1st Year Biology Past Papers

All Solved 1st Year Biology Past Papers written by Honorable Professor Mr. Adnan Haider Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of 1st Year Biology Past Papers of all Punjab Boards (Faisalabad Board, Gujranwala Board, Lahore Board, Multan Board, Rawalpindi Board, D.G. Khan Board, Bahawalpur Board,  Sargodha Board, Sahiwal Board ) for the students of the Intermediate part-I and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • (i) What is embryology?
  • (ii) Define integrated disease management.
  • (iii) What is an apoenzyme?
  • (iv) Give the functions of binding site and catalytic site of the active site of an enzyme.
  • (v) What is the induce fit model of enzyme action? Who proposed it?
  • (vi) What is a virion?
  • (vii) What are smuts?
  • (viii) What is parasexuality?
  • (ix) What are diploblastic animals?
  • (x) What are cnidocytes?
  • (xi) What is a radula?
  • (xii) What are metatherian animals?
  • 3. Write short answers to any EIGHT parts.
  • (i) Differentiate between gram positive and gram negative bacteria.
  • (it) How protists are different from other eukaryotes? (iii) What is evolutionary significance of choanoflagellates?
  • (iv) Give two characteristics of apicomplexans.
  • (v) What is infamous role of phytophthora infestans?
  • (VI) Define flower. What are essential and non-essential parts of flower?
  • (vii) What are homosporous and heterosporous plants? Give examples.
  • (viii) How it was proved that oxygen released during photosynthesis comes from water and not from CO2?
  • (ix) Define photosynthesis. Also write its chemical reaction.
  • (x) Differentiate between peristalsis and antiperistalsis.
  • (xi) What is heat burn or pyrosis? Give its causes.
  • (xii) What is bile? Give its functions.
  • (i) Differentiate between chromoplast and leucoplast.
  • (ii) Differentiate between microtubules and microfilaments.
  • (iii) Draw the chemical formulae of ribofuranose (D-Ribose) and glucopyranose (D-Glucose).
  • (iv) Differentiate between single and double circuit heart with examples.
  • (v) Differentiate between B and T lymphocytes.
  • (vi) Differentiate between breathing and cellular respiration.
  • (vii) What is biological oxidation?
  • (viii) What is serine and who it is formed?
  • (ix) Differentiate between inspiration and expiration.
  • Attempt any THREE questions. Each question carries 08 marks.
  • a) Give the role of Biology in the field of preventive measures of disease control and vaccination.
  • (b) Explain the structure of heart of man.
  • (a) Give an account of acylglycerols.
  • (b) Write a note on economic gains due to Fungi.
  • (a) Write a note on Golgi Apparatus.
  • (b) Explain the process of digestion in cockroach.
  • (a) Describe lysogenic cycle in bacteriophage.
  • (b) Describe non-cyclic phosphorylation during Z-scheme of photosynthesis.
  • (a) Write a note on growth and reproduction in bacteria.
  • (b) Define angiosperms. Explain double fertilization in angiosperms. How angiosperms differ from gymnosperms.
  • 1- Pseudocoelom is characteristic feature of phylum (A) nematoda    (B) echinodermata     (C) mollusca     (D) annelida
  • 2- Histoplasmosis is a      (A) heart disease       (B) kidney disease       (C) lungs disease         (D) liver disease
  • 3- Conjugation in bacteria is promoted by    (A) flagella     (B) pili      (C) cilia      (D) gametes
  • 4- Casparian strips are present in      (A) epidermis     (B) endodermis    (C) cortex    (D) pericycle
  • 5- Most abundant carbohydrate in nature is    (A) starch    (B) glycogen    (C) cellulose     (D) agar
  • 6- One complete heart cycle lasts for about  (A) 0.2 sec     (B) 0.5 sec    (C) 0.8 sec    (D) 1.0 sec
  • 7- In earthworm exchange of gases mainly takes place through  (A) gills    (B) lungs    (C) skin    (D) ostia
  • 8- Number of chloroplasts in each mesophyll cell is about  (A) 70-100     (B) 10-200      (C) 20-100     (D) 20-200
  • 9- Which of the following is a motile coelenterate?     (A) hydra    (B) obelia colony      (C) jelly fish     (D) corals
  • 10 Study of social behaviour of human is called   (A) anatomy  (B) social biology  (C) paleontology   (D) physiology
  • 11- Poisons like cyanides, antibiotics and some drugs are examples of  (A) enzymes  (B) co-enzymes (C) inhibitors  (D) cofactors
  • 12 Orders include related  (A) families  (B) genera  (C) species  (D) classes
  • 13 Entamoeba histolytica causes amoebic    (A) cholera  (B) fever  (C) dysentery (D) migraine
  • 14 Group of ribosomes attached to mRNA molecule is  (A) lysosome (B) polysome  (C) endosome (D) peroxisome
  • 15 In hydra ectodermal cells get food from endodermal cells by (A) osmosis (B) diffusion (C) active transport (D) facilitated diffusion
  • pH gradient drives the formation of ATP across membrane in the process called (a) respiration (b) chemiosmosis (c) calvin cycle (d) conduction
  • 17 Double fertilization is a characteristic feature of (A) gymnosperms  (B) angiosperms (C) bryophytes (D) ferns
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