1st Year Chemistry Chapter 9 Notes

Important Complete 1st Year Chemistry Chapter 9 Notes written by Honorable Professor Mr. Adnan Haider Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of 1st Year Chemistry Chapter 9 Notes Solutions of First-Year Chemistry for the students of the intermediate and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Important Fill in the blanks with answers of Chapter Number 9: Solutions of First-year Chemistry Punjab Textbook Boards.
  • Define solution with an example.
  • How will you prepare 10% W/V urea solution in water?
  • How will you prepare one molar solution of sucrose?
  • Define consulate solution temperature with example. OR What is consulate temperature?
  • Calculate percentage by weight of NaCl when 2g of NaCl is dissolved in 20g of water?
  • Define percentage weight / weight. Give an example.
  • The concentration in terms of molality is independent of temperature but molarity depends upon temperature. Why?
  • What is meant by molar and molal solutions? 
  • One molal solution of glucose in water is dilute as compared to one molar solution of glucose. Justify 
  • Calculate the molarity of the solution containing 20.7 g of K2CO3 dissolved in 500 cm3 of the given solution?
  • Calculate the mass of urea in 100 g of H2O in 0.3 molal solution.
  • Calculate the molality of the solution prepared by dissolving 5 g toluene (C7H8) in 250 g of benzene?
  • Define molarity and molality. Give mathematical form. 
  • Calculate the molality of the 8% w/w NaCl solution.
  • One molal solution of urea is more dilute as compared to its one molar solution. Why? 
  • Define Molarity of a solution. How is Molarity related to mass of solute?
  • What is molarity? Calculate the molarity of a solution containing 9 grams of glucose (C6H12O6 ) in 250 cm3 of solution. 
  • One molal solution of urea in water is dilute as compared to one molar solution of urea but the number of practices of solute is same. Justify it.
  • How has 100 g of 98% H2SO4 volume of 54.34 Cm3 of H2SO4? (Density = 1.84 g cm-3) 
  • What do you mean by mole fraction of solution?
  • The sum of all the mole fractions is equal to one (unity). Discuss. OR Why the sum of mole fractions is always equal to unity?
  • Define mole fraction and parts per million (ppm).
  • Define parts per million and when this concentration unit is used
  • Sea water has 5.65× 𝟏𝟎−𝟑g of dissolved oxygen in one kg of water. Calculate the concentration of oxygen in sea water in parts per million.
  • Define azeotropic mixture. Give two examples. 
  • Differentiate between zeotropic and azeotropic mixture. 
  • Define ebullioscopic constant with example.
  • What is critical solution temperature? Give the critical solution temperature of phenol water system.
  • Dissolution of KCl and Na2SO4 in water give neutral solutions. Why?
  • define fractional crystallization. How is it useful?
  • Polar solids are not dissolved in non-polar solvent, give reason. 
  • Give two examples of liquid-liquid solution. 
  • The total volume of the solution by mixing 100 cm3 of water with 100 cm3 of alcohol may not be equal to 100 cm3 justify it.
  • What is upper consulate temperature and give one example? 
  • What is conjugate solution with one example? 
  • Give two definitions of Raoult's law.
  • Relative lowering of vapour pressure is independent of temperature. Explain.
  • Why the non-ideal solutions do not obey the Raoult's law?
  • differentiate between ideal and non ideal solutions. OR Define non-ideal solution with example.
  • Define solubility and solubility curves. 
  • Differentiate between continuous and discontinuous solubility curves.
  • Why Na2SO4 .10H2O shows discontinuous solubility curve?
  • What is fractional crystallization? How is it useful?
  • Fractional crystallization technique is used to purify the chemical products. Justify.
  • Why the solubility of glucose increases on increasing temperature?
  • Describe that NaCl and KNO3 are used to lower the melting point of ice.
  • Cane sugar cannot be dissolved in benzene. Give reason. 
  • Define solubility giving one example.
  • Define colligative properties. Name important colligative properties.
  • Give the conditions of colligative properties. / Fulfilled.
  • Why some properties are called colligative properties?
  • What are the conditions should be fulfilled to observe colligative properties?
  • elevation of boiling point is a colligative property. Justify it.
  • What are the names of four major parts of apparatus used in Landsberger’s method for elevation of boiling point? 
  • Colligative properties are obeyed when the solute is non-volatile and also when the solutions are dilute. Explain.
  • Write down factors affecting relative lowering of vapour pressure.
  • Why is the vapour pressure of a solution less than pure solvent?
  • State ebullioscopic constant and cryoscopic constant.
  • In summer the antifreeze solutions protect the radiator from boiling over. How?
  • Beckmann's thermometer is used to note the depression of freezing point. Explain with reason. 
  • Define molal freezing point constant giving example. 
  • The freezing points are depressed due to the presence of solutes. Give reasons.
  • Justify all solutions containing 1 mole of non-volatile, non-electrolyte solutes in same solvent will have the same freezing point depression.
  • Boiling points of liquid are increased when solute is added to them. Give reason.
  • Why ethylene glycol is added in radiator of an automobile?
  • Justify that boiling point of solvents increase due to the presence of solute.
  • Define critical temperature. On what factors it depends.
  • Justify the boiling point of one molal urea solution is 100.52 °C but the boiling point of two molal urea solution is less than 101.04 °C
  • What are liquids practically immiscible? Give one example. 
  • Write two applications of boiling point elevation and freezing point depression in daily life. OR Two applications of Colligative properties. 
  • Define "heat of solution" and "hydration energy"?
  • Differentiate between hydration and hydrolysis with two examples
  • What are hydrates? How they are formed?
  • Define hydrolysis with suitable example. 
  • Aqueous solution CuSO4 is acidic in nature. Justify it.
  • Aqueous solution of CH3COONa is basic in nature. Discuss.
  • Why aqueous solution of NH4Cl is acidic but that of CH3COONa is basic?
  • what is meant by water of crystallization? Give an example.
  • Define water of crystallization with one example. 
  • What are partially miscible liquids? Give its two examples. 
  • Important 1st year chemistry chapter 9 important long questions Punjab Textbook Boards.
  • Describe four points of differences between ideal and non-ideal solution. OR Explain positive and negative deviation of non-ideal solution. OR What is the difference between ideal and non-ideal solution. Give two points for each. Also define Raoults Law in two ways mathematically? OR What are ideal solutions? Explain the fractional distillation of ideal mixture of two liquids?
  • Define colligative properties and discuss freezing point depression by Backman's apparatus. (V.Imp) OR Explain Beckmann method to determine depression of Freezing Point. OR What do you mean by depression of freezing point and describe Beckmann's method for measurement of depression of freezing point.  

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