10th Chemistry Chapter Wise Test PDF Urdu Medium
Important 10th Chemistry Chapter Wise Test PDF Urdu Medium by Mr. Tasneem Haider. These computerized notes are very helpful in the preparation of 10th Chemistry Chapter Wise Test PDF Urdu Medium for students of the 10th class Chemistry and these are according to the paper patterns of all Punjab boards.
Summary and Contents:
Topics which are discussed in the notes are given below:
- Here are the detailed 10th class chemistry chapter wise test urdu medium to help you prepare for your exams.
- Important complete Chapter wise Test Series Multiple of Chemistry Urdu Medium 10th Class.
- You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C and D. The choice which you think is correct, fill that circle in front of that question number, use marker or when to fill the circles.
- For the reaction between PCl_3 to form PCl_5, the units of K_c are: (A) mol dm^3 (B) mol^(-1) dm^3 (C) mol^(-1) dm^3 (D) mol dm^3
- You can also download the 10th class chemistry chapter wise test pdf urdu medium for free.
- The conjugate acid of HPO_4^(2-) is: (A) PO_4^(3-) (B) H_2 PO_4^(2-) (C) H_2 PO_4^- (D) H_3 PO_4
- Which of the following compound is not a base: (A) Aqueous ammonia (B) Sodium chloride (C) Sodium carbonate (D) Calcium oxide
- Coal having 90% carbon contents is called: (A) Peat (B) Lignite (C) Anthracite (D) Bituminous
- Which one of these hydrocarbon molecule will not effect on bromine water: (A) C_2 H_2 (B) C_2 H_4 (C) C_10 H_20 (D) CH_4
- Which one of the following is a disaccharide: (A) Glucose (B) Fructose (C) Sucrose (D) Starch
- Which of the following is a tastless: (A) Starch (B) Glucose (C) Sucrose (D) Fructose
- About 99% atmosphere’s mass lies with in: (A) 30 km (B) 35 km (C) 15 km (D) 11 km
- Which metal in acid rain effects aquatic life by clogging fish gills: (A) Lead (B) Chromium (C) Mercury (D) Aluminium
- Specific heat capacity of water is: (A) 4.2kJg^(-1) K^(-1) (B) 4.2Jg^(-1) K^(-1) (C) 2.4kJg^(-1) K^(-1) (D) 2.4Jg^(-1) K^(-1)
- Which one of the following salt makes water permanently hard: (A) Na_2 CO_3 (B) NaHCO_3 (C) Ca(HCO_3 )_2 (D) CaSO_4
- Crude oil is heated in the furnace upto: (A) 300°C (B) 350°C (C) 400°C (D) 450°C
- SECTION-B, Write short answers to any Five questions:
- What are irreversible reactions? Give one example.
- Write two characteristics of reversible reaction.
- How is coal formed?
- Define structural formula. Give an example.
- What is an ester group? Write formula of ethyl acetate.
- How are alkyl radicals formed?
- Why are the alkenes called olefins?
- Write two uses of ethane.
- Write short answers to any Five questions:
- Why is a salt neutral?
- What are complex salts?
- How are the salts named?
- What is the significance of vitamins?
- Differentiate between glucose and fructose.
- What is capillary action?
- If you're looking for comprehensive 10th class chemistry chapter wise test pdf urdu medium download, you've come to the right place.
- Explain the chemistry of removing the temporary hardness by boiling water.
- Why is the water molecule polar?
- Write short answers to any Five questions:
- How is acid rain produced?
- Why is CO_2 called a green house gas?
- What are primary pollutants? Give two examples.
- How is ozone layer beneficial for life on the earth?
- What role is played by pine oil in the froth flotation process?
- Write two advantages of Solvay’s process.
- How is NaHCO_3Converted toNa_2 CO_3?
- Write down two uses of kerosene oil.
- SECTION-C, Note: Attempt any two Questions.
- (a). Write down chemical properties of acids.
- (b). How K_c helps to predict the direction of reaction? Explain.
- (a). Define hard water. Explain the two methods of removing permanent hardness.
- (b). Describe four uses of carbohydrates.
- (a). Explain the Bessemerization process with balanced chemical equations.
- (b). Write any four uses of ethylene.