1st Year Physics Guess Paper

Full book important short questions, long questions, and Numerical as a form of 1st year physics guess paper written by Professor Mr. Zeeshan Maqsood Suib from Punjab College Lahore. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of Physics for the students of the intermediate and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Our comprehensive 1st Year Physics Guess Paper will ensure you're fully prepared for your exams.
  • Most Important Short Questions of all chapters of 1st year Physics. 
  • Most Important Long Questions of all chapters of 1st year Physics.
  • Most Important Numerical of all chapters of 1st year Physics. 
  • Most Important Short Questions 1. What are the main frontiers of the fundamental sciences? 2. Differentiate between radian and steradian. 3. Differentiate between random and systematic error. 4. What is the difference between precision and accuracy? 5. Define dimensional analysis. Write its uses.
  • Don't miss out on these free and reliable first year physics guess paper study materials for your exams.
  • Exercise Short Questions 6. Name several repetitive phenomena occurring in nature which could serve as responsible time standards. 7. Give the draw backs to use the period of pendulum as a time standard? 8. Why do we find it useful to have two units for amount of substance, the kilogram and mole? 9. The period of a simple pendulum is measured by a stop watch. What types of error are possible? 10. Does dimensional analysis give any information about a constant of proportionality that may appear in an algebraic expression? 11. Write the dimension of (a) Pressure (b) density
  • Ace your exams with these easy-to-follow physics 1st year guess paper.
  • Most Important Short Questions 1. What is head to tail rule? 2. Define null vector and equal vector. 3. Write three characteristics of scalar product and dot product. 4. Define equilibrium. Discuss its types.
  • Exercise Short Questions 5. Define the terms (i) Unit vector (ii) Position Vector and (iii) Component of a Vector. 6. The vector sum of three vectors gives zero resultant. What can be the possible orientation of the vectors? 7. If one of the rectangular components of a vector is not zero. Can its magnitude be zero? Explain. 8. Can a vector have components greater than the vector’s magnitude? 9. Can a vector have components greater than the vector’s magnitude? 10. If A+B = 0, What can you say about the components of two vectors? 11. Under what circumstances would a vector have components that are equal in magnitude? 12. Is it possible to add a scalar quantity into a vector quantity? Explain 13. Can you add zero to a null vector? 14. Two vectors have unequal magnitude. Can their sum be equal to zero? Explain. 15. Suppose the sides of closed polygon represent vector arranged head to tail rule. What is the sum of these vectors? 16. If all the components of the vectors A and A 1 2 were reversed, how would this alter A A 1 × 2  17. Name the three different conditions that could make A A 1 × 2 = O  18. Can a body rotate about its centre of gravity under the action of its weight?
  • By Reading 1st year physics guess paper 2025 explore detailed explanations and examples to enhance your understanding.
  • Long Questions 1. Vector addition by rectangular components 2. Dot or scalar product 3. Cross or vector product 4. Torque acting on a rigid body
  • Most Important Short Questions 1. Show that the area between the velocity time graph is equal to the distance covered by the object. 2. When a bullet is fired from a riffle. Why does the riffle move backward? 3. Define ballistic missile and ballistic trajectory.
  • These physics 1st year guess paper 2025 are perfect for quick revisions before your exams.
  • Exercise Short Questions 4. What is the difference between uniform and variable velocity? From the explanation of variable velocity, define acceleration. Give SI units of velocity and acceleration. 5. An object is thrown vertically upward. Discuss the sign of acceleration due to gravity, relative to velocity, while the object is in air? 6. Can the velocity of an object reverse direction when acceleration is constant? If so, given an example? 7. Explain the circumstances in which the velocity and acceleration of car are; (i) Parallel (ii) Anti-Parallel (iii) Perpendicular to one another
  • Stay ahead of your peers by using these thorough and well-structured physics first year guess paper 2025.
  • 8. Motion with constant velocity is a special case of motion with constant acceleration. Is this statement true? Discuss. 9. Find the change in momentum for an object subjected to a given force for a given time and state law of motion in terms of momentum? 10. Define impulse and show that how it is related to linear momentum? 11. Explain the difference between elastic and inelastic collision. 12. Explain what is meant by projectile motion? Derive the expression for (a) The time of flight (b) The range of projectile Show that the range of projectile is maximum when projectile is thrown at an angle of 45o with horizontal. 13. At what point or points in its path does a projectile have its minimum speed, its maximum speed? 
  • Download the guess paper of physics 1st year 2025 today and start your exam preparation without any hassle.

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