2nd Year Biology Chapter 23 Notes

Complete handwritten Chapter No.23: 2nd Year Biology Chapter 23 Notes written by Professor Professor Mr. Adnan Haider. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of Biotechnology 2nd Year notes pdf of Biology for the students of the intermediate and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Important 2nd Year Biology Chapter 23 mcqs for Intermediate part-II students.
  • 1. Polyhdroxy butyrate is called:  (A) Antithrombin Ill  (B) Nutura sweet  (C) Luciferine  (D) Biodegradable plastic
  • 2. Antibidies made by soybean are used to cure:  (A) Tumor cells  (B) Mumps  (C) Cystic fibrosis  (D) Genital herpes
  • 3. An enzyme - galctosidase that can be used to treat a human lysosome storage, is harvested from:  (A) Soyabeans  (B) Corn plants  (C) Tobacco plants  (D) Sugarcane
  • Important 2nd Year Biology Chapter 23 important questions for Intermediate part-II students.
  • 4. Antithrombin III is a biotechnological product produce by:  (A) Goat  (B) Sheep  (C) Mice  (D) Cow
  • 5. The use of transgenic farm animals to produce pharmaceutical is termed as:  (A) Gene therapy  (B) Genetic drift  (C) Gene farming  (D) Gene pharming
  • 6. Urine is preferable vehicle for a biotechnology product than:  (A) Tissue fluid  (B) Plasma  (C) Blood  (D) Milk
  • 7. Cystic fibrosis patient lack a gene that codes for transmembrane carriers of:  (A) Chloride ions  (B) Sulphate ions  (C) Carbonate ions  (D) Bromide ions
  • Important 2nd Year Biology Chapter 23 short questions for Intermediate part-II students.
  • 8.Persons with Huntington's disease have a unique site where a restriction enzyme cuts:  (A) Proteins  (B) Lipids  (C) DNA  (D) RNA
  • 9. The cells which cling to an egg after ovulation is called:  (A) Cumulus  (B) Ovary cells  (C) Heap  (D) Plethora
  • 10. Adult transgenic tobacco plants glowed when sprayed with the substrate:  (A) Luciferon  (B) Luciferol  (C) Luciferin  (D) Luciferase
  • Important 2nd Year Biology Chapter 23 important short questions for Intermediate part-II students.
  • What is the use of genetically engineered bacteria?
  • What are the restriction enzymes?
  • Why transgenic animals are cloned?
  • Which enzyme is Taq polymerase?
  • How transgenic animals are developed?
  • Important 2nd Year Biology Chapter 23 long questions for Intermediate part-II students.
  • From which animal, antithrombin III is produced?
  • How many methods are used for gene therapy? Name Them.
  • How transgenic animals that secrete a product are often cloned? 
  • What is Dolly?  When recombinant DNA technology is used and when PCR?
  • How genes can be isolated from chromosomes?
  • What is complementary DNA?  What are Palindromic sequences?
  • Important 2nd Year Biology Chapter 23 important long questions for Intermediate part-II students.
  • What are Sticky ends? What is a vector?
  • What are plasmids?  What is the use of DNA ligase?
  • What is recombinant DNA or chimeric DNA?
  • What is a clone?  What is a genome and genomic library?
  • What is a probe?   What is the polymerase chain reaction or PCR?
  • Where from PCR took its name? Why is called a chain reaction?
  • What is DNA Finger-printing?  What is gel-electrophoresis?
  • What are various methods of gene or DNA sequencing?
  • What is the Maxam-Gilbert method?
  • What is the use of the dideoxy method?
  • what are transgenic animal
  • Name different organisms and organelles whose genomes have been sequenced.
  • What is the purpose of the primary goal of the Human Genome Project?
  • What is biotechnology?
  • What are transgenic organisms?
  • What are bioreactors?
  • Name some biotechnology products produced by bacteria.
  • What are Biofilters?  What are protoplasts?
  • Give two advantages of transgenic plants.
  • Give two advantages of transgenic plants.
  • Define gene therapy.  What is Ex-vivo gene therapy?
  • What is the method of ex-vivo gone therapy?
  • What is in-vivo gene therapy? 
  • How gene therapy has been used for the treatment of cancer?
  • How gene therapy has been used for the treatment of coronary artery angioplasty?
  • What is tissue culture?
  • Important long question of Biology 2nd year chapter 23
  • Plant cells are said to be totipotent. What do you mean by this?
  • What is Micro-propagation?
  • What are somaclonal variations?
  • What is Anther's culture technique?
  • What is the cell suspension culture technique?
  • Define hybridization. What was its use?
  • What is luciferase and luciferin?

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