10th Computer Half Book Test Urdu Medium
Important 10th computer half book test urdu medium by Mr. Adnan Haider Suib. These Test series notes are very helpful in the preparation of 10th Class Computer Science Short Questions Urdu Medium for students of the 10th class Computer Science and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.
- Note:- You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C and D. The choice which you think is correct; fill that circle in front of that question number. Use marker or pen to fill the circle. Cutting or filling two or more circle will result in zero mark in that question. Write PAPER CODE, which is printed on this question paper, on the both sides of the Answer Sheet and fill bubbles accordingly, otherwise the student will be responsible for the situation. Use of ink remover or white correcting fluid is not allowed.
- Which function changes the way of displaying output in BASIC? (A) SCREEN (B) PRINT (C) LEFT ($) (D) ABS
- MS-Word is ____ based program: (A) DOS (B) System (C) Windows (D) None of Above
- CTRL+Z is used for: (A) For Redo (B) For Page Break (C) For Find (D) For undo
- Algorithm is a? (A) Requirement Document (B) Design Document (C) Test Document (D) User Guide
- The maximum length of a variable is? (A) 31 (B) 32 (C) 40 (D) 45
- GW-Basic can operate? (A) One mode (B) Two modes (C) Three modes (D) Many modes
- Which of one is not a logical operator? (A) AND (B) OR (C) NEITHER (D) NOT
- Types of array are: (A) One (B) Two (C) Three (D) Four
- A file can be organized in the following ways: (A) One way (B) Two ways (C) Three ways (D) Four ways
- The answer of INT (-5.7) is? (A) -5 (B) -4 (C) -6 (D) 5
- Note: Section–I is compulsory. Answer any THREE (3) questions from Section–I and Answer any TWO (2) questions from Section–II. (SECTION–I)
- Write briefly any Four parts from the followings:
- (i) Define Algorithm.
- (ii) What is Desk Checking?
- (iii) How to load a program in GW-BASIC.
- (iv) Define Variable.
- (v) Define STOP Statement? And write down its Syntax.
- (vi) Define Assignment Statement.
- Write briefly any Four parts from the followings:
- (i) Define subscript in array.
- (ii) What is Vector array?
- (iii) What is meant by array manipulation?
- (iv) Write the definition of Modules.
- (v) What is User-defined function?
- (vi) Write the purpose and Syntax of INT ( ) function.
- 4. Write briefly any Four parts from the followings:
- (i) How many control structures in BASIC? Also write their names.
- (ii) Write the use of Medium-Resolution Graphic Mode in BASIC?
- (iii) Write any two characteristics of MS-Word.
- (iv) Differentiate between Copy and Paste.
- (v) What is the difference between Save and Save-as.
- (vi) Write names of any two kinds of Alignment.
- SECTION–II, Note: Attempt any TWO questions. Each question carries 08 marks.
- 5. Write down guidelines for drawing a Flowchart.
- 6. What is meant by conditional transfer of Control? Explain it using “ON ERROR GOTO” statement.
- 7. Write the Syntax of CIRCLE Statement. Also give example for explanation.
- Answer briefly any Four parts from the followings:
- (i) Write the name of any four steps to solve a problem.
- (ii) What do you mean by Logical error?
- (iii) How commands are executed in direct mode in GW-BASIC?
- (iv) What is meant by GW-BASIC statements?
- (v) Write method to load the program in GW-BASIC.
- (vi) Write any two rules for naming variable sin GW-BASIC.
- Answer briefly any Four parts from the followings:
- (i) Define subscripted variable.
- (ii) How many types of an array? Write its names.
- (iii) What is meant by an array element?
- (iv) Write down the purpose and Format of INT function.
- (v) Write down the purpose and Format of space $ function.
- (vi) Define user defined function.