10th Class Biology Half Book Test

Important 10th Class Biology Half Book Test by Mr. Adnan Haider Suib. These Test series notes are very helpful in the preparation of 10th Class Biology Short Questions English Medium and Urdu Medium for 10th Class Biology Half Book Test of the 10th class Biology and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.

Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
  • Important 10th biology half book test for all students of Punjab  Textbook Board.
  • Very Important Multiple Choice Questions of Biology in Urdu and English Medium class 10 from previous past papers of all Punjab Boards.
  • Important Short and Long Questions of Biology in Urdu and English Medium class 10 from previous past papers of all Punjab Boards.
  • Important 10th class biology half book test pdf for all students of Punjab  Textbook Board.
  • Note: Four possible answers A, B, C and D to each question are given. The choice which you think is correct, fill that circle in front of that question with Marker or Pen ink.
  • Two glands are situated above the kidneys:  (A) Adrenal  (B) Thyroid  (C) Pancreas  (D) Parathyroid
  • Important 10th class biology half book test for all students of Punjab  Textbook Board.
  • He wrote three books on diseases and surgery of eye:  (A) Abdul Malik Asmai  (B) Ali ibn Isa  (C) Ibn al-Haytham  (D) Bu Ali Sena
  • Which hormone develops the male secondary sex characters?  (A) Insulin  (B) Progesterone  (C) Testosterone  (D) Estrogen
  • Important 10th class biology 1st half book test for all students of Punjab  Textbook Board.
  • Temporal lobe is concerned with:  (A) Visual information  (B) Hearing and smell  (C) Fear   (D) Control of skeletal muscle
  • Owl is not able to see during day time due to deficiency of:  (A) Retina  (B) Rods Cells  (C) Fovea  (D) Cone cell
  • Rods contain a pigment:  (A) Rhodopsin  (B) Vitreous Humour  (C) Aqueous Humour  (D) iodopsin
  • Important class 10 biology half book test for all students of Punjab  Textbook Board.
  • Decreases the level of calcium ions in blood:  (A) oxytocin  (B) calcitonin  (C) parathormone  (D) vasopressin
  • In neuron, nucleus is found in:  (A) axons  (B) node of Ranvier  (C) cell body  (D) myelin sheath
  • A hormone testosterone is secreted by:  (A) thyroid gland  (B) pancreas  (C) adrenal gland  (D) gonads
  • Important 10th biology 2nd half test for all students of Punjab  Textbook Board.
  • Oval window is found in:  (A) middle ear  (B) internal ear  (C) eye  (D) external ear
  • Myelin sheath is secreted by cells:  (A) red blood  (B) Schwann  (C) dendrites  (D) Winds blood
  • Which one is not included in the symptoms of diabetes mellitus?  (A) loss of weight  (B) weakening of muscles  (C) tiredness  (D) difficulty in breathing
  • Important class 10th half book test for all students of Punjab  Textbook Board.
  • Write same question number and its part number on answer book, as given in the question paper.
  • Attempt any five parts.
  • (i) What is double pneumonia? Write reason.
  • (ii) Write symptoms of Bronchitis.
  • (iii) What is arteriosclerosis? Describe briefly.
  • (iv) What is difference between transpiration and guttation?
  • (v) Write two benefits of Homeostasis.
  • (vi) Define coordination with example.
  • (vii) Write the functions of Rods and Cones.
  • (viii) Write the names of four parts of Eye.
  • Attempt any five parts.
  • (i) Differentiate between Exoskeleton and Endoskeleton.
  • (ii) What are Hinge joints? Give an example.
  • (iii) How does yeast reproduce asexually?
  • (iv) What is parthenogenesis?
  • (v) How does double fertilization occur?
  • (vi) Differentiate between homozygous genotype and heterozygous genotype.
  • (vii) State law of independent assortment.
  • (viii) Differentiate between Co-dominance and incomplete dominance. 
  • Attempt any five parts.
  • (i) Define Ecosystem.
  • (ii) Define Biogeochemical Cycle.
  • (iii) Differentiate between population and community.
  • (iv) Define genetic engineering.
  • (v) Define fermentation.
  • (vi) What is meant by pharmaceutical drugs?
  • (vii) Name any four sources of medicinal drug?
  • (viii) Write down the role of “Joseph Lister”.
  • SECTION – II,  Note: Attempt any three questions.
  • (A) Write note on kidney Transplant.
  • (B) Explain spinal cord with the help of diagram.
  • (A) What is meant by Cartilage? Explain its three types.
  • (B)  Explain make reproductive system of rabbit with label diagram.
  • (A) Describe the stages of Nitrogen cycle.
  • (B) Explain the basic steps of Genetic engineering.

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