1st Year Islamiat Notes Chapter 3
Important Notes of 1st Year Islamiat Notes Chapter 3 written by Prof Mr. M. Tayyab Shahzad. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of 1st Year Islamiat Notes Chapter 3 of 1st year Islamiat Lazmi for the students of the intermediate and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.
Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
- Here are the detailed 1st year islamiat chapter 3 notes to help you prepare for your exams.
- 1. Among the following Zakat cannot be given to whom:(a) Poor People (b) Debtor (c) Parents (d) Those Who Need to be Comforted
- 2. Which Caliph did Jehad against the Claimants of Prophethood: (a) Hazrat Umar (b) Hazrat Ali (c) Hazrat Abu Bakar (d) Hazrat Usman
- 3. Man can not get by his hard work: (a) Leadership (b) Monarchy (c) Imamat (d) Prophethood
- 4. Deserving of Allah Almighty's Curse is : (a) Envious (b) Liar (c) Hypocrite (d) Arrogant
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- 5. Hazrat Jafar Tayyar (R.A) was Martyred in the Battle of : (a) Hunain (b) Badar (c) Tabuk (d) Moota
- 6. TheBest Zikr is: (a) Subhan-Allah (b) Alhumdullah (c) La-e-ia el-allah (d) Allah-o-Akbar:
- 7. _____has been called " Jehad-e-Akbar": (a) Jehad against the Desires of Nafs (b) Jehad with Pen (c) Jehad with Tongue (d) Jehad against the Devil
- 8. Feature of Makki Soorahs is: (a) Description of Beliefs (b) To be Long (c) Description of Issues and Rules (d) Order of Jehad
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- 9. Imam Ahmad bin Shoaib (R.A) Compiled: (a) Sunan Abi Dawood (b) Jam'e Tirmazi (c) Sunan Nisai (d) Sunan Ibn-e-Maja
- 10. Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) delivered a Sermon during Hajj : (a) In the Khana Kaba (b) In Arfat (c) In Muzdalifa (d) In Mina
- 1. means ___ books of Hadith: (a) 08 (b) 06 (c) 04 (d) 02
- 2. The Literal Meaning of " Hadith " is : (a) Knowledge (b) Conversation (c) Life (d) Work
- 3. The Smallest Surah of Holy Quran is: (a) Al-kosar (b) Al-Asar (c) Al-Feel (d) Al-Annas
- Download the 1st year islamiat chapter 3 short questions today and start your exam preparation without any hassle.
- 4. Family of Banu Hashim was Bycotted in: (a) Two Years (b) Six Years (c) Three Years (d) Five Years
- 5. After Allah Almighty best affection is for____: (a) Children (b) Hazrat Muhammad (c) Parents (d) Hazrat Adam
- 6. The meaning of is: (a) To Help (b) Partnership (c) Division (d) Equality
- 7. The " Nisab-e-Zakat " of Gold is: (a) 5.5 Tolas (b) 7.5 Tolas (c) 5 Tolas (d) 52.5 Tolas
- 8. The Literal Meaning of " Aqeeda " is: (a) To Think (b) To See (c) Knotted Thing (d) To Open
- Our comprehensive 1st year islamiat chapter 3 mcqs with answers will ensure you're fully prepared for your exams.
- 9. Zulm-e-Azeeem is: (a) To Take Interest (b) To Murder (c) To Theft (d) Shirk
- 10. Musarif-e-Zakat are: (a) 04 (b) 06 (c) 08 (d) 09
- What is meant by
- Write down the Literal and Conventional meaning of "Rasool".
- Explain the Miraculous Book
- Write down the four Distinctive Qualities of Holy Quran.
- What is the relationship between Month of Ramzan and Pakistan?
- Write any two Social Benefits of Zakat.
- Explain the Accepted Hajj
- Write a few lines on the Importance of
- Describe two kinds of Hypocrite.
- What is meant by " Patience and Firmness"?
- Make your study time more effective with these well-organized 1st year islamiat chapter 3 long questions.
- Give an example of Hazrat Muhammad's Blessing on Women.
- What is meant by
- Write the Compiler name of " Al-Kafi ".
- What is meant by
- Write the Concept of Hadith.
- Write down any two Salient Features of the Holy Quran.
- Translate the Verse.
- Translate the Hadith.
- Describe the Prominent Characteristics of the Prophethood of Hazrat Muhammad
- Write a note on Wife's Rights in the light of Quran and Sunnah.
- Analyse the Compilation and Preservation Period of Hadith.