2nd Year Biology Chapter 19 Notes
Complete handwritten Chapter No.19: 2nd Year Biology Chapter 19 Notes written by Professor Professor Mr. Adnan Haider. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of 2nd Year Biology chapter 19 Growth and Development of Biology for the students of the intermediate and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.
Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
- Important 2nd Year Biology Chapter 19 mcqs for Intermediate part-II students.
- 1. The removal of apex releases the lateral buds from the apical dominance. It is: (A) Inhibitory effect (B) Apical dominances (C) Reproduction (D) Compensatory
- 2. Primary growth in plants is caused by: (A) Lateral meristem (B) Apical meristem (C) Intercalary meristem (D) Rib meristem
- 3. How many folds, cell volume, increase during elongation due to uptake of water: (A) 120 (B) 150 (C) 130 (D) 180
- Important 2nd Year Biology Chapter 19 pdf for Intermediate part-II students.
- 4. During elongation the cell volume increase up to: (A) 150 fold (B) 50 fold (C) 100 fold (D) 200 fold
- 5. Secondary growth leads to an increase in the diameter of the: (A) Stem (B) Stem and Root (C) Root (D) Leaf
- 6. Apical dominance is caused by: (A) Gibberllins (B) Cytokinins (C) Auxins (D) Ethene
- Important 2nd Year Biology Chapter 19 short questions for Intermediate part-II students.
- 7. Apical meristems are present in: (A) Vascular cambium (B) Shoot and root rips (C) Stem nodes (D) Corks ambium
- 8. The negative physiological changes in our body are said to be: (A) Maturation (B) Aging (C) Childhood (D) Death
- 9. Fertilization is the process which leads to the union of: (A) Individuals (B) Sperms (C) Gametes (D) Eggs
- Important 2nd Year Biology Chapter 19 important short questions for Intermediate part-II students.
- 10. A plant has a growth pattern called? (A) Growing point (B) Meristem (C) Apical meristem (D) Open growth
- 11. Cleavage results in the formation of rounded closely packed mass of blastomeres, known as: (A) Blastulla (B) Morulla (C) Gastrula (D) Neurula
- 12. The germ layers are formed during: (A) Cleavage (B) Organogenisis (C) Gastrulation (D) Growth
- Important 2nd Year Biology Chapter 19 important long questions for Intermediate part-II students.
- 13. The mesodermal cells do not invaginate but migrate medially and caudally from both sides and create a midline thickening called? (A) Hensen's Node (B) Primitive streak (C) Epiblast (D) Hypoblast
- 14. The mesodermal cells do not invaginate but migrate medially and caudally from both sides and create a midline thickening called? (A) Henseon's node (B) Primitive streak (C) Epiblast (D) Hypoblast
- Important Biology second Year Chapter 19 short questions for Intermediate part-II students.
- What are the growing points?
- What is secondary growth?
- Name the factors by which the rate of growth is influenced.
- What is correlation?
- What is discoidal cleavage?
- What is the role of cytokinins in apical dominance?
- Which process is defined as negative physiological changes?
- Due to what factors normal process of development is disturbed?
- Define embryonic induction.
- Differentiate between growth and development?
- What is meristem?
- What is open growth?
- What is Apical Meristem?
- differentiate economic development and economic growth.
- What are Intercalary Meristems?
- What are Lateral meristems?
- Define differentiation.
- What was the work of Thimann and Skoog?
- Differentiate between inhibitory and compensatory effects?
- What is the temperature for the incubation of a chick egg?
- Define Cleavage. What is Morula? What is Blastula?
- what is blastoderm?
- What is a zone of junction in a developing chick embryo?
- Define Gastrulation.
- Which two layers are formed from blastoderm during gastrulation?
- What is area pellucida?
- What is area opaca?
- What is a Primitive streak?
- What is a primitive node?
- What is Hensen's node?
- What is a Germ wall?
- What is gastrocoele?
- How many layers, the lateral plate mesoderm is split-ted into?
- What is coelom? What is Neurula? How neural plate is formed?
- How neural tube is formed in a chick embryo?
- What are neuropores?
- What was the work of Dietrich?
- What is Acetabularia? What is primary induction?
- Define regeneration. What are neoblasts?
- Important long question of Biology 2nd year chapter 19