12 Class English Notes

Important Notes on 12 Class English Notes written by Professor Hussan Suib. These computerized questions with their answers are very helpful in the preparation of 12 Class English Notes for the students in 2nd year and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Important class 12 english ch 1 question answer for intermediate students.
  • How is it that a star seldom finds another star near it?
  • What happened when, according to Sir James a wandering star, wandering through space came near the sun?
  • What happened when the wandering star came nearer and nearer?
  • What are planets and how did they come into existence?
  • Important Class 12 English Ch 2 Question Answer for intermediate students.
  • How has the scientific method helped us in our fight against diseases?
  • Write a note on the sanitary conditions available in our cities today and compare them with what they were like a hundred years ago.
  • What are the sanitary conditions like in our villages today and how would you improve them? 
  • How has the scientific method helped us in the production and preservation of food?
  • Important Class 12 English Ch 3 Question Answer for intermediate students.
  • According to the author, there are some boys who fail because they do not try, who are they? Can we help them?
  • How does a mistaken ambition on the part of boys and their parents lead to the failure of boys?
  • OR How are sometimes parents responsible for the failure of their sons?
  • There are some boys who have done well at school but fail to make their mark- at college who are they? Do you have such boys in college in your country?
  • Important Class 12 English Ch 4 Question Answer for intermediate students.
  • What was Daiches’ attitude towards the weak-end school boy? Why did he long for it? OR why did David Daiches like holidays?
  • What was the general view of school life? Why could he never like going to school?
  • He liked holidays for their freedom, freedom from what?
  • How did he spend his summer holidays?
  • Wishes do not come true in this life, writes Daiches. What are the things he longed for but would not have?
  • Important Class 12 English Ch 5 Question Answer for intermediate students.
  • What sort of books were presented by the British public to soldiers?
  • Why should bad books be destroyed?
  • Why is it difficult to destroy books?
  • Why could the author not burn the books?
  • How did he decide to get rid of them? OR What did the writer decide to destroy the useless books?
  • Important Class 12 English Ch 6 Question Answer for intermediate students.
  • How did Jerome K. Jerome come to suspect that his liver was out of order?
  • What were the diseases he thought he was suffering from on reading a book on the treatment of diseases?
  • What was the disease he discovered he did not have?
  • Was he pleased to find he did not have it?
  • Important Class 12 English Ch 7 Question Answer for intermediate students.
  • What light do the following expressions throw on a Leacock’s state of mind when he enters the bank: ‘located timidly round’, ‘shambled in’?
  • Why did the manager come to think that Leacock had an awful secret to reveal?
  • What was the attitude of the manager towards Leacock on learning that he only wished to deposit 56 dollars in the bank?
  • What other blunders did Leacock commit after leaving the manager’s office?
  • Important Class 12 English Ch 8 Question Answer for intermediate students.
  • Why has the word changed its attitude towards China?
  • Discuss the Chinese agriculture system.
  • How does China rely on its own resources?
  • Describe a day in the life of a Chinese student.
  • Important Class 12 English Ch 9 Question Answer for intermediate students.
  • What does hunger mean on a large scale as viewed by the author?
  • Describe some great famines of the past.
  • How do famines occur?
  • What is the main reason for the population increase today?
  • What is meant by birth rate and death rate and how do they affect the population of a country?
  • Important Class 12 English Chapter 10 Question Answers for intermediate students.
  • Give an account of the early career of Abd-al-Rehman I, his dramatic escape,  and his adventures in Africa.
  • How did Abd-al-Rehman deal with the governor appointed by the Abbasid caliph to contest his rule?
  • What did the Abbasid caliph say on receiving the head of his governor?
  • Important Class 12 English Chapter 11 Question Answers for intermediate students.
  • What sorts of questions are asked by your examiners?
  • Why did not Churchill do well in examinations?
  • How did he do his Latin paper?
  • Churchill was taught English at Harrow and not Latin and Greek. Was it a gain or a loss?
  • Important Class 12 English Chapter 12 Question Answers for intermediate students.
  • Give an idea of the size of the Sahara. How does it compare with England?
  • What had Christopher's foster mother to do with his desire to see distant places?
  • How did he manage to get a seat in the weapon carrier?
  • What was the most noticeable feature of the desert city named Ghardaia?
  • Important Class 12 English Chapter 13 Question Answer for intermediate students.
  • What are antiseptics and what is the antiseptic method?
  • What was the chief defect of the antiseptic method?
  • What part is played by the white cells in the blood of a human body?
  • Important Class 12 English Chapter 14 Question Answer for intermediate students.
  • Describe the early life of Pasteur.
  • Give some instances of Pasteur’s patriotism.
  • What do we mean by spontaneous generation?
  • How did Pasteur prove that spontaneous generation was not a fact?
  • Important Class 12 English Chapter 15 Question Answer for intermediate students.
  • What was the attitude of the Turkish government towards the Allies after World War I?
  • Why was Mustafa Kamal sent to Anatolia?
  • What was the reaction of the Turkish patriots to the intention of the Allies to the partition of the Ottoman Empire?
  • Write a note on Mustafa Kamal's activities in Anatolia.

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