11th Class English Past Paper Sahiwal Board 2018 Group 1
Objective and Subjective 11th Class English Past Paper Group 1 Sahiwal Board 2018 Typed by Professor Mahrooz Ahmad Suib. This past paper is very helpful in the preparation for the syllabus of English class 11th for the students of the intermediate and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards such as Sahiwal Board.
Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
- Objective Papers such as Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) 11th Class English Past Paper Sahiwal Board 2018 pdf download for all Punjab Boards.
- In the objective part of the paper, there are 20 mcqs and one mcqs means one mark marking it a total of 20 marks in the objective paper.
- Essay Type Papers such as short questions of Lessons, Plays and Poems, Letters, Applications, Stories, Pair of Words, and Passage English into Urdu in the form of English paper Class 11th for all Punjab Boards.
- Choose the right option of the underlined words in meaning and fill up the bubble: (Book 1, Short Stories, Book III, Plays and Poetry)
- i. The angel had a weary look. (A) angry (B) happy (C) tired (D) sad
- ii. Abul's wife would make outfits for kids. (A) dresses (B) shoes (C) caps (D) handkerchiefs
- iii. The doctor coaxed the sick girl. (A) flattered (B) abused (C) bea (D) cursed
- iv. The white fingers of Della pulled off the paper. (A) ran off (B) gave off (C) made off (D) removed
- v. Jess father would do it if he had to crawl. (A) move fast (B) creep (C) be (D) slaugh
- vi. All the grills were wasteful. (A) ruined (B) safe (C) sound (D) health
- vii. The fearer said to the farer that he would feel granite on the way. (A) bud (B) bioom (C) fruit (D) stone
- viii. An ambitious man makes his mark in the world. (A) tours (B) succeeds (C) fails (D) travels
- ix. The various hats express the quality of the barbei s soul. (A) reject (B) hide (C) indicate (D) conceal
- x. The Second Man says that he is hell. (A) intelligent (B) delightful (C) agreeable (D) upsetting
- Choose the right option for the following and fill up the bubble:
- xi. She saw in the flash of lightning. (A) a dog (B) a bus (C) a car (D) a man's face
- xii. Jim bought a gift of: (A) watch (B) shoes (C) clips (D) the combs
- xiii. Who is "I" in the story "The use of force." (A) the father (B) the doctor (C) the mother (D) the sick child
- xiv. What did the old man cut with his pocket knife? (A) a sapling (B) a flower (C) a wisp of alfalfa (D) a tomato
- xv. What is the scene of the play "The Oyster and the pearl". (A) Farcical play (B) sentimental comedy (C) a house (D) a clinic
- Choose the correct form of the verb and fill up the bubble:
- xvi. If he works hard, he___ the exam. (A) Will have passed (B) had been passed (C) will pass (D) will being passed
- xvii. The principal has just___make a speech. (A) make (B) will make (C) can make (D) made
- xviii. A black sheep___the whole flock. (A) spoil (B) spoils (C) had spoiled (D) spoiled
- xix. They___their lesson tomorrow. (A) will learn (B) learn (C) learns (D) learned
- xx. We to see picture last night. (A) go (B) had gone (C) went (D) will go
- 2. Write short answers to any Six questions (in 3-5 lines) in words of your own. (Book- I (Short-Stories).
- i. What was the offer from Mr. Steward? (Button, Button)
- ii. Describe the climate which the Bittering family faced on the Mars? (Dark they were, and Golden- Eyed)
- iii. Write the public announcement in your own words. (The Piece of String)
- iv. How long had Gorgios to stick to his ambition to achieve it? (The Reward)
- v. What was the behaviour of the child with the doctor? (The Use of Force)
- vi. Ilow did the villagers punish the quack? (The Foolish Quack)
- vii. What was the cause of Negroes discontentment? (I have a Dream)
- viii. Who was Shamim Ahmad? (God Be Praised)
- ix. Ilow did the young man look? (Overcoat)
- 3. Write short answers to any Five questions (in 3-5 lines) in words of your own: Book-III (One Act Plays)
- i. Why couldn't the girl describe the killer??
- ii. Why does the girl not want to go to the police?
- iii. What is the impression of the girl about the Second Man?
- iv. How does Kreton prove his extraordinary powers?
- v. Why does Mr.Spelding call his daughter Miss. Know-it-all?
- vi. What is the purpose of Kreton"s visit?
- vii. How does Harry describe the inhabitants of O.k.by-the-Sea?
- viii. Why does Clay need money?
- 4. Write short answers to any Four questions (in 3-5 lines) in words of your own: (Book-III (Poems)
- i. How does the reader frighten the rider?
- ii. Why has the poet used" Cannonballs" to descri the fruit?
- iii. How does the Sindhi woman walk?
- iv. What is meant by splitting grain?
- v. What is worse than slavery?
- vi. Why does God Call Himself the "Hearing"?
- 5. Write a letter to your younger brother advising him to give up smoking? OR Write an application to the Principal of your college for re-admission.
- 6. Write a story on the moral lesson: Union is Strength" OR "Necessity is the Mother of Invention"
- 7. (a) Explain the following lines with reference to the context:
- Each dark, round drop, A wondrous light will fill
- I hope the Sun shines bright; It will be a lovely sight.
- (b) Punctuate the following extract from Book-1 (Short Stories):
- suddenly he stopped at the edge of the meadow took his pocket knife from his pocket and cut a wisp of alfalfa he held it between him and the sun
- (c) Use any Five of the following pair of words in sentences of your own: (i) accept, except (ii) bail, bale (iii) rain, reign (iv) graceful, gracious (v) gait, gate (vi) vocation, vacation (vii) coma, comma (viii) dew, due.
- 8. Translate the following passage into Urdu (Short Stories Book-1): One evening, as the sun was setting, some travellers stayed to rest under a clump of trees, and, loosening their camels set them to graze. It happened that one of the animals entered a melon-field, and unat a melon stuck in its throat. The owner, seeing this and fearing to lose the animal, tied a blanket round its throat, and then struck the place with all his might. Instantly, the melon broke in the throat of the camel, and it was then easily swallowed. OR