11th Chemistry Chapter 6 Notes

Important Complete Computerized 11th Chemistry Chapter 6 Notes written by Professor Mr. Adnan Haider Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of 11th Chemistry Chapter 6 Notes for the students of the intermediate and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Important Fill in the blanks with answers of Chapter Number 6: Chemical Bonding of First-year Chemistry Punjab Textbook Boards.
  • Why Noble gases don't form chemical bonds?
  • Define octet rule. Give two examples of compounds which do not obey this rule.
  • What is the cause for chemical change?
  • Why the atoms of the elements other than noble gases combine with one another?
  • Define bond energy with two parameters which determine its strength?
  • Compare bond strength of polar and non−polar molecules?
  • Why the covalent compounds show isomerism, but ionic compounds do not?
  • Write short note on atomic radii and ionic radii. Give example. 
  • Why atomic radius is greater than cationic radius?
  • Why cationic radii are smaller than anionic radii?
  • Why cationic radius is smaller than parent atom?
  • Define electronegativity and electron affinity of an atom?
  • Name the factors influencing the electron affinity. 
  • How electron affinity changes in a group?
  • Fluoride has electron affinity less than the chloride. Give reason.
  • Why anionic radius is larger than atomic radius?
  • Why the atomic radii of the atoms cannot be determined precisely?
  • Why the atomic radii increase down the group?
  • Why the atomic radius decreases along period and increases along group? 
  • The size of chlorine 𝐂𝐥 atom is smaller than 𝐂𝐈 − ion. Justify it?
  • Define electronegativity. Give its trend in periodic table.
  • The size of anion is greater than its parent atom. Justify. 
  • Define ionization energy and electron affinity with one example in each case.
  • 1st ionization energy of Mg is lower than the 2nd ionization energy. Explain.
  • How ionization energy does vary in periodic table?
  • Ionization energy decreases down the group although atomic number is increased. Explain it. 
  • Why the ionic radius of Cl− ion increases from 99 pm to 181 pm?
  • Electronegativity increase from left to right in the periodic table. Give reason.
  • How electronegativity values of elements help ds in understanding the nature of chemical bond?
  • Ionization Energy is an Index to the metallic character. Justify it.
  • Define shielding effect and how it varies along period. 
  • How does Shielding effect affect ionization energy?
  • The difference in E.N of bonded atoms is index of polar nature of covalent bond.
  • Define Covalent bond. Give two examples.
  • Define ionic and covalent radii.
  • Differentiate between polar and non-polar covalent bond. 
  • Define polar covalent bond with two examples. 
  • No bond in chemistry is 100% ionic.
  • How coordinate covalent bonds differ from covalent bond?
  • Why polar bond is stronger than non−polar bond?
  • Why CO2 and CS2 have linear structures?
  • NH3 can form coordinate covalent bond with H+ ion. Explain.
  • What is coordinate covalent bond? Give example. 
  • Why ionic bond is stronger than covalent bond?
  • Explain the limitations of Lewis model. 
  • Lone pair of electrons on an atom occupies more space. Give reasons.
  • Write order of repulsion between electron pairs according to VSEPR theory.
  • What is the basic assumption for Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) theory?
  • Draw and explain the geometry of NH3 molecule according to valence shell electron pair repulsion theory.
  • Define lone pair and bond pair of electrons.
  • Discuss AB2 type molecules in the light of VSEPR theory. Give two examples. 
  • Write the Lewis structures for the following compounds (a) HCN (b) CCl4
  • Write the Lewis structures for the following compounds (a) BF3 (b) CH4
  • Why BF3 molecule is triangular planar.
  • Explain the structure of NH3 molecule on the basis of VSEPR theory.
  • Deviation in bond angle in water H2O molecule is more than in ammonia NH3 molecule although both have tetrahedral structures. 
  • Give any two postulates of valence shell electron pair repulsion theory. 
  • Explain geometry of H2S molecule on the basis of VSEPR Theory.
  • Both NH3 and BF3 are tetra atomic but different geometries why?
  • Write two points of valence Bond Theory.
  • Sigma Bond is stronger than Pi−Bond. Why?
  • Tell the number of electron pairs shared in CH4 and how many bonds are polar?
  • Draw the structure of H2O Molecule on the basis of VBT and explain it.
  • Define orbital hybridization of orbitals. 
  • How bond length is affected by change of hybridization state?
  • 𝝅 −bonds are more diffused than sigma bonds. How?
  • Define degenerate orbitals. How degeneracy of orbitals can be lifted?
  • Differentiate between bonding and anti−bonding molecular orbitals.
  • Why the energy of anti−bonding molecular orbital is higher than corresponding bonding molecular orbitals?
  • Draw molecular orbital picture of N2molecule and also calculate its bond order.
  • Why oxygen molecules show paramagnetic behavior?
  • Discuss He-molecules on the basis of MOT. OR Why He2 does not exist under Normal Condition?
  • Represent the molecular orbitals of N2 molecule in the increasing order of energy.
  • Draw the hypothetical orbital picture of He2 molecule according to M.0.T. 
  • Differentiate between atomic and molecular orbital.
  • MOT is Superior to VBT explain.
  • Bond distance is compromise distance between two atoms. Explain with reason. 
  • The abnormality of bond length and bond strength in Hl is less prominent than that of HCI. Why?
  • How the criteria of electronegativity help us to understand the nature of bond?
  • What is difference between bond length and bond energy?
  • Why CH4 molecule is called tetrahedral? Mention maximum number of bond angles in it?
  • Define Covalent Radius with an example.
  • Why sigma bond is stronger than Pi−bond?
  • Differentiate between Sigma and Pi−bond.
  • What information about the molecular structure are obtained from the dipole moment?
  • Why BF3 is non−polar but SO2 is polar?
  • Define "Dipole Moment" and give its mathematical form and S.I unit.
  • Why the dipole moment of SO2 is 1.61 D but that of SO3 is zero?
  • CO2 molecules have linear structure while H2O have angular structure. Comment. 
  • Why the dipole moment of CH4 is zero?
  • The dipole moment of CO2 is zero but that of CO is 0.12 D. Give reason. OR Why CO is polar and CO2 is non-polar?
  • Why no bond can have 100% ionic character?
  • Why CO2 has zero dipole moment and that of water has value of dipole moment 1.85 D?
  • Why the melting points, boiling points, heat of sublimation and heat of vaporization of electrovalent compounds are higher as compared with those of covalent compounds?
  • Why covalent compounds react slowly than the ionic compounds?
  • Reactions between ionic compounds are very rapid, give reason.
  • What is the effect of bonding on solubility of a compound?
  • Ionic compounds are mostly soluble in water but insoluble in non−polar solvents. Give reason. 
  • Explain important points of molecular orbit theory and draw structure of nitrogen (N2) molecule according to this theory.
  • Define dipole moment. Give its Sl units. Also write its significance. Explain the geometry of CO2, BF3 and H2O by dipole moment. 
  • Define Sp² hybridization and on its basis explain the structure of ethane.
  • Define hybridization of atomic orbitals. Discuss Sp3 hybridization in detail. Draw the structure of methane.
  • Calculate the bond order of O2 molecule by making energy level diagram. Also show that it is paramagnetic.

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