1st Year Chemistry Chapter 11 Notes

Important Complete 1st Year Chemistry Chapter 11 Notes Reaction Kinetics written by Professor Mr. Adnan Haider Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of First-year Chemistry for the students of the intermediate and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Important Fill in the blanks of Chapter Number 11: Reaction Kinetics of First-year Chemistry
  • What do you mean by chemical kinetics?
  • How does a catalyst affect the reversible chemical reaction?
  • Rate of chemical reaction is an ever changing parameter under the given conditions.
  • The reaction rate decreases every moment but rate constant 'k' of the reaction is a constant quantity, under the given conditions. 50% of a hypothetical first-order reaction completes in one hour. The remaining 50% needs more than one hour to complete. the radioactive decay is always a first order reaction: "Those reaction in which the rate of a reaction depend upon the concentration of a single reactant (specie) are called 1st" order reactions.” In the disintegration of a radioactive element, only a single specie is involved in the rate determining step. Hence a radioactive decay is always a first order reaction. e.g. The disintegration of radioactive 92𝑈 235 has a half-life of 710 million years. If 1 kg of 92𝑈 235 disintegrates, then 0.5 kg of it is converted into daughter element in 710 million years. Out of 0.5 kg, 0.25 kg will decay in next 710 million years.
  • The order of a reaction is obtained from the rate expression of a reaction and the rate expression is obtained from the experiment. 
  • How the physical state of a catalyst alters at the end of a reaction.
  • A very small amount of a catalyst may prove sufficient to carry out a reaction.
  • Equilibrium constant of a reversible reaction is not changed in the presence of a catalyst.
  • A catalyst is specific in its action. Justify?
  • what is a negative catalyst? : "When the rate of reaction is retarded by adding a substance, then it is said to be a negative catalyst”. It is also known as inhibitor.
  • What is specific rate constant or velocity constant? Or Define specific rate constant. What is the effect of temperature on it?
  • Differentiate between homogeneous catalysis and heterogeneous catalysis. OR Define heterogeneous catalysis with an example. OR Define homogenous catalysis with two examples.
  • Differentiate between instantaneous and average rate of reaction.
  • How light affects the rate of a reaction?
  • Give two characteristics of enzyme catalysis.
  • Compare molecularity and order of reaction.
  • Write a note on auto-catalyst. OR What is auto-catalyst? Give one example.
  • How surface area affect the rate of reaction give an example.
  • What is an order reaction? Give one example.
  • Differentiate between slow step and fast step.
  • Differentiate between enthalpy change of a reaction and energy of activation of a reaction.
  • The sum of the coefficients of a balanced chemical equation is not necessarily important to give the order of a reaction.
  • Give four characteristics of enzyme catalysis.
  • How light and surface area affect the rate of reactions?
  • How does the Arrhenius equation help us to calculate the energy of activation of a reaction?
  • Define the half-life period and order of a reaction. Describe the half-life method to determine the order or reaction.
  • Write down any four characteristics of a catalyst.
  • What is Catalysis? Differentiate Between Homogeneous and Heterogeneous catalysis with one example in each.

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