11th Chemistry Chapter 3 Notes
Important Complete Computerized Notes of 11th Chemistry Chapter 3 Notes written by Professor Mr. Adnan Haider Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of 11th Chemistry Chapter 3 Notes for the students of the intermediate and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.
Summary and Contents: Chapter No.3 Chemistry Notes Class 11th Download Free PDF
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
- Here are the detailed class 11 chapter 3 notes chemistry to help you prepare for your exams.
- Important Fill in the blanks with answers of Chapter Number 3: Gases of First-year Chemistry Punjab Textbook Boards.
- Write any four properties of liquids.
- Liquids are less common than gases and solids. Justify.
- Why the graph plotted between pressure and volume moves away from pressure axis
at higher temperature?
- Define pressure. Give its various units.
- Define atmospheric pressure. Give its two units.
- Define Boyle's law and give its mathematical expression.
- If you're looking for comprehensive notes of chapter 3 class 11 chemistry, you've come to the right place.
- Why do we get a straight line when pressures are plotted against inverse of volume
for gas?
- What is absolute zero? OR
What happens to real gasses while approaching this temperature?
- What is absolute scale?
- State Charles's Law and write its mathematical form.
- Define Quantitative Definition of Charles's Law.
- What is Fahrenheit Scale? Write formula to convert centigrade scale to Fahrenheit
- Define thermometry. Name the scale and device used for thermometry.
- Derive the units of "R" in general gas equation when the pressure is in atmosphere
and volume in dm3?
- Download the 11th chemistry chapter 3 notes today and start your exam preparation without any hassle.
- Calculate the value of gas constant R in Sl units.
- Derive an expression to calculate density of a gas from ideal gas equation.
- Derive molecular mass of a gas by general gas equation.
- Define Avogadro's law of gases.
- Get access to high-quality chemistry chapter 3 notes class 11 that cover all the important topics.
- Why do pilots feel uncomfortable breathing at high altitude?
- Define Dalton's law of partial pressures. Give mathematical expression.
- How Dalton's law of partial pressure is useful in determining pressure of a gas
collected over water? OR
What is aqueous tension?
- Derive an expression to find out the partial pressure of a gas.
- Animals inhale oxygen and exhale CO2. Why? OR
How does the respiration process involve Dalton's law of partial pressure?
- Our comprehensive notes for chemistry class 11 chapter 3 will ensure you're fully prepared for your exams.
- State Dalton's law of partial pressure. Write its two applications.
- Why do we feel comfortable in expressing the densities of gases in unite of g dm-3 rather than g cm-3 a unit which is used to express the densities of liquids and
- State Graham's law of diffusion and write its mathematical form.
- Why lighter gases diffuse more rapidly than heavier gases?
- Differentiate between diffusion and effusion of gasses.
- Rate of diffusion of NH3 gas is more than HCI gas. Why?
- Why H2 diffuses more quickly than O2?
- Why deep sea divers do not use normal air for breathing in depth of sea?
- What is the effect of pressure and heat on the behavior of gases?
- Apply kinetic molecular theory of gases to explain the Avogadro's law. OR
Derive Avogadro's law from KMT.
- Derive Graham's law of diffusion in the light of kinetic molecular theory of gases.
- Explain Boyle's law in the light of kinetic molecular theory of gases.
- Derive Charles’s law from kinetic theory of gases. OR
Derive Charles's law by kinetic equation of gases.
- What is mean square velocity?
- Why is the plot of PV verses P a straight line at constant temperature and with a
fixed number of moles of ideal gas?
- Describe two causes of deviation from ideality. OR
Give two faulty postulates of Kinetic Molecular Theory.
- Water vapours do not behave ideally at 273 K?
- What is critical temperature of a gas? What is its importance for liquefaction of
- Define critical temperature and the critical volume of the gas.
- Differentiate between critical temperature and critical pressure.
- Why is the Critical temperature of Water is higher than Argon?
- Justify that the volume of given mass of a gas becomes theoretically zero at −273 °C.
- H2 and He cannot be liquefied by Linde's method.
- Give general method for liquefactions.
- Real gases show non-ideal behaviour due to two assumptions of kinetic molecular
theory. Explain?
- Why gases show non-ideal behaviour at low temperature and high pressure?
- Hydrogen and Helium are ideal at room temperature but SO2 and Cl2 are non-ideal.
- Pressure of NH3 gas at given condition is less as calculated by Vander Wall's
equation than that of calculated by general gas equation?
- What is Future Horizon of plasma?
- Write name of fourth state of matter. How can it be obtained.
- Difference between artificial and natural plasma.
- Give two characteristics of plasma.
- State Boyle's law. Give its experimental verification.
- These chapter 3 class 11th chemistry notes are designed to simplify your study sessions.
- What is ideal gas constant "R"? Calculate its value in different units? OR
State and explain general gas equation. Calculate value of "R" in S.I units.
- Explain Avogadro’s number. Explain principal and magnetic quantum numbers.
- What is Dalton's law of Partial Pressure? Also discuss its applications. OR
State and explain Dalton's Law of Partial pressures. Derive an expression of calculating
Partial pressure of a gas.
- A sample of N2 gas is enclosed in a vessel of volume 380 cm³ at 120 °C and pressure of
101325 Nm−2
. This gas is transferred to a 10 dm³ flask and cooled to 27 °C. Calculate the
pressure in Nm−2
exerted by the gas at 27 °C.
- Calculate the mass of 1 dm³ of NH3 gas at 30 °C and 100mm/Hg pressure considering the
NH3 is behaving ideally.
- You can also download the notes of class 11 chemistry chapter 3 for free.