1st Year Biology Chapter 6 Notes

Important Complete 1st Year Biology Chapter 6 Notes written by Professor Mr. Adnan Haider Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of Kingdom Prokaryotae of First Year Biology for the students of the intermediate and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Important Multiple Choice Questions of 1st Year Biology Chapter 6 Notes of First-year Biology.
  • Important Fill in the blanks of Chapter Number 6: Kingdom Prokaryotae of First-year Biology.
  • Important Short Questions of Chapter Number 6: Kingdom Prokaryotae of First-year Biology.
  • 1. Some spirochetes occasionally reach in length:  (a) 400 µm (b) 500 µm (c) 300 µm (d) 200 µm
  • 2. The diameter of staphylococcus and streptococcus is about: (a) 2 - 6µ (b) 0.75 - 1.25µ (c) 1.5 - 2µ (d) 100 - 200 nm
  • 3. A Square of 4 cocci is termed as: (a) Sarcina (b) Diplococcus (c) Streptococcus (d) Tetrad 
  • 4. Curved or comma shaped bacteria are called: (a) Bacilli (b) Spirochetes (c) Spirilum (d) Vibrio 
  • 5. Rod shaped Bacteria are called: (a) Spirilla (b) Vibrio (c) Cocci (d) Bacilli
  • 6. Oval shaped bacteria are: (a) Spriclla (b) Cocci (c) Vibris (d) Bacilli
  • 7. The smallest bacteria are approximately the size of the largest viruses i.e: (a) Poxviruses (b) Parvoviruses (c) Adenoviruses (d)  Paramyxoviruses
  • 8. Example of rod shaped bacteria is: (a) H.microbium (b) S.Aureus (c) Spirocheta (d) Escherichia coli
  • 9. When cocci form long chain of cells then arrangement is called as: (a) Sarcina (b) Streptococci (c) Diplococcus (d) Tetrad
  • 10. When the division of cell is in two planes it will produce a: (a) Bivalent arrangement (b) Helical arrangement (c) Tetrad arrangement (d) Sarcina arrangement
  • 11. A tetrad is a square of: (a) 8 Cocci (b) 4 Cocci (c) 6 Cocci (d) 2 Cocci
  • 12. When the division is in three planes , it will produce a: (a) Tetrad arrangement (b) Helical arrangement (c) Sarcina arrangement (d) Bivalent arrangement
  • 13. When division occurred is random planes it will produce a …….. arrangement. (a) Streptococcus (b) Bacillococcus (c) Staphylococcus (d) Diplococcus
  • 14. Vibrio is curved or comma shaped: (a) Spiral (b) Bacillus (c) Rod (d) Coccus 
  • 15. If tuft of flagella is present only at one pole of bacteria then these are called as: (a) Amphitrichous (b) Lophotrichous (c) Peritrichous (d) Monotrichous 
  • 16. Primarily involved in conjugation between bacterial cell:  (a) Slime (b) Capsule (c) Pili (d) Flagella
  • Who was the first scientist who discovered bacteria? Ans: A dutch scientist "Antone Van Leeuwenhoek" (1673) was the first to report th microbes such as bacteria and protozoa.
  • Give the postulates of germ theory of disease. Ans: The postulates of germ theory of disease are:  A specific organism can always be found in association with a given disease.  The organism can be isolated and grown in pure culture in laboratory.  The pure culture will produce the disease when inoculated into susceptible animal.  It is possible to recover the organism in pure culture from experimentally infected animals. 
  • What are plasmids? What is the role played by the plasmids? Ans: Many bacteria contains plasmid in addition to chromosomes. These are the circular, double stranded DNA molecules. They are self-replicating and are not essential for Biology notes bacterial growth and metabolism. They often contain drug resistant, heavy metals, disease and insect resistant genes on them, Plasmids are important vectors, in modern engineering techniques.
  • What is the sterilization process? Ans: The process in which we use physical agents to control bacteria/microorganisms is known as sterilization process. Sterilization is deduction of all life forms. 

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