10th Class Computer MCQs

Very Important 10th Class Computer MCQs written by Honorable Professor Mr. Adnan Haider Suib. These notes are very helpful in the preparation of 10th Class Computer MCQs for the students of the Matriculation and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents: 
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Important 10th class computer mcqs pdf for all students of Punjab  Textbook Board.
  • Important Multiple Choice Questions 10th Computer Science full book mcqs pdf of every chapter of Computer Science Class 10.
  • Note: Four possible choices A, B, C, and D, to each question are given. Fill that circle in front of that question number. Use marker or pen to fill the circle.
  • Important 10th class computer solved mcqs for all students of Punjab  Textbook Board.
  • are the values that do not change during the whole execution of program:  (A) Variables  (B) Constants  (C) Strings  (D) Comments
  • For initializing a variable, we use ...... operator.  (A) -->  (B) =  (C) @  (D) ?
  • Important important mcqs of computer class 10 for all students of Punjab  Textbook Board.
  • An element of an array is mentioned by its:  (A) Subscript  (B) Array  (C) Object  (D) Name of Element
  • A variable that holds a large group of similar type of data is called:  (A) Array  (B) Multiple variable  (C) Loop  (D) Structure
  • Important Important mcqs of computer class 10 with answers pdf for all students of Punjab  Textbook Board.
  • Instructions that ae written once in the main program or independently and can be called more than one time in the main program is called:  (A) Control statement  (B) Loop  (C) Subprogram  (D) Selection
  • What will be the output? PRINT ABS ( - 15).  (A) - 15  (B) 15  (C) 16  (D) - 14
  • Important Important mcqs of computer class 10 with answers for all students of Punjab  Textbook Board.
  • The CIRCLE statement can also be used to draw a/an:  (A) Line  (B) Box  (C) Ellipse  (D) PSET
  • Division by zero is: (A) Syntax error  (B) Logical error  (C) Run-time error  (D) Not an error
  • A variable name must start with a/an:  (A) Alphabet  (B) Underscore  (C) Digit  (D) Alphabet or underscore
  • Important Important mcqs of computer class 10 pdf for all students of Punjab  Textbook Board.
  • Which of the following is a type declaration character for integer variables?  (A) ! (B) %  (C) #  (D) $
  • FOR----NEXT is used to implement:  (A) Iteration  (B) Selection  (C) Sequence  (D) GOTO
  • IF----THEN statement relates to which control structure?  (A) Loop  (B) Sequence  (C) Selection  (D) Nested loop
  • Important Important mcqs of computer class 10 pdf download for all students of Punjab  Textbook Board.
  • The diamond symbol represents the:  (A)Input/output  (B) Decision making Processing Remarks
  • If two or more statements are written on a line, they must be separated by a:  (A) Colon Semi  (B) Colon  (C) Comma  (D) Hyphen
  • A variable name must start with: Alphabet Under score Digit Alphabet orA variable name must start with:  (A) Alphabet  (B) Under score  (C) Digit  (D) Alphabet or under score
  • Important 10th class computer mcqs with answers for all students of Punjab  Textbook Board.
  • FOR – NEXT is used to implement:  (A) Iteration  (B) Selection  (C) Sequence  (D) Decision
  • Logical operator is:  (A) NEITHER  (B) AND  (C) +   (D) MOD
  • Valid subscript is:  (A) A (-2)  (B) B (4)  (C) NUM (-10)   (D) A (-3)
  • An element of an array is mentioned by its:  (A) Subscript  (B) Array  (C) Object   (D) Name of element
  • Library functions are divided into _______ categories.  (A) 2   (B) 3  (C) 4  (D) 5
  • Which function returns the absolute value of expression? RND INT ABS LOG
  • The number of graphic modes in BASIC are:  (A) 2  (B) 3  (C) 4  (D) 5
  • For double underline, which shortcut “Key” is used?  (A) CTRL+SHIFT+D  (B) CTRL+[  (C) CTRL+SHIFT+M  (D) SHIFT+F3
  • Which one of the following bars provide the information about application software? (A) menu bar (B) tool bar  (C) status bar  (D) scroll bar
  • Which one of the followings is not a valid graphic mode command?  (A) LINE  (B) PSET  (C) COLOR  (D) None of these 
  • Tan(x) = ?  (A) SIN (X) / COT (X)  (B) COT (X)  (C) COS (X) / SIN (X)  (D) SIN (X) / COS (X) 
  • The output of a function INT (-5.7) is:  (A)-5  (B)-4  (C)-6  (D) 5

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