1st Year English Chapter 2

Computerized Questions with their answers to 1st Year English Chapter 2 written by Professor Mr. Yasir Feroz Suib. These computerized questions with their answers are very helpful in the preparation of the lesson Clearing in the Sky Question Answers for the students of English of 1st year and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

"This is the way, Jess," said my father, pointing with his cane across the deep valley below us. "I want to show you something you've not seen for many years!". Important 1st year english chapter 2 question answer from Punjab Textbook.
"Isn't it too hot for you to do much walking?" I wiped the streams of sweat from my face to keep them from stinging my eyes.
I didn't want to go with him. I had just finished walking a half mile uphill from my home to his. I had carried a basket of dishes to Mom. There were two slips in the road and I couldn't drive my car. And I knew how hot it was. It was 97 in the shade. I knew that from January until April my father had gone to eight different doctors. One of the doctors had told him not to walk the length of a city block. He told my father to get a taxi to take him home. But my father walked home five miles across the mountain and told Mom what the doctor had said. Forty years ago a doctor had told him the same thing. And he had lived to raise a family of five children. He had done as much hard work in those years as any man. Important 1st year english chapter 2 translation from Punjab Textbook.
I could not protest to him now. He had made up his mind. When he made up his mind to do a thing, he would do it if he had to crawl. He didn't care if it was 97 in the shade or 16 below zero. I wiped more sweat from my face as I followed him down the little path between the pasture and the meadow.
Suddenly he stopped at the edge of the meadow, took his pocket knife from his pocket, and cut a wisp of alfalfa. He held it up between him and the sun. Important 1st year english chapter 2 exercise from Punjab Textbook.
"Look at this, Jess!" he bragged. "Did you ever see better alfalfa grow out of the earth?"
"It's the best looking hay I've ever seen any place," I said, "I've not seen better looking alfalfa even in the Little Sandy River bottoms!"
"When I bought this little farm, everybody around here said I'd end up with my family at the country poor farm if I tried to make a living here," he bragged again. "It took me thirty years to improve these old worn-out acres to make them do this!"
Important 1st year english lesson 2 question answer from Punjab Textbook.
"I like these woods, Jess," my father said. "Remember when we used to come here to hunt for squirrels? Remember when we sat beneath these hickories and the squirrels threw green hickory shells down at us? The morning wind just at the break of day in August was so good to breathe. I can't forget those days. And in October when the rabbits were ripe and the frosts had come and the hickory leaves had turned yellow and when the October winds blew they rustled the big leaves from the trees and they fell like yellow rain drops to the ground! Remember," he said, looking at me with his pale blue eyes. "How our hounds, Rags and Scout, would make the rabbits circle! These were good days, Jess! That's why I remember this mountain."
Important 1st year english chapter 2 mcqs from Punjab Textbook.
"Is that what you wanted to show me?" I asked.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Important 1st year english chapter 2 short questions from Punjab Textbook.
  • Why didn’t the old man follow the advice of the doctors?
  • What had the doctors told the old man?
  • Where did the old man take his son?
  • Had the son ever been there before?
  • What were the names of the vegetables the old man grew on his farm?
  • Why did the old man take a steep path?
  • Why did the son at the age of six cry?
  • What were the feelings of the old man at the age of seventy?
  • Why had the old man planted his secret garden?

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