10th Class Physics Full Book Test

Important 10th class physics full book test by Mr. Adnan Haider Suib. These Test series notes are very helpful in the preparation of 10th Class physics Short Questions for 10th class physics full book test of the 10th class physics and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Important class 10 physics full book mcqs test for all students of Punjab  Textbook Board.
  • AND gates can be formed by using two: (A) NOT gates  (B) OR gates  (C) NAND gates (D) NOR gates
  • We can see sound waves by using: (A) Microscope  (B) Telescope  (C) Oscilloscope   (D) Stethoscope
  • A positive electric charge: (A) Attracts other positive charge (B) Repeats other positive charge (C) Attracts a neutral charge (D) Repeats a neutral charge
  • Important 10th class physics full book mcqs test for all students of Punjab  Textbook Board.
  • Which among the following radiations has more penetrating power: (A) A beta particle (B) A gamma ray (C) An alpha particle (D) All have the same penetrating ability
  • Farsightedness can be corrected by using: (A) Diverging mirror (B) Converging mirror (C) Diverging lens (D) Converging lens
  • Wave transfers: (A) Energy (B) Frequency (C) Wavelength (D) Velocity
  • Important physics 10th full book test for all students of Punjab  Textbook Board.
  • The direction of induced e.m.f in a circuit is in accordance with conservation of: (A) Energy (B) Mass (C) Charge (D) Momentum
  • Which is an example of longitudinal waves: (A) Sound waves (B) Light waves (C) Radio waves (D) Water waves
  • The brain of any computer system is: (A) Monitor (B) CPU (C) Memory (D) Control unit
  • What is the power rating of lamp connected to 12 V source when it carries 2.5A current. (A) 14.5 W (B) 4.8 W (C) 30 W (D) 60 W
  • Important physics full book test 10th class for all students of Punjab  Textbook Board.
  • Which of the following quantity is not charged during refraction of light: (A) Its direction (B) Its speed (C) Its wavelength (D) Its frequency
  • In case of simple pendulum which component of weight acts as restoring force: (A) mg sinq (B) mg cosq (C) mg secq (D) mg cosecq
  • Write short answers to any Five questions:
  • Important 10th class physics full book test pdf for all students of Punjab  Textbook Board.
  • Define simple harmonic motion.
  • How damping progressively reduces the amplitude of oscillation?
  • What is the difference between cell and battery?
  • State Coulomb’s law.
  • Define electric potential and write its unit.
  • Important 10th physics full book test for all students of Punjab  Textbook Board.
  • Two capacitors of capacitance 6mF and 12mF are connected in parallel with a 12 volt battery. Find their equivalent capacitance.
  • Why do the electric current cannot pass through insulator?
  • Define specific resistance and write its unit.
  • Write short answers to any Five questions:
  • What is meant by intensity of sound? Write its unit.
  • Important full book test of physics class 10 for all students of Punjab  Textbook Board.
  • Write the audible frequency range of bats and rats.
  • What is meant by echo? Write its one use.
  • What is the relation between information technology and telecommunication?
  • What do you know about INTELSAT and SATOCOM?
  • What is difference between hardware and software?
  • Important class 10 physics full book test  for all students of Punjab  Textbook Board.
  • How can we find the need of phosphate fertilizer for a plant?
  • How can we monitor the thyroid gland in the human body?
  • Write short answers to any Five questions:
  • State the laws of refraction of light.
  • Describe the types of reflection with diagram.
  • How the focal length is related to the radius of curvature?
  • What does magnetic field lines show? Explain.
  • Differentiate between step-up- and step-down transformers.
  • Important class 10 physics full book test pdf for all students of Punjab  Textbook Board.
  • State the principle of an A.C generator.
  • Define thermionic emission.
  • Show that the circuit given below acts as AND gate.
  • SUBJECTIVE PART – II  Note: Attempt any two Questions.
  • Write down the characteristics of series combination of resistors with circuit diagram.
  • A simple pendulum completes one vibration in two seconds. Calculate its length when g=10ms^(-2)
  • Write name of any four parts of computer based information system and explain them.
  • Carbon-14 has a half-life of 5730 years. How long will it take for the quantity of carbon-14 in a simple to drop to one-eighth of the initial quantity?
  • Define nuclear fusion and explain it.
  • A sound wave has a frequency of 2KHz and wavelength of 35 cm. How long will it take to travel 1.5 km?

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