1st Year Biology Chapter 8 Notes
Important Complete 1st Year Biology Chapter 8 Notes written by Professor Mr. Adnan Haider Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of Fungi of First Year Biology for the students of the intermediate and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.
Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
- Important Multiple Choice Questions of 1st Year Biology Chapter 8 Notes Fungi of First-year Biology.
- Important Fill in the blanks of Chapter Number 8: Fungi of First-year Biology.
- Important Short Questions of Chapter Number 8: Fungi of First-year Biology.
- 1. Example of soil dwelling carnivorous fungus is: (a) Pencillium (b) Arthrobotrys (c) Pleurotus (d) Armillaria
- 2. Most of the visible part of lichen is: (a) Roots (b) Fungi (c) Bacteria (d) Algae
- 3. The lichen which are leaf like are called: (a) Crustose (b) Fruticose (c) All of these (d) Foliose
- 4. The fungi which obtain their food from organic matter are called: (a) Parasites (b) Heterotrophs (c) Autotrophs (d) Saprotrophs
- 5. Mycorrhizae association is present in …….. % of all vascular plants. (a) 85 (b) 95 (c) 75 (d) 65
- 6. The absorptive nutrition of fungi is aided by: (a) They form fruiting bodies (b) None of these (c) Spore formation (d) Their large surface area - volume ratio
- 7. Fungi store surplus food usually as lipid droplets or glycogen in the: (a) Stolon (b) Sporangiospore (c) Spore (d) Mycelium
- 8. Fungi obtain their food by direct absorption from the immediate environment and are thus: (a) Phototrophs (b) Holozoic (c) Ingestive heterotrophs (d) Absorptive heterotrophs
- 9. Lichens are mutualistic symbiotic associations between: (a) Fungi & vascular plants (b) Fungi & mosses (c) Fungi & bryophytes Fungi & photoautotrophs
- 10. Most of the visible part of lichen consists of: (a) Bacteria (b) Roots (c) Fungi (d) Algae
- 11. Asexual Reproduction in yeasts occurs by: (a) Resting Spores (b) Budding (c) Fragmentation (d) Conidia
- 12. In fungi spores are produced inside the reproductive structures called: (a) Ascocarps (b) Basidia (c) Sporangia (d) Conidia
- 13. A single Mycelium may produce upto a kilometer of new Hyphae in only: (a) Five day (b) One day (c) Fifteen days (d) Twenty days
- 14. Conidia are non-motile , asexual spores which are cut off at the end of modified hypae
called: (a) Ascus (b) Sporangiophores (c) Conidiophores (d) Basidium
- 15. A simple breaking of mycelium of some fungal hyphae is called: (a) Karyogamy (b) Fragmentaion (c) Hererogonia (d) Hormogonium
- What are fungi?
Ans: The eukaryotic organisms which have cell wall but cannot synthesize their food are
called fungi.
- What do you mean by Bio-remediation?
Ans: Bioremediation means degrading or removal of environmental poisons or pollutants by
the help of organisms.
- Why is green mould more likely to contaminate an orange kept in refrigerator
than the bacteria?
Ans: ThesFungi can tolerate temperature extremes 5-6 0C below freezing and hence are more
likely to contaminate an orange kept in a refrigerator than the bacteria.
- What are the benefits of mycorrhizae?
Ans: The fungal hyphae of mycorrhizae increase the amount of soil contact and total surface
area for absorption and help in direct absorption of minerals and nutrients from the
- What is the difference between dikaryotic and diploid?
Ans: Fungal cells having two nuclei of different genetic make up are called dikaryotic while
having two sets of chromosomes in the nucleus of a cell or hypha is called diploid
- What is ergotism?
Ans: Ergotism is caused by eating bread made from purple ergot-contaminated rye flour. The
poisonous material in the ergot causes nervous spasm convulsion, even gangrene.