10th class chemistry chapter 1 notes
Complete Notes of Chapter No. 9: Chemical Equilibrium Class 10 Notes or 10th class chemistry chapter 1 notes in Chemistry Urdu Medium by Mr. Tasneem Haider. These computerized notes are very helpful in the preparation of 10th class chemistry chapter 1 notes for students of the 10th class Chemistry and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.
Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
- Here are the detailed chemistry class 10 ch 1 notes to help you prepare for your exams.
- Important Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) of Chapter No. 9: Chemical Equilibrium for Chemistry Urdu Medium 10th Class.
- Important Short Questions of Chapter No. 9: Chemical Equilibrium for Chemistry Urdu Medium 10th Class.
- Introduction: Generally, we presume that most chemical and physical changes proceed to completion. A complete reaction is one in which all reactants have been converted into products. However, most chemical reactions do not go to completion because products react themselves to form the reactants. As a result, after sometime no further change takes place. Quantities of reactants and products remain unchanged and it seems that the reaction has stopped. In fact, these reactions do not stop; rather they take place on both directions at equal rate and attain the equilibrium state. Such reactions are called reversible reactions. Many examples of physical and chemical equilibrium are found in nature.
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- Many environmental systems depend for their existence on delicate equilibrium phenomenon. For example, concentration of gases in lake water is governed by the principles of equilibrium. The lives of aquatic plants and animals are indirectly related to concentration of dissolved oxygen in water.
- REVERSIBLE REACTION AND DYNAMIC EQUILIBRIUM: In a chemical reaction, the substances that combine are called reactants and the new substances formed are called products. For example, when H2 and O2 (reactants) combine they form H2O (product).
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- Most of the reactions, "in which the products do not recombine to form reactants, are called irreversible reactions". They are supposed to complete and are represented by putting a single arrow between the reactants and products. On the other hand, "reactions in which the products can recombine to form reactants are called reversible reactions". These reactions never go to completion. They are represented by a double arrow between reactants and products. These reactions proceed in both ways, i.e., they consist of two reactions; forward and reverse. So, a reversible reaction is one which can be made to proceed in either direction depending upon the conditions.
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- Let us discuss a reaction between hydrogen and iodine. Because one of the reactants, iodine is purple, while the product hydrogen iodide is colourless, proceedings of the reaction are easily observable. On heating, hydrogen and iodine.
- Vapours in a closed flask, hydrogen iodide is formed. As a result, purple colour of iodine fades as
it reacts to form colourless hydrogen iodide,
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- This reaction is called as forward reaction.
On the other hand, when only hydrogen iodide is heated in a closed flask, purple colour appears
because of formation of iodine vapours.
- In this case, hydrogen iodide acts as reactant and produces hydrogen and iodine vapours. This
reaction is reverse of the above. Therefore, it is called as reverse reaction.
- When we think of the term equilibrium, the first word that usually comes to mind is “balance”. However, the balance may be achieved in a variety of ways.
- Thus, when the rate of the forward reaction is the same as the rate of reverse reaction, the composition of the reaction mixture remains constant, it is called a chemical equilibrium state. At equilibrium state there are two possibilities.
- 1. When reaction ceases to proceed, it is called static equilibrium. This happens mostly in physical phenomenon. For example, a building remains standing rather than falling down because all the forces acting on it are balanced. This is an example of static equilibrium.
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- 2. When reaction does not stop, only the rates of forward and reverse reactions become equal to each other but take place in opposite directions. This is called dynamic equilibrium state. Dynamic means reaction is still continuing.