term for these metals because they found that the ashes of plants were composed chiefly of sodium and potassium. Alkali metals include the elements, lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, caesium and francium. These are very reactive metals, produce strong alkaline solutions with water. The alkaline-earth
metals are beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium and radium. They
are called alkaline-earth because they produce alkalies in water and are widely
distributed in earth’s crust.
- The alkali and alkaline earth metals include the most reactive electropositive elements and a study of their electronic configurations
will help in understanding their properties.