2nd Year Chemistry Chapter 1 Notes
Important Complete Computerized Notes 2nd Year Chemistry Chapter 1 Notes written by Honorable Professor Mr. Faraz Qadir Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of 2nd Year Chemistry Chapter 1 Notes of Chemistry Class 12 for the students of the intermediate and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.
Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
- Important 2nd year chemistry chapter 1 mcqs for Intermediate part-II students.
- Define periodic table.
- What is the contribution of Al-Razi in the field of chemistry?
- What are Dobereiner’s triads?
- Important mcqs of chemistry 2nd year chapter 1 with answers for Intermediate part-II students.
- What are Newland’s Octaves?
- Define Mendeleev’s and modern periodic law.
- What are the drawbacks in Mendeleev’s periodic table? OR Give two defects of
Mendeleev’s periodic table.
- Important 2nd year chemistry notes chapter 1 solved exercise for Intermediate part-II students.
- What are the improvements in Mendeleev’s periodic table?
- Zn,Cd,Hg were placed along with alkaline earth metals in Mendeleev’s periodic
table. How this confusion was removed in Modern periodic table?
- Define groups and periods.
- Important 2nd year chemistry chapter 1 short questions for Intermediate part-II students.
- Which period is the shortest one in the periodic table?
- Tell about short periods in the periodic table.
- Tell about long periods in the periodic table.
- Important 2nd year chemistry chapter 1 solved exercise pdf for Intermediate part-II students.
- Which period is called incomplete in the periodic table?
- Tell about blocks in the periodic table.
- How the classification of elements in different blocks helps in understanding their
- What are alkaline earth metals? Why they are called so?
- Important 2nd year chemistry chapter 1 important questions for Intermediate part-II students.
- What are typical and non-typical transition elements?
- What are inner transition elements and outer transition elements?
- What are coinage metals?
- Discuss position of hydrogen with respect to Group IA.
- Discuss position of hydrogen with respect to Group VIIA.
- Discuss position of hydrogen with respect to IVA Group.
- Discuss reducing properties of hydrogen with respect to IVA.
- Important 2nd year chemistry chapter 1 solved exercise for Intermediate part-II students.
- How are ionic halides formed? Give their properties.
- Which ionic halides have the highest melting point and why?
- Which elements give polymeric halides and what are their properties?
- What is the trend of halides from left to right in the periodic table?
- What are the properties of covalent halides?
- Important 2nd year chemistry chapter 1 exercise short questions for Intermediate part-II students.
- What is the trend of halides from top to bottom in the periodic table?
- AlF3 has higher melting point than AlI3. Why?
- Why PbCl2 is ionic but PbCl4 is fairly covalent compound?
- How oxidation state tells about ionic or covalent nature of halides?
- What are hydrides? What is the trend of boiling points of hydrides of group VIA down the
- What happens when acidic and basic oxides combine with each other?
- Important 2nd year chemistry chapter 1 notes pdf for Intermediate part-II students.
- Although both sodium and phosphorus are present in the same period of the periodic table
yet their oxides are different in nature, Na2O is basic while P2O5 is acidic in character. Justify.
- What is the effect of oxidation state of metal on nature of oxide?
- On which factor does hydration energy depends?
- What is the trend of electrical conductance in the periodic table?
- Important 2nd year chemistry chapter 1 solved exercise short questions for Intermediate part-II students.
- Why metallic character increases from top to bottom in a group of metal?
- Why graphite is a conductor whereas diamond is a non-conductor?
- Why the oxidation states of noble gases are usually zero?
- Why transition elements show variable oxidation state?
- Important 2nd year chemistry notes chapter 1 solved exercise for Intermediate part-II students.
- Why melting point and boiling point increases up to the middle of the periodic table and
then decreases as we move from left to right?
- Why IA elements have lower melting point than IIA elements?
- Explain the variation in melting points along the short periods.
- Important 2nd year chemistry chapter 1 important long questions for Intermediate part-II students.
- What is the trend of melting and boiling point down the group in the periodic table?
- Lanthanide contraction controls the atomic sizes of elements of 6th and 7th periods.
- Important 2nd year chemistry chapter 1 exercise for Intermediate part-II students.
- INTRODUCTION: To achieve a thorough understanding of a complex subject like chemistry, it would be highly desirable to fit all the facts into a simple logical pattern. The periodic table of elements has served the purpose to systematize the properties of the elements for well over 100 years. The development of periodic table is one of the most significant achievements in the history of chemical sciences. The Periodic Table provides a basic framework to study the periodic behaviour of physical and chemical properties of elements as well as their compounds. In previous classes, you have learnt about the periodic classification of elements.