11th Class English Past Paper DG khan Board 2022 Group 1
Objective and Subjective 11th Class English Past Paper Group 1 DG khan Board 2022 Typed by Professor Mahrooz Ahmad Suib. This past paper is very helpful in the preparation for the syllabus of English class 11th for the students of the intermediate and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards such as DG khan Board.
Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
- Objective Papers such as Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) 11th Class English Past Paper DG khan Board 2022 pdf download for all Punjab Boards.
- In the objective part of the paper, there are 20 mcqs and one mcqs means one mark marking it a total of 20 marks in the objective paper.
- Essay Type Papers such as short questions of Lessons, Plays and Poems, Letters, Applications, Stories, Pair of Words, and Passage English into Urdu in the form of English paper Class 11th for all Punjab Boards.
- Choose the correct option of the underlined words from the columns A, B, C, D and fill up the bubbles:
- 1. Wasteful were all the grills. (a) perverse (b) desolate (c) destroyed (d) lavish
- 2. Arthur's voice was guarded. (a) Careless (b) Careful (c) Rough (d) Sweet
- 3. And gentle applause broke out from every hand. (a) noise (b) signal (c) hint (d) clapping
- 4. It was very inconvenient for the passengers. (a) helpful (b) cheerful (c) troublesome (d) crispy
- 5. The glory of the Lord shall be revealed. (a) deshaped (b) exposed (c) created (d) concealed
- 6. She was put in seclusion till the auspicious day. (a) isolation (b) throne (c) love (d) passion
- 7. The interior of the bus station is drab. (a) music (b) deserted (c) busy (d) dull
- 8. This visit was rather improptu. (a) unplanned (b) unhappy (c) pleasant (d) planned
- 9. Roxanna had an assortment of shells. (a) net (b) cap (c) sack (d) set
- 10. That valley is fatal when furnaces burn. (a) earth (b) ditches (c) ammunition (d) volcanoes
- Choose the correct option for the following blanks from the columns A, B, C, D and fill up the bubbles:
- 11. The sick girl looked as strong as a ___: (a) cat (b) heifer (c) lamb (d) mare
- 12. What did the author send to the rummage sale? (a) old pens (b) old pictures (c) old clothes (d) old shoes
- 13. The man picks up a discarded ___: (a) newspaper (b) magazine (c) letter (d) chair
- 14. The visitor was dressed in the fashion of ___: (a) 1960 (b) 1860 (c) 1900 (d) 1850
- 15. There was a small man ___: (a) in the porch (b) in the room (c) at the door (d) in the hall way
- Choose the correct form of verb from the columns A, B, C, D and fill up the bubbles:
- 16. She ___me yesterday. (a) will meet (b) may meet (c) met (d) meets
- 17. If Dr. Mashal comes to me , I __her. (a) will help (b) helped (c) helps (d) would help
- 18. Money ___the mare go. (a) made (b) would make (c) makes (d) will make
- 19. How long ___teaching? (a) has you been teaching (b) are you teaching (c) have you been teach (d) have you been teaching
- 20. Abdullah generally __English in the class. (a) speak (b) speaking (c) speaks (d) have spoken
- 2. Answer (in 3-5 lines / sentences) any SIX of the following questions from Book-I (Short Stories):
- (i) What was the message Norma received on pushing the button?
- (ii) How did the boy look physically? (Thank you, M'am)
- (iii) What was the condition of the tonsils of the sick girl?
- (iv) How did the sergeant quieten the slave? (The Gulistan of Sadi)
(v) Why did the farmers throw wet leaves on fire?
- (vi) What should the criterion of judgment be for a person?
- (vii) How beautiful were Della's hair?
- (viii)Describe Maulvi's appearance.
- (ix) Why was the Cat shivering? (overcoat)
- 3. Answer (in 3 - 5 lines / sentences) any FIVE of the following questions from Book-III (One Act Plays):
- (i) What were the eireumstances that forced the Girl to leave her Car?
- (ii) How does the Girl behave when it crashes and thunders?
- (iii) How did the First Man paeify the Girl?
- (iv) What is the role of General Powers in the play?
- (v) How much advanced is the civilization of Kreton than that of the Earth?
- (vi) What did Kreton read in General Power's mind ?
- (vii) Why does Clark Larrabee return?
- (viii)Who buys the oyster ? How much does he pay?
- 4. Answer (in 3 - 5 lines / sentences ) any FOUR of the following questions from Book-III (Poems):
- (i) What does the poet mean by "wearing white for Easter tide"?
- (ii) What is the effect of Night Mail on the birds?
- (iii) Write down the condition of the statue given in Ozymandias.
- (iv) What is the theme of the poem "Leisure"?
(v) Describe the scene of devastation as given in "A Tale of Two Cities".
- (vi) What is the dream of the poet in "The Delight Sang"?
- 5. Write a letter to your brother advising him to avoid bad company and pay full attention to his studies.
Write an application to the Principal of your college for College Leaving Certificate.
- 6. Write a story on the moral lesson: 10
"Kindness never goes unrewarded" OR "Necessity is the mother of invention"
- 7.(a)Explain the following lines with reference to the context: 05
Splitting the grain,
You have learnt to set life on foot
Could you split the grain?
One grain to be fed to the ten young ones.
(b) Punctuate the following extract from Book-I:(Short Stories) 05
do you not perceive answered the camel man i wished to show you that what is good for camels is not good for poor old man
and women.
- (c) Attempt any FIVE of the following pairs of words in sentences of your own: (i) Break : Brake (ii) Cell : Sell (iii) Gait : Gate (iv) Idol : Idle
(v) Prophet : Profit (vi) Sail : Sale (vii) Week : Weak
- 8. Translate the following passage into Urdu:(Short Stories Book-I) 15
In the crowd there was a loud mouthed old hag who seemed to have other views. In a loud whisper. She pointed out that several
suits in the dowry had once belonged to woman who had died young. There were others which had been part of Zaibun's
dowry. "Even the bracelets and the gold nose ring are hers, "She added with conviction. "But the gold pendants"? She raised
her eyes and looked towards the heaven as if they were a gift from there.
- NOTE: English Medium / Foreign Candidates will write an essay on "Social Evils".