2nd Year Biology Notes

Very Important Notes of 2nd Year Biology Notes written by Professor Mr. Faraz Qasir Suib. These computerized Notes are very helpful in the preparation of the 2nd Year Biology Notes for the students of Biology and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Important 2nd year biology notes pdf for intermediate part-II students.
  • What is lithotripsy?
  • What are pyrogens? Ans: In bacterial and viral infections mainly, leukocytes increase in number. These pathogens and the blood cells produce chemicals called as pyrogens. Pyrogens displace the set point of hypothalamus above the normal point of 37° C.
  • Important 2nd year biology book pdf for intermediate part-II students.
  • What is hypertonic environment and what changes occur in a cell in such environment?  OR  Differentiate between hypotonic and hypertonic environment.
  • Important 2nd year biology notes for intermediate part-II students.
  • What are osmoconformers and osmoregulators?
  • What are heat shock proteins?  Ans: The cells of some plants synthesize large quantities of special proteins called heat-shock proteins. These proteins embrace enzymes and other proteins thus help to prevent denaturation. 
  • Important biology book 2nd year pdf for intermediate part-II students.
  • What is sciatica?  OR  What is sciatica and its causes?
  • What is foreman triosseum?  OR What is foreman triosseum? How it is formed?
  • Important kips biology notes 2nd year pdf for intermediate part-II students.
  • The lifting action of birds is possible because the tendon of the supra- coracoid muscles passes through an opening the formen triosseum formed between the scapula coracoid and clavicle bones and is attached to the upper surface of the humerus.
  • Important unique professor notes biology 2nd year pdf download for intermediate part-II students.
  • What is the role of vascular cambium?
  • What is axial skeleton?
  • What are synovial joints?
  • What is innate behavior?
  • Important 2nd year biology important questions for intermediate part-II students.
  • What is the role of hypothalamus?
  • What is synapse?
  • What is habituation? Give an example.
  • What is the role of thyroxine?
  • Important 2nd year biology important short questions for intermediate part-II students.
  • What is follicle atresia?
  • What is after birth?
  • Important 2nd year biology solved exercises for intermediate part-II students.
  • What is the role of placenta in human?
  • What is seed dormancy? Give its importance.
  • Important 2nd year biology scholar series pdf for intermediate part-II students.
  • What do you mean by open growth?
  • What is blastoderm?
  • What is a cleft palate?
  • What is microcephaly?
  • Important 2nd Year Biology questions for intermediate part-II students.
  • What do you mean by open growth?
  • What is blastoderm?
  • What is a cleft palate?
  • What is microcephaly?
  • Important 2nd Year Biology important for intermediate part-II students.
  • What is Bombay phenotype?
  • What is MODY?
  • What is genetic code? OR What are non-sense codons? OR Enlist non-sense codons and their function.  OR  Differentiate between genetic code and stop codon.
  • Important 2nd Year Biology long question notes for intermediate part-II students.
  • Where are codon and anticodon situated?
  • What is heterochromatin? OR What is euchromatin? OR Differentiate between heterochromatin and euchromatin.
  • What is SRY gene? How it is transferred?
  • What are the genes and alleles?
  • What is a nullo gamete?
  • Important 2nd year biology important long questions for intermediate part-II students.
  • What is ammonification?
  • What are root nodules?
  • What is assimilation?
  • What is a Mycorrhiza?  OR  What are Mycorrhizae?
  • Important ncert second year biology book pdf for intermediate part-II students.
  • What are lichens?
  • What is the composition of air of terrestrial ecosystem?
  • What is the effect of human impact on Tundra ecosystem?
  • Important 2nd Year Biology short questions notes for intermediate part-II students.
  • What is the effect of human impact on Desert ecosystem?
  • Where the Desert ecosystem is found in Pakistan.
  • What is acid rain?
  • Important 2nd Year Biology imp long questions for intermediate part-II students.
  • What is Eutrophication?  OR  What is algal bloom?
  • What is Ozone?  OR  Give the importance of ozone layer.
  • What is pollutant?
  • Important 2nd Year Biology scholar series pdf free download for intermediate part-II students.
  • Write names of various types of pollution.
  • What is the role of suicide gene in transgenic bacteria?
  • What is the advantage of genetic engineering of C4 plants?
  • Important important long questions of 2nd year biology for intermediate part-II students.
  • What are transgenic plants. OR Give two advantages of transgenic plants. 
  • What is Ex-vivo gene therapy? OR Differentiate between Ex-vivo and In-vivo gene therapy.
  • What is a genome and genomic library? OR Differentiate between genome and genomic library. OR Define genomic library.
  • Important 2nd Year Biology important short questions 2025 for intermediate part-II students.
  • What is PCR and write applications of PCR amplification. OR What are the uses of PCR amplification and analysis?
  • What is totipotency? OR What is totipotent cell? OR Define the term totipotent. OR Why plant cells are said to be totipotent?
  • Important 2nd Year Biology important long questions 2025 for intermediate part-II students.

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