1st Year Biology Chapter 7 Notes

Important Complete 1st Year Biology Chapter 7 Notes written by Professor Mr. Adnan Haider Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of The Kingdom Protista of First Year Biology for the students of the intermediate and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Important Multiple Choice Questions of 1st Year Biology Chapter 7 Notes of First-year Biology.
  • Important Fill in the blanks of Chapter Number 7: The Kingdom Protista of First-year Biology.
  • Important Short Questions of Chapter Number 7: The Kingdom Protista of First-year Biology.
  • 1. The feeding stage of a smile mold is called: (a) Rhizoids (b) Plasmodium (c) Hyphae (d) Myceliu
  • 2. Cell wall in oomycotes is chemically composed of: (a) Proteins (b) Cellulose (c) Lignin (d) Chitin
  • 3. Which of the following is note present in protists?  (a) Cilia (b) Neck (c) None of these (d) Embryo
  • 4. Margulis and schwartz accommodate the diverse assemblage of organisms of protista into: (a) 10 phyla (b) 5 phyla (c) 37 phyla (d) 27 phyla
  • 5. RNA sequencing also indicates that green algae and the plants form a: (a) Biphyletic lineage (b) Tetraphyletic lineage (c) Polyphyletic lineage (d) Monophyletic lineage
  • 6. An outer flexible covering of ciliates is: (a) Cuticle (b) Pellicle (c) Sheath (d) Cell wall
  • 7. The causative agent of African sleeping sickness is: (a) Mosquito (b) Trichonymphas (c) Tse - tse fly (d) Trypanosoma
  • 8. Amoebic dysentery in: (a) Trypanosoma (b) Plasmodium (c) Entamoeba histolytica (d) Amoeba
  • 9. African sleeping sickness is transmitted by: (a) Plasmodium (b) Tse tse fly (c) Trypanosoma (d) Mosquito
  • 10. Entamoeba histolytica cause amoebic: (a) Migraine (b) Fever (c) Dysentery (d) Cholera 
  • 11. The tsetse fly of African countries transmits trypanosome , the cause of: (a) Malaria (b) Sleeping sickness (c) Lung infection (d) Measles
  • 12. The protozoans having two kinds of nuclei: (a) Actinopods (b) Zooflagellates (c) Amoeba (d) Ciliates
  • 13. Trypanosoma is an example of:  (a) Ciliates (b) Zooflagellates (c) Actionopods (d) Apicomplexans 
  • 14. Amoeba moves and obtains food by means of: (a) Cilia (b) Flexing (c) Pseudopodia (d) Flagella
  • 15. Pelomyxa palustris is an example of: (a) Algae (b) Amocba (c) Cilliate (d) Bacterium
  • 16. Pelomyxa Palustris is commonly called:  (a) Trichonymphas (b) Trypanosoma (c) Giant amoeba (d) Entamoeba
  • Write characteristics of protists. Ans: The protists are unicellular, colonial or simple multicellular organisms that posses a eukaryotic cell organization. e.g., Algae, Protozoa. 
  • How zoo-flagellates obtain their food? Ans: They obtain food either by ingesting living or dead organisms e.g., Euglena, Amoeba or by decomposing organic matter. e.g., Slime Algae. 
  • What kind of body algae possessed? Ans: The plant body of algae is thallus i.e., not differentiated into true roots, stems and leave and lack vascular bundles.
  • What stage is called plasmodium in slime molds? Ans: The feeding stage of a slime mold is a multinucleate mass of cytoplasm that can grow to 30cm (1 foot) in diameter. This stage is called plasmodium.
  • Why Euglena is placed in kingdom protists? Ans: They are placed in kingdom protista because they have chlorophyll and are photosynthetic but at the same time it had cell wall and is motile.
  • What are kelps? Ans: The largest brown algae, which are tough and leathery in appearance. Whose leaf like structure called blade, stem like called stipes and root like structure called hold fast.
  • Helpful in the Study of Biological Processes: The plasmodial slime mod Physarum Polycephalum is a model organisms that has been used to study many fundamental biological processes, such as growth and differentiation, cytoplasmic streaming, and the function of cytoskeleton.

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