11th Class English Past Paper Group 1 Faisalabad Board 2018
Objective and Subjective 11th Class English Past Paper Group 1 Faisalabad Board 2018 Typed by Professor Mahrooz Ahmad Suib. This past paper is very helpful in the preparation for the syllabus of English class 11th for the students of the intermediate and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards such as Faisalabad Board.
Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
- Objective Papers such as Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) 11th Class English Past Paper Faisalabad Board 2018 pdf download for all Punjab Boards.
- In the objective part of the paper, there are 20 mcqs and one mcqs means one mark marking it a total of 20 marks in the objective paper.
- Essay Type Papers such as short questions of Lessons, Plays and Poems, Letters, Applications, Stories, Pair of Words, and Passage English into to Urdu in the form of English paper Class 11th for all Punjab Boards.
- Choose the correct option of the underlined words from the columns A, B, C and D and fill up the bubbles:
- 1. Norma stared at the small man. (a) Laughed (b) Looked (c) Taunted (d) Attacked
- 2. The strap broke with a sudden single thud. (a) Jerk (b) Push (c) Rope (d) Power
- 3. Come on, I coaxed. (a) Stopped (b) Closed (c) Proposed (d) Flattered
- 4. All the trees were queer and calm. (a) Shining (b) Strange (c) Tall (d) Short
- 5. The cotton bag contained 150 to 200 rupees. (a) Comprised (b) Controlled (c) Checked (d) Finished
- 6. The drab interior of a bus station along a deserted highway. (a) Inside (b) Inferior (c) Outside (d) Superior
- 7. Spelding is concluding his T.V. broadcast. (a) Coming (b) Running (c) Starting (d) Winding up
- 8. I am expecting a little Saturday business. (a) Writing (b) Sleeping (c) Hoping (d) Doing
- 9. The gradients against her but she's on time. (a) Hurdles (b) Saviours (c) Friends (d) Farmers
- 10. No time to see beneath the boughs. (a) Over (b) Above (c) Under (d) Near
- Choose the correct option for the following columns A, B, C and D and fill up the bubbles:
- 11. What was inside the carton fastened to a wooden box? (a) Push button unit (b) Electric iron (c) Watch (d) Radio
- 12. Who told the story about the young man willing to become a court acrobat? (a) Terbut (b) Philip (c) Jorkens (d) Canady
- 13. "I Have a Dream" is written by: (a) O. Henry (b) Langsten Hughes (c) Martin Luther King (d) Jesse
- 14. Where from did Kreton belong? (a) Earth (b) Moon (c) Mars (d) From some other planet
- Who is the actual murderer? (Heat Lightening): (a) First man (b) Second man (c) Third man (d) Fourth man
- Choose the correct form of verb from the columns A, B, C and D and fill up the bubbles:
- 16. He_____ living in this house for two years. (a) is (b) had (c) was (d) has been
- 17. Pride ____ a fall. (a) had (b) hath (c) have (d) will have
- 18. I knew he ____ right. (a) was (b) is (c) were (d) will be
- 19. Two and two ____ four. (a) made (b) makes (c) make (d) will make
- 20. If he ____ worked hard, he would have passed. (a) had (b) had been (c) has (d) has been
- 2. Write short answers (3-5 lines) to any SIX questions in your own words from Book-I: (Short Stories)
- (i) Why did Arthur disagree with his wife?
- (ii) Why had the old man planted his secret garden on the top of mountain?
- (iii) What was the reaction of woman when the boy tried to snatch the purse?
- (iv) What was the view point of the parents of Gorgios?
- (v) Why did the King weep?
- (vi) What did the Quack do in the next village?
- (viii) How beautiful was the gold watch chain?
- (ix) What was the vexing dream the writer saw?
- (vii) What are the qualities of veterans of creative suffering?
- 3 . Write short answers (3-5 lines) to any FIVE questions in your own words from Book-III: (One Act Plays) 10
- (i) Why did the girl consider first man her helper?
- (ii) Does the girl become suspicious of first man as the play progresses?
- (iii) Why did the girl refuse to go to the police station?
- (iv) What type of life do you foresee in the year 5000?
- (v) What is the role of General Powers in the play?
- (vi) What is the theme of Kreton's study?
- (vii) What does Clay want to put in the local newspaper?
- (viii) Who is Miss McCutcheon and how does she feel about her job?
- 4. Write short answers (3-5 lines) to any FOUR questions in your own words from Book-III: (Poems)
- (i) What does the title of the poem signify? (O Where are You Going?)
- (ii) What did the poet reflect when he saw the woman?
- (iii) What did the traveller see in the desert?
- (iv) What has made the efforts of the Muslims fruitless?
- (v) What is the effect of the death scene?
- (vi) What are the effects of the attributes of God?
- 5. Write a letter to your mother telling her why you dislike the hostel life. OR Write an application to the principal of your college for leave.
- 6. Write a story on the moral lesson: "Haste Makes Waste" OR "Greed is Cursc"
- 7. (a) Explain the following lines with reference to the context:
- "Out of this house" - said rider to reader, "Yours never will" - said farer to fearer,
- "They are looking for you" - said hearer to horror, As he left them there, as he left them there..
- (b) Punctuate the following extract from Book-l: (Short Stories)
- she tried to smile but couldnt arent you curious at all
- (c) Use any FIVE of the following pair of words in sentences of your own:
- (i) Access, Excess (ii) Device, Devise (iii) Fair, Fare (iv) Great, Grate (v) Team, Teem (vi) Sale, Sail (vii) Wine, Vine
- 8. Translate the following passage into Urdu: (Short Stories Book-I)
- "Are you" he seemed to draw back slightly "are you really saying" "I'm saying that they're probably doing it for some research project!" She cut him off. "That they want to know what average people would do under such a circumstance! That they're just saying someone would die, in order to study reactions, see if there would be guilt, anxiety, whatever! You don't really think they'd kill somebody, do you?!"
- NOTE: English Medium / Foreign candidates will write an essay on "Man is a Social Animal".