11th Class English Past Paper Multan Board 2017 Group 2

Objective and Subjective 11th Class English Past Paper Group 2 Multan Board 2017 Typed by Professor Mahrooz Ahmad Suib. This past paper is very helpful in the preparation for the syllabus of English class 11th for the students of the intermediate and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards such as Multan Board.

Summary and Contents: 
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Objective Papers such as Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) 11th Class English Past Paper Multan Board 2017 Group 2 pdf download for all Punjab Boards.
  • In the objective part of the paper, there are 20 mcqs and one mcqs means one mark marking it a total of 20 marks in the objective paper.
  • Essay Type Papers such as short questions of Lessons, Plays and Poems, Letters, Applications, Stories, Pair of Words, and Passage English into Urdu in the form of English paper Class 11th for all Punjab Boards.
  • 2. Write short answers (3-5 lines/sentences) of any six questions in words of your own. (Book I-Short Stories)
  • (i) What had the doctors told the old man?
  • (ii) What was the condition of the Bittering family on hearing the news of war on the Earth?
  • (iii) Why did Gorgios go into politics?
  • (iv) Why did the farmers throw the green leaves on fire?
  • (v) State the theme of "I Have a dream". 
  • (vi) How did Zaibunisa help Maulvi Abul?
  • (vii) What does the author like about Christmas?
  • (viii) What was found beneath the overcoat of the young man?
  • (ix) Why did the writer want to keep a diary?
  • Write short answers (3-5 lines/sentences) aces) of any five questions in words of your own. (Book III-One Act Plays)
  • (i)  Why did girl ask for help from First Man?
  • (ii) How did the girl realize the truth?
  • (iii) What type of life do you foresee in year 5000? 
  • (iv) How much damaging is violence in life?
  • (v) How does Harry describe the inhabitants of O.K. by-the-sea?
  • (viii) What is Herry's Philosophy? 
  • (vii) What is Applegarth's complaint about sea?
  • (vi) What has happed to Clay's father?
  • Write short answers (3-5 lines/sentences) of any four questions in words of your own. (Book III-Poems)
  • (i) How can a rainy day be enjoyed?
  • (ii) Why has the poet used "Cannon Balls" to describe the fruits?
  • (iii) What was written on the pedestal of the statue of the king?
  • (iv) What does the phrase "gesture without motion" mean? (The Hollow Men)
  • (v) Why does a person feel helpless on the death of a friend? (My Neighbour Friend Breathing His Last)
  • (vi) What makes one scare of sinning? (God's Attributes)
  • 5. Write a letter to your mother telling her why do you dislike hostel life. OR  Write an application to the Principal of your college for financial help from a special fund.
  • 6. Write a story on the moral lesson. "Haste makes waste"   OR   "Greed is a curse"
  • 7.(a) Explain the following lines with reference to the context.
  • Sheep dogs cannot turn her course;   They slumber on with paws across.
  • In the farm she passes; no one wakes, But a jug in a bedroom gently shakes.
  • (b) Punctuate the following extract from Book-I (Short Stories).
  • why me me me picked up the pocketbook yes you yourself by my word of honour i never heard of it
  • (c) Use any Five of the following pairs of words in sentences of your own.
  • (i) Altar, Alter (ii) Born, Borne (iii) Cell, Sell (iv) Die, Dye (v) Sight, Site (vi) Urban, Urbane (vii) Yoke, Yolk
  • 8. Translate the following passage into Urdu.
  • For a long time there was only the sound of the wind in the late afternoon. Alone, thought Bittering. Only a thousand of us here. No way back. No way. No way. Sweat poured out from his face and his hands and his body; he was drenched in the hotness of his fear. He wanted to strike Laura, cried, "No, you're lying! The rockets will come back"! Instead, he stroked Laura's head against him and said, "The rockets will get through someday."
  • NOTE: (Alternative question for Foreign/English Medium candidates only) Write an Essay on "Internet".

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