11th Class English Past Paper Multan Board 2017 Group 1

Objective and Subjective 11th Class English Past Paper Group 1 Multan Board 2017 Typed by Professor Mahrooz Ahmad Suib. This past paper is very helpful in the preparation for the syllabus of English class 11th for the students of the intermediate and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards such as Multan Board.

Summary and Contents: 
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Objective Papers such as Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) 11th Class English Past Paper Multan Board 2017 pdf download for all Punjab Boards.
  • In the objective part of the paper, there are 20 mcqs and one mcqs means one mark marking it a total of 20 marks in the objective paper.
  • Essay Type Papers such as short questions of Lessons, Plays and Poems, Letters, Applications, Stories, Pair of Words, and Passage English into Urdu in the form of English paper Class 11th for all Punjab Boards.
  • 2. Write short answers (3-5 lines/sentences) of any six questions in words of your own. (Book I-Short Stories) 
  • (i) Why did Norma persuade her husband to agree with her?
  • (ii) Why did the son at the age of six cried and cried?
  • (iii) What was the condition of the boy when the woman gave him a few jerks"
  • (iv) What made Hubert shameful?
  • (v Why was the mouth of the girl bleeding?
  • (vi) (vii) Why did the formers throw wet leaves on fire? What was the advice given by Naushirvan to his people?
  • (viii) Why did Della feet pride in the beauty of her hair? 
  • (ix) What did Maulvi say to Chaudhary when he reprimanded him for a mistake?
  • 3. Write short answers (3-5 lines/sentences) of any five questions in words of your own. (Book III-One Act Plays)
  • (i) Why was the girl forced to leave her car on the road? (Heat Lightning)
  • (ii) What was the girl's impression about the Second Man? (Heat Lightning)
  • (iii) How was the weather condition? (Heat Lightning)
  • (iv) How does Kreton prove his extraordinary powers? (Visit to a Small Planet)
  • (v) What In what ways does Kreton impress General Powers? (Visit to a Small Planet)
  • (vi) What is the theme of Kreton's study?  (Visit to a Small Planet)
  • (vii) How does Harry describe the inhabitants of O.K. by-the-sea?  (Visit to a Small Planet)
  • (viii) Who is Miss McCutcheon? How does she feel about her job? (The Oyster and the Pearl) (The Oyster and the Pearl) of your own.
  • 4. Write short answers (3-5 lines/sentences) of any four questions in words (Book III-Poems)
  • (i) What is the theme of the poem "The Rain"?
  • (ii) Why has the poet used the "Carnnon balls" to describe the truit?
  • (iii) Why does the poet feel helpless on the death of a friend? (My Neighbour Friend Breathing His Last) 
  • (iv) What drawbacks of the Muslims were pointed out by Allama Muhammad Iqbal in "Rubaiyat"?
  • (v) Which are the three main attributes of God as pointed out by Jalaluddin Rumi(R.A)? 
  • (vi) Why does the person question his senses when the facts fail him? (In Broken Images)
  • 5. Write a letter to your friend thanking him for sending you a beautiful gift on your birthday. Write an application to your Principal of your college requesting him to issue you a character certificate.
  • 6. Write a story on the moral lesson  "No Pains, No gains" OR  "Might is Right" 
  • 7.(a) Explain the following lines with reference to the context.
  • A wondrous light will fill, Each dark, round drop;  I hope the Sun shines bright, It will be a lovely sight.
  • (b) Punctuate the following extract from Book-I (Short Stories). six eight hundred I d say living in those marbie runs in the hills sir tall healthy beautiful women
  • (c) Use any Five of the following pairs of words in sentences of your own.
  • (i) Affection, Affectation   (ii) Causal, Casual   (iii) Glass, Gloss  (v) Sail, Sale (vi) Tail, Tale (vii) Week, Weak (iv) Marry. Menywh
  • 8.Translate the following passage into Urdu.  Whatever the question was it was at once understood; royal smiles were directed towards him, and gentle applause broke out from every hand, which he understood at once, and the old bent form Moved on away from the hurdle. Once he raised a hand to touch the lowest of the swings that were hang from the ceiling. But again the applause broke out, assuring him that no actual cuvity was posed of him. And so, having made his bows, he was led to a seat, his life's ambition achieved. must have taken ham inore than sixty years to do it, since first he came by that strange ambition of his. But he did it.
  • 8. NOTE: (Alternative question for Forelan/English Medium candidates only)  Write an Essay on "Patriotism".

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