10th Computer Half Book Test

Important 10th Computer Half Book Test by Mr. Adnan Haider Suib. These Test series notes are very helpful in the preparation of 10th Class Computer Science Short Questions Urdu Medium for 10th Computer Half Book Test of the 10th class Computer Science and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Important class 10 computer half book test for all students of Punjab  Textbook Board.
  • Note: Four possible choices A, B, C, and D, to each question are given. Fill that circle in front of that question number. Use marker or pen to fill the circle. 
  • Algorithm is a ---------: (A) Requirement Document  (B) Design Document  (C) Test Document  (D) User Guide
  • In GW-BASIC, the maximum number of character in a line can be: (A) 255  (B) 270  (C) 355  (D) 380
  • Which of the following Command is used to automatically generate Line Number:  (A) CONT  (B) AUTO  (C) LOAD  (D) RUN 
  • Important 10th class computer half book test for all students of Punjab  Textbook Board.
  • A loop within loop is called:  (A) Complex Loop  (B) Infinite Loop  (C) Nested Loop  (D) Outer Loop
  • The end of WHILE LOOP is: (A) END  (B) STOP  (C) NEXT  (D) WEND
  • The Index of First Element of Array is:  (A) 0  (B) 1  (C) 2  (D) 4
  • In the Statement List [4], the value 4 indicates:  (A) Constant  (B) Array Element  (C) Index  (D) Variable
  • Important 10th computer half book test pdf for all students of Punjab  Textbook Board.
  • Which of the following option is type of Function in BASIC LANGUAGE?  (A) Simple Function  (B) Built-in-Function  (C) Local Function  (D) Built-in-Function
  • In BASIC, User Defined function is called: (A) Procedure  (B) File  (C) Action  (D) Code
  • The Dots that compose the image of a photograph on screen are called: (A) Character  (B) Points  (C) Pixels  (D) Drawing
  • Note: It is compulsory to attempt any (4-4) parts each from Q. No. 2, 3 and 4 while attempt any (02) Question from part II. Write same Question Number and its Part Number as given in the Question paper. (Part I)
  • (i) Define Programming.
  • (ii) Differentiate between Run Time Errors and Logical Errors.
  • (iii) Describe the purpose of WHILE---WEND LOOP.
  • (iv) Describe the Syntax of FOR--- NEXT LOOP.
  • (v) How does IF---THEN Statement works in BASIC?
  • (vi) What is Control Variable?
  • Question No. 3
  • (i) Define LIST COMMAND.
  • (ii) What is the use of SYSTEM COMMAND?
  • (iii) What is the use of Assignment Operator?
  • (iv) How an Array is printed?
  • (v) What is meant by Element of an Array?
  • (vi) Write two statements to fill and array in BASIC.
  • Question No. 4
  • (i) What does a RETURN STATEMENT do?
  • (ii) Write the syntax of User Defined Function.
  • (iii) Write the purpose of RIGHT $ (  ) Function.
  • (iv) What are Data Files?
  • (v) Explain Text Mode.
  • (vi) Write the purpose and syntax of DRAW STATEMENT.
  • (PART– II)
  • 5. Draw a Flow Chart to find the largest of three numbers.
  • 6. Define Operator. Describe different types of Operators used in GW-BASIC.
  • 7. Describe the purpose of SCREEN STATEMENT and PSET STATEMENT and explain with its syntax.
  • Question No. 2
  • (i) Define Program.
  • (ii) What is an Algorithm?
  • (iii) Draw the Flow Chart for IF--- THEN Statement.
  • (iv) Write the output for the following Code.
  • 10 FOR N = 5 To 10 STEP 1, 20 PRINT N, 30 NEXT N
  • (v) Write the Syntax of IF---THEN----ELSE Statement.
  • (vi) What is the use of Sequence Structure in GW-BASIC?
  • Question No. 3
  • (i) What is Q-BASIC?
  • (ii) Define Constant.
  • (iii) What is the use of Logical Operators in GW-BASIC?
  • (iv) How an Array is represented in Computer Memory?
  • (v) What type of Values can be used as Index in Array?
  • (vi) What is meant by Array?
  • Question No. 4
  • (i) What is meant by Built – in – Function?
  • (ii) Define String Functions.
  • (iii) Write the purpose and syntax of RND function.
  • (iv) What is meant by Module?
  • (v) Write the Syntax of Circle Statement.
  • (vi) What is the use of DRAW STATEMENT in BASIC Language?
  • (PART– II)
  • 5. what are the advantages of Flow Chart? Describe the limitations of Flow Charts.
  • 6. Describe about the structure of a BASIC PROGRAM in detail.
  • 7. What is Graphics? Which are Different Modes for Displaying Data in BASIC?