11th Class Biology Notes

Important Complete 11th Class Biology Notes written by Professor Mr. Adnan Haider Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of First Year Biology for the students of the intermediate and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Our comprehensive 11th Class Biology Notes will ensure you're fully prepared for your exams.
  • Write a short note on cloning. Ans: Cloning: Cloning is the production of genetically identical copies of organisms/cells by asexual reproduction. • Cloning is a technology for achieving eugenic aims. • A clone is defined as a cell or individual and all its asexually produced offspring. • All members of a clone are genetically identical except when a mutation occurs. • Generally no normal animal reproduced naturally by cloning. Several insects and many plants do, in some circumstance whereas few do so regularly. • In 1997 scientists in Scotland succeeded in cloning a sheep. In this procedure the nucleus from a fertilize egg is removed and a nucleus from a cell of a fully developed individual is inserted in its place. The altered Zygotes is then implemented in a suitable womb where it completes its development. The new individual formed in this way is a genetically identical clone of the individual whose nucleus was used. Thus cloning could make multiple copies of a desired genotype.
  • what is gene therapy. Ans: Gene Therapy: Gene therapy is the treatment of the defective gene by introducing normal and healthy gene into the body through bone marrow cells. • It is the insertion of genetic material into human cells for the treatment of a disorder. • It is a new technique in which defective genes are repaired. • In gene therapy, the normal genes are first isolated and then are inserted into the patient through bone marrow. 
  • define acylglycerol? Ans: Acylglycerols are composed of glycerol and fatty acids. The most widely spread acylglycerol is triacylglycerol also triglycerides or neutral lipids. Chemically acylglycerol can be defined as esters of fatty acids and alcohol. An ester is the compound produced as the result of a chemical reaction of an alcohol with an acid and a water molecule is released.
  • what is the role of transfer rna in protein synthesis. Ans: It comprises about 10 to 20% of the cellular RNA Transfer RNA molecule are small, each with a chain length of 75 to 90 nucleotides. It is involved in protein synthesis.
  • what is the secondary structure of proteins? Ans: The polypeptide chain in secondary do not lie flat. They coil into a helix or some other configuration. Common secondary structure is alpha-helix which involves spiral formation of the polypeptide chain. It has 3.6 amino acids in each turn. This structure is kept by the formation of hydrogen bonds among amino acids molecules. Beta-pleated Sheet is formed by folding back of the polypeptide.
  • Enzyme lower down the energy of: a) Kinetics b) Potential c) Ionic d) Activation
  • The activation energy of the reactions is lowered by: a) Coenzyme b) Enzyme c) Substrate d) Product
  • Optimum pH for Pepsin is: a) 2.00 b) 4.50 c) 5.50 d) 6.80 41. 4.
  • ----- is the optimum pH value for the enzyme: a) Chymotrypsin b) Sucrase c) Enterokinase d) Arginase
  • Lock and key model was proposed by: a) Koshland b) Emil Fischer c) Fleming d) Watson
  • A lock and key model to visualize substrate & enzyme interaction was proposed by: a) Rudolph Virchow b) Emil Fischer c) Lorenz Oken d) Koshland
  • If non-protein part is loosely attached to the protein part, it is known as: a) Co-factor b) Prosthetic group c) Holoenzyme d) Coenzyme
  • Coenzyme is closely related to: a) Vitamins b) Minerals c) Water d) Lipid
  • Which one is essential raw material for coenzymes? a) Proteins b) Vitamins c) Carbohydrates d) Lipids
  • Vitamins are the essential raw materials for the synthesis of: a) Coenzyme b) Prosthetic group c) Activator d) Apoenzyme

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